I would like to see a change in how much prok chanse the Shiradi double rainbow has, as it is right now it is way to powerfull on a spellcaster using mm's and far less usefull for a archer.
The way i'm suggesting it can be changed, is to make so that every sec or so we get a % on how much chanse there is to get it to prok, but every time it do prok we lose a % of the % we have, so that if we lose 25% and we have a 50 chanse of it to prok at the time it do, we have 37,5% for the next attack, and if that attack proks it again there will be a 28,1% for the attack after that, but for every sec you dont get it to prok you get somthing like 2-3% addet to the % for it to happen.
This way the faster you attack the less chanse there is for an attack to prok but you have around the same abound of proks as somone with faster or slower attack speed, or if thay are using mm's or that sake.
One more thing to add, don't take the numbers seriously, thay are only standins, it's the system i'm trying to get through.