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  1. #1
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Swap enchants from 1 weapon to a blank weapon!

    I call it: the stone of transmutation! Available in the DDO store or as a rare drop. Ever find an amazing great axe, maul, etc. but just love the way great swords look or visa versa? Ever feel that there are just to few named weapons of the type you love to use? (ZERO named greatcross bows, light picks, throwing hammers etc. in game) Well have no fear! The Stone of Transmutation is here! This stone will allow you to put the enhancement bonus (+1-10), the enchantments (destruction etc.), and the bonus dice (+1-2.5 etc.) on a blank weapon of your choice! Note: unique crit ranges, crit multipliers, damage types (celestia), and base damage (quarter staff with 1d10 as opposed to 1d6) WILL NOT transfer over.

    Here is how it works:
    1. A new vendor will sell a transmutable blank weapon of each type that has no enhancement bonus and does normal base damage.
    2. A new named item called "The Stone of Transmutation" will be added to the DDO store and/or as a rare drop.
    3. Place the enchanted weapon (named included) in the stone of change, along with a transmutable blank weapon of your choice, and a Stone of Transmutation and activate
    4. The weapons enhancement bonus (+1-10), bonus dice (+1-2.5 etc.) will be added, as well as all of the enchantments. The original weapon is DESTROYED in the process.

    Example 1:
    1. I am a monk quarter staff user that pulls a Cloudburst greatsword out of a chest (+5, shocking burst, cloudburst)
    2. I like these enchantments and want them on a quarter staff
    3. I take a blank transmutable quarter staff, a Stone of Transmutation, and the Cloudburst in the stone of change.
    4. Out comes a quarter staff with +5 shocking burst and cloudburst! Hurray!

    Example 2:
    1. I have an Epic Sword of Shadows that i decide to turn into a shortsword
    2. I put a transmutable shortsword, a Stone of Transmutation, and the Epic Sword of Shadows in the stone of change
    3. Out comes a shortsword that is +10, adamantine, does 2.5 base damage, and has a colorless and red augment slot
    4. The extended crit range and +1 crit multiplier did NOT transfer over

    I believe this will be a fun and profitable addition to DDO as well as the DDO store! Eventually a similar system could be put in place for wearable items. I also understand if hand wraps will be unable to use this system at launch due to coding issues.
    Making DDO a better game 1 post at a time!

    Triple EVERYTHING Completionist= Heroic 42/42, Iconic 12/12, Epic 36/36

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    I call it: the stone of transmutation! Available in the DDO store or as a rare drop. Ever find an amazing great axe, maul, etc. but just love the way great swords look or visa versa? Ever feel that there are just to few named weapons of the type you love to use? (ZERO named greatcross bows, light picks, throwing hammers etc. in game) Well have no fear! The Stone of Transmutation is here! This stone will allow you to put the enhancement bonus (+1-10), the enchantments (destruction etc.), and the bonus dice (+1-2.5 etc.) on a blank weapon of your choice! Note: unique crit ranges, crit multipliers, damage types (celestia), and base damage (quarter staff with 1d10 as opposed to 1d6) WILL NOT transfer over.

    Here is how it works:
    1. A new vendor will sell a transmutable blank weapon of each type that has no enhancement bonus and does normal base damage.
    2. A new named item called "The Stone of Transmutation" will be added to the DDO store and/or as a rare drop.
    3. Place the enchanted weapon (named included) in the stone of change, along with a transmutable blank weapon of your choice, and a Stone of Transmutation and activate
    4. The weapons enhancement bonus (+1-10), bonus dice (+1-2.5 etc.) will be added, as well as all of the enchantments. The original weapon is DESTROYED in the process.

    Example 1:
    1. I am a monk quarter staff user that pulls a Cloudburst greatsword out of a chest (+5, shocking burst, cloudburst)
    2. I like these enchantments and want them on a quarter staff
    3. I take a blank transmutable quarter staff, a Stone of Transmutation, and the Cloudburst in the stone of change.
    4. Out comes a quarter staff with +5 shocking burst and cloudburst! Hurray!

    Example 2:
    1. I have an Epic Sword of Shadows that i decide to turn into a shortsword
    2. I put a transmutable shortsword, a Stone of Transmutation, and the Epic Sword of Shadows in the stone of change
    3. Out comes a shortsword that is +10, adamantine, does 2.5 base damage, and has a colorless and red augment slot
    4. The extended crit range and +1 crit multiplier did NOT transfer over

    I believe this will be a fun and profitable addition to DDO as well as the DDO store! Eventually a similar system could be put in place for wearable items. I also understand if hand wraps will be unable to use this system at launch due to coding issues.
    Great idea I like it a lot, although I don't think we should have to appeal to corporate greed just to get a good idea into the game. When you could craft, trade or grind to get the item you want, this kind of item tailoring is just saving frustration and helping players enjoy developing their characters.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    <snip> ((What Fernando essentially told players Cannith Crafting would be))

    What you are asking for is what was originally announced (essentially) by our wonderful-at-managing-an-mmo- Executive producer Fernando that Cannith Crafting would be. Since they decided not to do what they announced for Cannith Crafting, I would imagine there will be some cash grab some day for just this so they can make the Cannith Crafting we have now completely obsolete in favor of this.

    On the not snarky note: I doubt it will be anytime soon, but I could be wrong. It was a good idea before Cannith crafting went live, and is still the way Crafting should have been. Maybe the next crafting style will incorporate this. In all reality though, I can't see it happening since what you are asking for was seriously the epitome of what they promised us once before and reneged on it already.
    Quote Originally Posted by Codog View Post
    [*]Small evolutionary change that can be completed in shorter stretches of time is more readily achieveable for us than large _revolutionary_ change. Revolutionary change can be rather destabilizing from an engineering and balance perspective.

  4. #4
    Community Member LeoLionxxx's Avatar
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    Aug 2010

    Default My 2 cents

    Not a bad idea. People would immediately label it as P2W, but if it's as rare random loot might not be the case.

    Only problem I have is the named weapons/shields. Those are special and should stick with the item type that they are. Stick with the random-gen loot weapons (also, I think expanding to clothing and jewelry equipment is a little too far).

    Also, rather than an entire new vender, a weapon disjuncture via crafting machines would work, as long as it's ONLY the ordinary types meaning no special metal nor augment slots.

    Additional though: For the weapons with higher dice on them (2W) a disjuncture weapon also with those dice should be used. Seems more fair somehow.
    That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
    Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu

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  5. #5
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
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    I don't think it'd work out too well. You find a lot of awesome daggers in the game because daggers are pretty much **** weapons that no one wants to use otherwise... being able to transfer all those nifty effects onto a khopesh just seems... broken.

  6. #6
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    You'd have to transfer ML too, to keep it fair

    Also, yeah....all I can think about is how overpowered you could make some weapons, especially going from a 2her to two 1hers, or from low-crit-profile weapons to scimitars or rapiers. Imagine dual wielding two Epic Elemental Scimitars of Fire, crafted over from the Greataxe. +6 Enhancement Bonus, Flaming Burst, Brilliance, Metalline, Greater Incineration, Magma Surge, Colorless Augment Slot, Red Augment Slot in each hand.

    Also, there would be -zero- reason to take any IC but Slashing for melee, because the base profile of Slashing weapons gives you the best options (or at least equivalent, Rapier=Scimitar), and Slashing is also the most common weapon type.

    Along the same lines, transfer those onto a Bow for a Manyshot-10kS build, or onto a heavy repeater, ouch...

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