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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Guild vs. Channel

    This is a question for some of the people in large guilds or even the leaders of those guilds.

    How does someone like me (see below) get their foot in the door of the large guild/channel community tactfully

    A couple of quick points about me:
    - I started in 2006, left before the cap was increased from 10, and took about a 1.5 year break.
    - I have solo leveled my guild to the mid 70's. (One other rl friend who plays about once a month)
    - Main toon is soon to start his 26th life and I have 3 other toons that are 3+ tr's. Total of 11 toons I play

    I only share that to show I have been around, and in the course of that time have played with many of the well known guilds and their leaders constantly over the last couple of years both leveling up and raiding. Sometimes I use voice chat, sometimes I type in party chat. This is due to where my computer is located in our home and what is going on with my kids and wife...i.e. sleeping, nap time, watching tv, etc. I don't broadcast who I am and often just play my position without a lot of banter or bickering. So often those players or leaders of guilds I mentioned aren't even aware they play with me fairly constantly, especially since I am on various toons.

    I am not a person who likes to ask "Can I be a part of your guild" or "Do you have a channel I can be in". So my question to those guild/channel leaders is this:

    With the current scene of large guilds and private channels, how does someone like me become a part of that community without rudely asking in game about it. The only channel I currently belong to is the "TR" channel of which I was invited to by Kitts. I've worked hard enough on my guild (was a group of rl friends of which I'm essentially the only one left) so it is hard to give that up, so I thought perhaps finding a channel would be an option.

    So again my question:
    - how does someone like me get their foot in the door of that community tactfully

    Thanks for any thoughts.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by TellTalon View Post
    This is a question for some of the people in large guilds or even the leaders of those guilds.

    How does someone like me (see below) get their foot in the door of the large guild/channel community tactfully

    A couple of quick points about me:
    - I started in 2006, left before the cap was increased from 10, and took about a 1.5 year break.
    - I have solo leveled my guild to the mid 70's. (One other rl friend who plays about once a month)
    - Main toon is soon to start his 26th life and I have 3 other toons that are 3+ tr's. Total of 11 toons I play

    I only share that to show I have been around, and in the course of that time have played with many of the well known guilds and their leaders constantly over the last couple of years both leveling up and raiding. Sometimes I use voice chat, sometimes I type in party chat. This is due to where my computer is located in our home and what is going on with my kids and wife...i.e. sleeping, nap time, watching tv, etc. I don't broadcast who I am and often just play my position without a lot of banter or bickering. So often those players or leaders of guilds I mentioned aren't even aware they play with me fairly constantly, especially since I am on various toons.

    I am not a person who likes to ask "Can I be a part of your guild" or "Do you have a channel I can be in". So my question to those guild/channel leaders is this:

    With the current scene of large guilds and private channels, how does someone like me become a part of that community without rudely asking in game about it. The only channel I currently belong to is the "TR" channel of which I was invited to by Kitts. I've worked hard enough on my guild (was a group of rl friends of which I'm the only one left) so it is hard to give that up, so I thought perhaps finding a channel would be an option.

    So again my question:
    - how does someone like me get their foot in the door of that community tactfully

    Thanks for any thoughts.
    Our channel only fills through running with people. While running content, you'll usually find yourself in a "pocket" of people that you repeatedly run with. Eventually a conversation about channels will come up and you'll be invited. As for large guilds, most large guilds invite anyone. That's why they're so large. Simply ask for an invite.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    Our channel only fills through running with people. While running content, you'll usually find yourself in a "pocket" of people that you repeatedly run with. Eventually a conversation about channels will come up and you'll be invited. As for large guilds, most large guilds invite anyone. That's why they're so large. Simply ask for an invite.
    Thanks for the reply. That does work well when running TR's I'd agree. I typically post my own LFM's as I level up and often play with the same people through that life. I tend to either outpace the individual people that I play with who join my lfm's...great players still, I just have a lot of time on my hands lately, or if I join a group from a guild they are able to outpace me as they can complete faster since not running solo or with a few people pugging the group. My tr time is typically 1-3 weeks when I focus on it. So I don't usually get through the whole life with the same pocket of people.

    As far as end game, I"ll guess maybe I just need to speak up more. As I might run 3 or 4 raids with the same people in a row, but I'll be on different toons.

    Thanks again for your reply.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery khremlajn's Avatar
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    Well... Ill try to write it from perspective of someone from both sides of this problem.

    You play your toon. You know your toon.

    At some point you get this feeling its time to start harder content.
    If that happen too soon, your contribution to party might be less than zero... And it will be remembered. I like the change made to epics: scale it up to epic leet. Now you know better when you are ready.

    So dont be afraid of lower diff content, knowing raids mechanic is crucial.

