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  1. #1
    Community Member burningwind's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default please improve hireling

    well.. two thing..

    first: hireling skill/ability should be toggle instead of click.. say a fighter have imtim skill. it should allow us to toggle so hire will always use it in battle, instead of us clicking it every few second..

    second: please improve the panther and owl bear(s) least make them match normal hireling of their level.

    p.s. please stop punishing us for buying expansion collector edition.. why panther was left out last time when hirelings receive their improvement? we spend money, though we couldn't ask to break game balance. we should at least receive standard normal rate.. creating another hireling that only look good will not get people to buying any more collector edition in the future.. as most of the people pay the money mostly for these perm gold seal hire..

  2. #2
    Community Member MarcusCleardawn's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    I would like an improvement in hireling AI, particularly the melee characters. I bought one a while back to use in the final encounter in the Tide Turns because I just couldn't manage to DPS the boss at the end fast enough before he blinked out, healed to full and we started again.

    What I noticed was that the melee hireling follows me a great distance, between 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch on the mini map and spends a great deal of time doing nothing. The hireling will not engage an enemy unless I attack it first and I have to bring it back to where the hireling is standing around despite the fact that it is set to aggressive behavior, even had the particular enemy selected with the "attack until otherwise directed" icon.

    Also, please evaluate whether or not the cleric and favored soul hireling should stand around saying "I need Healing Badly" when they're at greater than 50% sp and at least one of the healing spells on their toolbar is available

  3. #3
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    I like hirelings and am actually pretty good at using them effectively.

    However, the UI is too limited and too few options. The panther seemingly was missed during the hireling upgrades, and the hirelings should have the option to auto buff.

    Another irritation is the hirelings are missing basic fundamental gear for their level.

    What sane character goes around without at the bare minimum of 100% fort and deathblock, FR30 ER30 AR30 etc at level 12 and above?

  4. #4
    Community Member msdesign's Avatar
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusCleardawn View Post
    Also, please evaluate whether or not the cleric and favored soul hireling should stand around saying "I need Healing Badly" when they're at greater than 50% sp and at least one of the healing spells on their toolbar is available
    I just die laughing to myself when a cleric or fav soul hireling cry out for a heal....
    "I need healing"..... "It would be wise to heal me now"... Damm, why did I hired you anyway?? Fighter, barbarians, are ok to say that, but divine hires?


    Anyway, its possible to run with them, just make sure you have the right tactics to each quest and type of hire, and remember you can use the control options to bind specific keys to hireling toolbar buttons. Not great, but it may help.
    [Nemessi sorcerer][Helenya cleric][Riita cleric][Myrhea artificer][Shunrei monk][Sverlana rogue][Lillyannn paladin]

  5. #5
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Heck would be nice to have the option in the option panel (Hireling AI):

    things would be --- Healing priorities: Heal me first, heal summons (Y/N) heal pets (Y/N), etc.

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