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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2009

    Default xbowers need some better levelling items

    So if you're a two-handed melee TR, you go from Carnifex at level 4 to SOS at 10 to GS at 12 and you're done till 20 pretty much Even without a GS, SOS will get you there.

    Low-level xbows are pretty stinky. I'd love to see some kind of carnifex equivalent or at least something that doesn't require me to craft a holy/bleed xbow.

    Suggestions (and where they can go):

    Trick Shot (New Item from Carnival Chain)
    Light Repeating Xbow
    +2 enhancement
    1d8 +2
    Crit: 19-20x4
    on vorpal, target is stunned
    ML 4
    "Used by carnival performers to amaze the crowds and leave the speechless"

    Dual-shot (New Item from Catacombs)
    Heavy Repeating Xbow
    +2 enhancement
    1d10 +2
    Crit 17-20x2
    Doublestrike 3%
    ML 2
    "The threads of the Duality are woven into the fibers of this crossbow, causing it to sometimes strike it's opponent twice"

    The Money Launderer (New Item from Sharn Chain)
    +1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow
    ML 2 1d10
    Crit 17-20x2
    On Vorpal, target is blinded
    "Good for cleaning up all sorts of messes"

  2. #2
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Last time I ran a repeater arti I was one shotting everything up to about level 9 with just a loot gen acid lacerating xbow. Between 9 and 11, it took 2 shots on most mobs on elite.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    I like the flavor texts. The crit profiles as suggested would make them fairly broken, though.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by EvilII View Post
    I like the flavor texts. The crit profiles as suggested would make them fairly broken, though.
    Agreed on both points. And by "fairly" he means "very". Adding stunning/blinded = brutal.

    Before they revamped a bunch of items with the augment slot pass I don't think there were many weapons at all below GS that warranted any real attention, with Carnifex being the all too well known exception. Asking for 3 stupidly good repeaters at ML 2, 2, and 4 is probably not going to work. Just a thought.

  5. #5
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    I have a ml 4 lacerating of bleeding that one shots everything till about lvl 9, when I switch to a cold burst of good or something, and two-shot everything till lvl 12 GS. At that point, I go back to 1-shotting everything till lvl 15 or so, waiting for my tier 2 alchemical at 18...

    However, it would be very, very nice if we had a larger number of named repeaters in low-mid levels.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    I think part of the problem is, for repeaters, lootgen mods are too powerful if you start sticking more than 2-3 on one weapon. First off, at L10 a Paralyzing/Disruption/Banishing/Smiting RXB has you covered for like 90% of content. All RXBs is really lacking is an awesome pure-DPS model...Holy of Pure Good is still a good option, especially since (for Artis) you can layer on several additional buffs for more damage. And there are loot options that give you proc-on-hits that excel when used with RXBs, too.

    GS at L12 gives you great DPS, I assume. Cormyrians at L16 are also really viable, with a damage mod and a CC mod, depending on how long you grind to get a good combo. Cormyrians at L16 basically are like Cannith rapiers or scimitars at L12 (L10 with MC). So its only a 4-6 level gap between melee and repeaters.

    Plus, dont forget the EP is going to change everything. Repeater builds, I think, are going to straight up own all levels of Heroic content with Inferno Shot (AA) and Called Shot (DS). Inferno gives you triple hits with increased weapon die and triple stacks of DOT every time with a repeater (tested back on Lammania) and Called Shot gives you triple hits with increased weapon die and crit profile (like Adrenaline) that you can basically cycle constantly.

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