    Once you are ready, problem comes... It is hard to get into top content.
    You can either have a friend that will get you into that group, or you need to find new circle of friends.

    Look for lfms: When someone is posting ee stuff they look first for players from guild/channels. Once they are short, they post lfm. Lets say 2 spots(if its more, its harder to complete)

    And this is when you come in. You can either try to join directly, or if not sure what leader is looking for: ask him what exactly he need.
    Are you anonymous? Well... stop reading
    At this point leader will go through some verification(since he doesnt know you). Will ask others if they know you, will try to check your gear. If noone knows you its not a problem. No community is closed. Players leave ddo and we are eager to try out new players.

    So lets assume you are in the party.

    Ill divide this into two parts: performance and personality.


    Different ppl got different tactic. If you dont know how to run some part or whole quest that is not a problem.

    If you are silent, that is. Ask questions. Probably tactic will be described. If you are still not sure what to do, ask. If they are using names you cant link to names u see on the screen - ask.

    Well... now raid can go good or wrong...

    If it went smooth... You didnt have a chance to shine. Dont expect red carpet and invites to channel. But you have made first step. Group might discuss ur performance on channel or not. If you did ok, next time you apply you wont be some random guy. Someone will recall runnng with you and say: he was ok.

    But... raid can go wrong. And when you form a party, you want it to be filled with people that can perform well when something goes wrong.
    There are many situations:
    -all healers are down-if you sit on the boss blindly and die... That is not good. But if you are able to self heal and make party survive long enough to rezz healers or help others doing so, it will be noted
    -tanks-kiters are down - If everyone suited died and you take care of the problem it will be noted
    -and many others...

    Basically... Once few party members die they got time to think what went wrong and they see the situation around better. They will notice your actions.

    Ofcourse there is also your personality.
    Some parties are silent... it might be annoying for them if someone is talking and talking and talking all the time...
    Some got strange sense of humor
    Others consist of people that each believe is the best and others are basking in their awesomeness...

    You may choose to be silent so you will annoy noone...
    But if you choose so you prolly wont be invited to guilds/channels... You will get accepted from lfms though.

    But if other people find a match between you and them... They will invite you to their channel... Then maybe to guild too.

    og it was long...

    unless you are uber bard... bards are cool
    Last edited by khremlajn; 05-22-2013 at 07:28 PM.
    trixalai \o/ xirrantha \o/ trixilai //argonessen // Trolls Lair

  5. #5
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    Turbine has certainly made it hard for people to get in channels. Because you cannot choose to kick people, a lot of effort goes into checking to make sure people will fit in, and it's seen as a mostly irreversible decision. But to get your foot in any door you obviously need to first find the door (become aware of which channel or guild you want) and then get it open (start interacting with people there)
    Scoobmx Scoobshot Arcscoob Beefscoob : Imperial Assassins : Argonnessen
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  6. #6
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    The way to get into high end channels is to join some of the daily runs most of us put together and leave an impression that makes those same folks want to group with ya again.

    If you have a personality that mixes well, then you can get invited very quickly.

    Another way to do it is just to PM someone who organizes these runs and just ask to get brought along, personally I wouldn't mind at all - the social aspect of this game is probably the most important factor as far as I'm concerned. That's not to say that efficient playstyle and quest ownage isn't important, but the social part is what I stress heavily in my grouping circles.

    I mean, if I can't crack a dirty joke without getting hushed then chances are the folks won't like me much.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    The way to get into high end channels is to join some of the daily runs most of us put together and leave an impression that makes those same folks want to group with ya again.

    If you have a personality that mixes well, then you can get invited very quickly.

    Another way to do it is just to PM someone who organizes these runs and just ask to get brought along, personally I wouldn't mind at all - the social aspect of this game is probably the most important factor as far as I'm concerned. That's not to say that efficient playstyle and quest ownage isn't important, but the social part is what I stress heavily in my grouping circles.

    I mean, if I can't crack a dirty joke without getting hushed then chances are the folks won't like me much.
    Thanks all so far for your feedback. I appreciate it. Cetus I agree completely with you on the social aspect and have noticed that when I have run with you. that is exactly the reason for the inquiry. It's not about ship buffs or even getting into Ed content or raids easier. True that is part of the benefit but it's more for the social interaction. Without that the game would become just a grind.

  8. #8
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    This is my experience:

    I also have a 2-man guild like you. And now I'm in a channel with people that posted above.

    How did I do it?

    I pugged a lot. When I wanted to do epics (and that's before expansion, pre-U9, for a lot of months) I put a LFM up. I didn't wait for others to put it up. I wasn't afraid of people telling me I was a nub, even if I stated that maybe that was my first time doing that epic.

    I still remember Rathguul screaming at me in my first eBig top because I didn't dance/held the caster making us almost wipe XD Well I learnt from that. Then few times this Zodaroth dude joined. So I pretty much knew his name, he remembered me.

