I'm curious as well, since my druid (WIS-based bear build) is almost lvl 20. I've already got ML:16 versions of Cloak of Night, Bracers of Wind, Rock Boots (which I'll upgrade to epic when I get the chance); Minos Legens; some other junk. I've got the added caveat that I mostly solo, so I'm looking for stuff I can farm on my own, not a long list of raid gear.
Right now what I'm looking at:
Armor: Leaves of the Forest or Woodsman's Leather (depends on whether I have Evasion from Primal Avatar); flawless dragonscale or Terrorweb Chitin if I go raiding
Shield: Wall of Wood or alchemical
Trinket: epic GoMF if I go for Red Fens sets; otherwise ???
Wrist: Bracers of Sun Soul OR Wind Bracers
Belt: Belt of Sun Soul
Helm: Minos Legens until I have Heavy Fort + Vitality elsewhere; PD Helm later?
Boots: eMire OR Rock Boots OR ???
Cloak: Cloak of Night OR ???
Gloves: eClaw OR PD Gauntlets
Goggles: eRaven OR drow smoke OR ???
Ring 1: eSacred Band OR ???
Ring 2: eStalker OR ???
I know the epic Red Fens sets are considered obsolete, but I honestly don't know what to replace them with. Basically what I'm looking for are:
- Survivability bonuses: HPs, CON, DEX, Fortification, Blurry, Ghostly, +saves, PRR. On the fence about AC: I'd like it if I can get it (good enough for, say, eHard runs); but it seems like a PITA on a pure druid, given no hvy armor, no tower shield prof, and only non-metal.

- Caster bonuses: Devotion, Magnetism, Glaciation are the main ones I want, Combustion if I can afford it; or maybe I'd settle for a decent Potency item.
- DPS bonuses: STR, Seeker, Manslayer, anything else I can get.
- Tanking bonuses: originally this was meant to be a bear hate-tank, which meant I wanted threat & heal amp (hence eClaw gloves + eGoMF). Given how disappointing bear is for tanking, though, I might drop this.