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Thread: Things I hate:

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Things I hate:

    When I go to buy a bottle of whiskey and Safeway has Ezra Brooks right next Evan "evil" Williams.

    When I let everyone here know how much Safeway Chinese food sucks, and 2-3 days later my sons mother brings the same thing home for dinner.

    When I go to use the bathroom in the morning and the toilet paper roll is empty-------and the TP is stored outside the room in the hall closet.

    Getting into the shower and after washing my hair realizing there is no manly bar soap of significant size to get the job done adequately.

    Coming home from work and seeing an empty bottle of Ezra Brooks on the counter with a full 24 pack of coke.

    When my cats lick my face.

    When my son ****s in his diaper when I am home alone with him. EDIT: Really? pop with 2 o's is filtered? in what way can we politely say tur d then?

    When I shart and have no clean underpants. Thank god for long johns.

    Just thought I would share a few of my hated things. Feel free to share your own.

    Oh, and one last thing: When the in laws decide to go to the beach without informing my significant other yet "pop" in expecting the spare room "my computer room" to sleep in. Christ what a day.
    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    [*]Small evolutionary change that can be completed in shorter stretches of time is more readily achieveable for us than large _revolutionary_ change. Revolutionary change can be rather destabilizing from an engineering and balance perspective.

  2. #2
    Community Member Saihung423's Avatar
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    I hate it when a solicitor (in this case a guy selling ink and toner) is told that with the holiday we are really busy and it would be best to come back...then he just stands there for twenty minutes. in the lobby...prompting every one of my employees to ask him, "can I help you?".

    I hate it when my mechanic asks me to test drive a vehicle home from the dealership, 9 times out of 10 I have broken down within 5 miles and then have to walk to the lot or call one of my friends for a ride back to grab a truck.

    I hate it when someone speeds up to get in front of you when there is no one behind you for literally 20 miles...only to then slow down for that turn 20 feet after getting in front of you.

    I hate it when I click on the entrance to Gianthold's wilderness area and the client locks up and I am booted to desktop.

    I hate it when employees tell me they are taking off and ignore that I have a manager here who I hired to handle things such as that.

    I hate it when my mechanic stands next to my desk first thing in the morning and goes on for twenty minutes about what new problem has developed on his crappy dodge pickup....every frickin day.

    I hate it when I read something online, and get so unbelievably infuriated that I spend twenty minutes typing out a well thought, well written, intelligent response only to have the internet and/or my computer hiccup and lose everything...invariably on the rewrite I lose some of that fire...and it doesn't feel the same.
    Generic SIgnature #42

    Thelanis - Guild: Solo Artists - Characters: Several

  3. #3
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Saihung423 View Post
    ...I hate it when I read something online, and get so unbelievably infuriated that I spend twenty minutes typing out a well thought, well written, intelligent response only to have the internet and/or my computer hiccup and lose everything...invariably on the rewrite I lose some of that fire...and it doesn't feel the same.
    You are not alone! This is one of my pet peeves, and the reason I have learned to hit Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C before I post anything important.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

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