Results 1 to 11 of 11
  1. #1

    Default Standing offer: EE Visor, Globe of IB, & Otto's Box for Draconic Soul Gem

    I am offering 3 of the currently most sought after (imo) items for one of the rarest. While i understand that the Draconic Soul Gem may not be as useful as any of the items I am offering to trade for it, it's rarity makes it worth (to me) all three items combined. I am offering an Epic Elite Dream Visor, a Globe of True Imperial Blood, AND an Otto's Box in exchange for the soul gem. Please do not contact me about purchasing any of these items as they are not for sale; I will only release them as trade for the draconic augment. If you have the augment but would like something other than what I am offering, please contact me as I have +4 tomes and other epic elite items available. Thanks

  2. #2


    I'm leaving town for a week and will not have an internet connection... I'll be back on 6/3

  3. #3


    le bump!

  4. #4


    Up! If you need to purchase a jewelers toolkit to remove it from you're gear, i'll also throw in a raid bypass timer to offset the TP cost.

  5. #5
    Ultimate Completionist
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Open Guild for All Founder - Hardcore

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Good luck, and for those wondering, Fawngate did obtain hers
    thru a round about trade, so she is no longer seeking this extremely rare item.

    I will not tell anyone what the value of the trade was, just thank you
    to the person that pulled it and the person that traded it to Fawn.

  6. #6


    I would have to assume it was the one Artec pulled..

  7. #7


    ^^ up

  8. #8



  9. #9



  10. #10


    Furian of Khyber

  11. #11



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