I have a mysterious problem.
Yesterday (22nd May) I bought the pre-purchase CE and LE of the new expansion.
I applied it first to a level 20 fighter. I used the skill tomes, the greater epic tome, summoned the flying cat, equipped the cosmetic armour and goggles. Within a minute the game crashed to black screen (screen displaying "No signal"). Nothing was working except, bizarrely, I was still connected in chat (I could hear and be heard by my party). Had to reboot to get back on. I obviously suspected graphics/sound problems.
Moved to Evengstar and crashed again (maybe 2 minutes later) and again maybe two minutes after I relogged. Dismissed the cat (in case it was causing a graphics problem) . Crashed.
Gave up. Logged on to three other toons that evening (having used their pre-purchase tickets) and suffered no problems while questing - even using the owlbear in the Devil Battlefield.
I returned to my problem toon and swapped all the cosmetic stuff to another toon. Crashed. Logged back on with her to transfer some stuff to my new Bladforged (which has no problems). She now has none of the new stuff equipped except the skill and epic tomes. Crashed.
I'm mystified why one toon should have such a problem all of its own.
Any ideas? I've reported this of course.