Hey y’all, here we are again, approaching another Expansion pack. Been a crazy year or so, not exactly the smoothest I’ve ever been part of, but it has been exciting.

Here are some highlights from a QA perspective:

A new bug tracking tool! Woot. Finally. Yes, we do not lose your bugs to the Astral plane anymore. There is still a bug with reporting from in game that stinks, but the eggheads are working on it.

Mac Client! Woot for someone I guess.

New Lamma and Mournlands focus- I thank Squeak and the Kookie for upping the game on communication from the community. They may not speak much, but all the data from both of these communities is now meticulously tracked.
For example:
Update 18 – Disciples of Shadow Quests
Disciples of Shar:
15 players responded to the Disciples of Shar survey. Most participants were either level 25 or level 15 characters, and 73% were Bladeforged Paladins. Most players soloed Disciples of Shar:

Half of the participants stated that the “quest is fun” while the other half stated that it is “dull” or “very dull”
Then there are pretty pie charts and graphs…direct quotes and fun stuff like that.

Bugs? Right. You probably want to know about bugs. Let’s first talk about the fiction that Turbine does not fix anything.
Over the past year how many bugs do you think have been addressed? It is a scary large number, which I’m a jerk and I’m not going to share, but it is more than 14 mountains in the world are high in meters.

Some questions I have been asked:
Whats up with the spider Mask? Fixed in the next patch.
Goggles DEY SHOW NOTHING!-Also fixed in the Patch
I have no questions lately about handwraps…slackers.

What’s up with the Owlbear?
He is being adjusted for the next patch.
The Owlbear Defender hirelings (both level 17 and 25) have had the following changes:
-Armor Class significantly increased
-Fire Absorption increased from 20% to 50%
-Cold Absorption increased from 20% to 50%
-Acid Absorption increased from 20% to 50%
-Electric Absorption increased from 20% to 50%
-Sonic Absorption 50% added
-They now have limited ability to heal themselves when at low health.
What's involved in epic TR?
We have a design, but we are not willing to talk about it yet. Stay tuned, there will be a dev at some point that will pontificate about this.

When will spell casting be fixed/adjusted for Lore/crit damage?
This will be fixed completely for the expansion pack. There may be some band aids in U18 p2

Are the ToD rings ever going to be updated to reflect the enhancement pass?
There is a plan, but it is more complex than you may think, not any time soon.

When are we going to see a racial PrE that ISN’T Arcane Archer?
There is a plan for this too, no idea of an ETA.

What are the chances of the Combat Archery epic feat ever working?
It is in the bug pile.

Are the people making decisions going to listen to us when it comes to the enhancement pass?
Yes they are. 100’s of player bugs and comments have been sent over to dev. I have full reports from surveys, and conversations with players, that along with internal testing paints a pretty clear picture of the good, bad and ugly of the Enhancement system. There is already some pretty big redesigns to the UI and some of the classes…like Clerics.

Why do so many bugs that get reported in Lamannia still make it through to the live servers?
Usually it is a time issue. We have a schedule to keep, and sometimes the stuff gets kicked to a patch or later. It is just part of the ugly truth of MMO development.

Will the lag ever be fixed?
There are fixes to lag issues all the time. Some are pretty sticky, but yes this is one of the things that the game platform group is always trying to improve on all our games.

Will there ever be a fix to loot tables so that non hardcore players can eventually get the top end gear?
Right now the way we set up loot is all difficulties have the same % of loot, but it is different loot for each difficulty. There is talk about an upgrade system.

Will there be a sensible crafting revamp?
I know of no crafting upgrades or revamps in the near future.

What's Belichick up to with these joint practices with the Eagles?
Bill always believes in joint practices. He has done it in the past with the Giants, New Orleans and Tampa Bay. It’s good for both teams, and good for new ideas into the leadership team of the two franchises involved.