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Thread: Level 20 Gear

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Level 20 Gear

    Hello all.

    I just reached level 20 with my druid and an hoping some1 will be able to help me with what gear to try and get now.

    I play as a melee wolf so i know str is important but just wondering were about i can go for things like seal and shards etc.

    Any help and advice would be great tyvm

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Azurchaos View Post
    Hello all.

    I just reached level 20 with my druid and an hoping some1 will be able to help me with what gear to try and get now.

    I play as a melee wolf so i know str is important but just wondering were about i can go for things like seal and shards etc.

    Any help and advice would be great tyvm
    The commendation turn-ins in Eveningstar are really good for level 20 and easy to get. The Purple Dragon Knight gauntlets are really good, and the Villager belt and bracers are also good.


  3. #3
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Cannith challenge items are really good for a Druid.
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    I'm curious as well, since my druid (WIS-based bear build) is almost lvl 20. I've already got ML:16 versions of Cloak of Night, Bracers of Wind, Rock Boots (which I'll upgrade to epic when I get the chance); Minos Legens; some other junk. I've got the added caveat that I mostly solo, so I'm looking for stuff I can farm on my own, not a long list of raid gear.

    Right now what I'm looking at:
    Armor: Leaves of the Forest or Woodsman's Leather (depends on whether I have Evasion from Primal Avatar); flawless dragonscale or Terrorweb Chitin if I go raiding
    Shield: Wall of Wood or alchemical
    Trinket: epic GoMF if I go for Red Fens sets; otherwise ???
    Wrist: Bracers of Sun Soul OR Wind Bracers
    Belt: Belt of Sun Soul
    Helm: Minos Legens until I have Heavy Fort + Vitality elsewhere; PD Helm later?
    Boots: eMire OR Rock Boots OR ???
    Cloak: Cloak of Night OR ???
    Gloves: eClaw OR PD Gauntlets
    Goggles: eRaven OR drow smoke OR ???
    Ring 1: eSacred Band OR ???
    Ring 2: eStalker OR ???

    I know the epic Red Fens sets are considered obsolete, but I honestly don't know what to replace them with. Basically what I'm looking for are:
    • Survivability bonuses: HPs, CON, DEX, Fortification, Blurry, Ghostly, +saves, PRR. On the fence about AC: I'd like it if I can get it (good enough for, say, eHard runs); but it seems like a PITA on a pure druid, given no hvy armor, no tower shield prof, and only non-metal.
    • Caster bonuses: Devotion, Magnetism, Glaciation are the main ones I want, Combustion if I can afford it; or maybe I'd settle for a decent Potency item.
    • DPS bonuses: STR, Seeker, Manslayer, anything else I can get.
    • Tanking bonuses: originally this was meant to be a bear hate-tank, which meant I wanted threat & heal amp (hence eClaw gloves + eGoMF). Given how disappointing bear is for tanking, though, I might drop this.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Community Member Sokól's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I'm curious as well, since my druid (WIS-based bear build) is almost lvl 20. I've already got ML:16 versions of Cloak of Night, Bracers of Wind, Rock Boots (which I'll upgrade to epic when I get the chance); Minos Legens; some other junk. I've got the added caveat that I mostly solo, so I'm looking for stuff I can farm on my own, not a long list of raid gear.

    Right now what I'm looking at:
    Armor: Leaves of the Forest or Woodsman's Leather (depends on whether I have Evasion from Primal Avatar); flawless dragonscale or Terrorweb Chitin if I go raiding
    Shield: Wall of Wood or alchemical
    Trinket: epic GoMF if I go for Red Fens sets; otherwise ???
    Wrist: Bracers of Sun Soul OR Wind Bracers
    Belt: Belt of Sun Soul
    Helm: Minos Legens until I have Heavy Fort + Vitality elsewhere; PD Helm later?
    Boots: eMire OR Rock Boots OR ???
    Cloak: Cloak of Night OR ???
    Gloves: eClaw OR PD Gauntlets
    Goggles: eRaven OR drow smoke OR ???
    Ring 1: eSacred Band OR ???
    Ring 2: eStalker OR ???

    I know the epic Red Fens sets are considered obsolete, but I honestly don't know what to replace them with. Basically what I'm looking for are:
    • Survivability bonuses: HPs, CON, DEX, Fortification, Blurry, Ghostly, +saves, PRR. On the fence about AC: I'd like it if I can get it (good enough for, say, eHard runs); but it seems like a PITA on a pure druid, given no hvy armor, no tower shield prof, and only non-metal.
    • Caster bonuses: Devotion, Magnetism, Glaciation are the main ones I want, Combustion if I can afford it; or maybe I'd settle for a decent Potency item.
    • DPS bonuses: STR, Seeker, Manslayer, anything else I can get.
    • Tanking bonuses: originally this was meant to be a bear hate-tank, which meant I wanted threat & heal amp (hence eClaw gloves + eGoMF). Given how disappointing bear is for tanking, though, I might drop this.
    This what I would aim at with a pure druid but I do not know how much melee you are into!

    Helm: EE/EH Blue Dragon Helm
    Goggles: EE Intricate Field Optics w/ 3 ins wiz or what ever matches your planar focus
    Necklace: GS displacement +5 umd sp
    Armor: Blue Dragon
    Trinket: Planar focus
    Cloak: EE Jeweled Cloak / Cloak of Fire
    Belt: GS hp Belt / Spare Hand
    Ring1: Avithoul Ring / maybe a dunbar for dodge
    Ring2: Ring of the Stalker
    Boots: Halcyon Boots / Rock Boots
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Immortality
    Bracers: Greater Convalescent bracers of superior parrying / Sun Soul
    Weapon: Twilight

    This setup will require regular raiding for coms and gear.

    Edit: reread your post well you could solo EN chrono so a 3 piece set of that will boost your earthquakes and have some slots...
    Last edited by Sokól; 06-10-2013 at 05:55 AM.
    Argonnessen: Hilmir - Purkilius - Jinu - Vignir @ Blood Assassin´s

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