    One day, I told him "Man this is so boring, I've noone to play with" and he invited me into this channel. And this is it. This is pretty much the story that zod told me few days ago.

    I still think that he recognized my awesomeness and literally begged me to get into his channel.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  9. #9
    Community Member TheLegendOfAra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scoobmx View Post
    Turbine has certainly made it hard for people to get in channels. Because you cannot choose to kick people, a lot of effort goes into checking to make sure people will fit in, and it's seen as a mostly irreversible decision. But to get your foot in any door you obviously need to first find the door (become aware of which channel or guild you want) and then get it open (start interacting with people there)
    I must have gotten in on luck..
    Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
    Araphell - Arasin - Arathaes - Arawyn - Aravein
    Guild: Fors Fortis;Guild of Won, & VENOM @ Argo
    "And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."

  10. #10
    The Hatchery khremlajn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    I must have gotten in on luck..
    watch out... scoob intentions are far from pure...
    trixalai \o/ xirrantha \o/ trixilai //argonessen // Trolls Lair

  11. #11
    Community Member HotMaarl's Avatar
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    OP, get your toons in your sig. this anon carp is no good. your rep starts there, for starters.

  12. #12
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotMaarl View Post
    OP, get your toons in your sig. this anon carp is no good. your rep starts there, for starters.
    That's why my sig usually has someone else's characters in it!

    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
    I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotMaarl View Post
    OP, get your toons in your sig. this anon carp is no good. your rep starts there, for starters.
    Anon that some type of fish?! Wish it tasted better.

    Actually this is the OP. And this is my normal account, which I haven't been able to login to until today since the forum update. No toons in the signature was because I didn't care to set up that account and spend much time on it, but with servers down wanted to have something to do .

    So Here ya go
    Cor, Corin, Tell
    Synergia - Argonnessen

  14. #14
    Community Member TheLegendOfAra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    I still think that he recognized my awesomeness and literally begged me to get into his channel.
    Must have been really hard keeping a straight face while you typed this bs..
    Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
    Araphell - Arasin - Arathaes - Arawyn - Aravein
    Guild: Fors Fortis;Guild of Won, & VENOM @ Argo
    "And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."

  15. #15
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    Default I want in

    The easiest way into a channel is to get to know the people already in that channel. Some channels are very selective, others not as much. If you are playing with people, and you like them... ask them if they are in any channels. If so, then try and find out other people in that channel. Once you have made contact with a few people then it is easier to get in. But most channels will not allow people in without playing with them first, and if they don't it may not be that great of a channel anyway.

    I agree, the social element is very important and getting into channels is a great way to become part of that.

    If you want to join a guild -- then simply start talking to/running with the people in that guild.

    Either way, good luck. And I imagine you can look up any of the posters on this thread, I know for a fact many of them are quite active in channels.

    Azlix, Kitraine, Incindia, Veloxx, Talonaise, Krestal and too many others to mention.

  16. #16
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisheranoos View Post
    That's why my sig usually has someone else's characters in it!

    Why would you write "kidding". Killed your own joke!

  17. #17
    Community Member HotMaarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CorinBrightbane View Post
    Anon that some type of fish?! Wish it tasted better.

    Actually this is the OP. And this is my normal account, which I haven't been able to login to until today since the forum update. No toons in the signature was because I didn't care to set up that account and spend much time on it, but with servers down wanted to have something to do .

    So Here ya go
    NOW I recognize ya. someone PM'd me recently about your completionist status. Added you to the argo directory accordingly. That'll get you noticed.

  18. #18
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitraine View Post
    The easiest way into a channel is to get to know the people already in that channel. Some channels are very selective, others not as much. If you are playing with people, and you like them... ask them if they are in any channels. If so, then try and find out other people in that channel. Once you have made contact with a few people then it is easier to get in. But most channels will not allow people in without playing with them first, and if they don't it may not be that great of a channel anyway.

    I agree, the social element is very important and getting into channels is a great way to become part of that.

    If you want to join a guild -- then simply start talking to/running with the people in that guild.

    Either way, good luck. And I imagine you can look up any of the posters on this thread, I know for a fact many of them are quite active in channels.

    Azlix, Kitraine, Incindia, Veloxx, Talonaise, Krestal and too many others to mention.
    Don't join channel with Az in. She is mean!
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  19. #19
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durnak View Post
    Why would you write "kidding". Killed your own joke!
    Quiet down, you.
    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
    I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by HotMaarl View Post
    NOW I recognize ya. someone PM'd me recently about your completionist status. Added you to the argo directory accordingly. That'll get you noticed.
    Thanks. Did you need anything from me for that?
    Cor, Corin, Tell
    Synergia - Argonnessen

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