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Hey Certon,
I am on a 4th life with a currently 6 Druid / 1 Rogue now. I am also mostly soloing.
Some differences:
-Im Only taking 1 level Rogue becoz low reflex wouldn't make evasion useful for my build.
-No points in Spot. Useful but can also memorize after first run if the first run fails. My Int is 14 and i put points in Concentration/Disable/Search/Balance/UMD (Balance and UMD will not be maxed but will come close at 20)
-Luckily found a nice +1 Frost Scimitar of Lacerating myself. Still using it now. (Better crit than sickle)
-My starting stats are: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 8
Yes, i've been meleeing 90% of the time, with entangle. Some Creeping Cold for hard to reach enemies. I am finding the lack of an AOE spell. I will get Ice Storm at 7/1, so looking forward to that. Sucks that Firewall will have to wait 3 more levels!
I haven't tried Alacrity but I don't think it stacks with haste (Not sure).
I expect that things will pick up once I get Ice Storm. For you that's at 7/2 (Level 9). Two more levels.
I will probably craft a Holy Scimitar of Bleeding or Ice Scimitar of Bleeding with at least a +3 or 4. If level 12 comes sooner than that, then I'm planning to make a LitII Scimitar. (Thought about whether to get a Qstaff, Rapier or Scimitar) and looks like Scimitar is going to be it.
I've never worked on a Dex AC build and the gear required intimidates me so I've always made dump Dex chars. Are you going the AC path? How's that going? What are your starting stat points?
Good luck! I play on Sarlona