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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Returning player, can I continue with this Human PM build?

    I TR'd my wiz into another wiz over a year ago and got him to level 6. I don't remember exactly where I was going but I was hoping you guys could tell if I should change him or not.

    He's a pure Human Palemaster and I believe these were going to be the feats I was going for in no order:

    Spell Focus Enchant
    Greater Spell Focus Enchant
    Spell Focus Necro
    Greater Spell Focus Necro
    Insightful Reflexes
    Spell Penetration
    Greater Spell Penetration
    PL Arcane Initiate

    Stats and skills are basically normal, though I did bump Charisma up to 14 to try to get decent UMD.

    Does this sound ok? Are casters generally the same as they were a year ago? Any revisions you would make?

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by polymath View Post
    I TR'd my wiz into another wiz over a year ago and got him to level 6. I don't remember exactly where I was going but I was hoping you guys could tell if I should change him or not.

    He's a pure Human Palemaster and I believe these were going to be the feats I was going for in no order:

    Spell Focus Enchant
    Greater Spell Focus Enchant
    Spell Focus Necro
    Greater Spell Focus Necro
    Insightful Reflexes
    Spell Penetration
    Greater Spell Penetration
    PL Arcane Initiate

    Stats and skills are basically normal, though I did bump Charisma up to 14 to try to get decent UMD.

    Does this sound ok? Are casters generally the same as they were a year ago? Any revisions you would make?

    Thanks for your time.
    I don't see anything glaringly wrong. You might want Quicken for Negative Energy Burst, but that's about it. I also took Extend(?) for longer buffs and Death Auras.

    As for UMD, an arcane's need for UMD is mainly for healing. You have lots of self-healing on tap for a PM, so I don't think it is "essential." In fact, I have a couple of Cause Wounds wands that I rarely ever use.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    Pale masters are still very powerful up to Epic hards, so is still a very good option for leveling.

    For Epic elites you will need very high dc and sp but you also have the option to Lr into a shiradi caster at that levels if feeling low on spells effectiveness.

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