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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Augment Summoning: Sorcerer or Wizard?

    Hello I am currently playing a Sorcerer that is currently lvl 2. Before I make any more progress with this character, I wanted to know if I should keep augment summoning for my sorcerer. My build that I made uses Summon Creature spells to help with the solo leveling process. Should I keep augment summoning on my sorcerer or go Wizard Pale Master since from what I've researched about them, it seems like summoning is their forte?

  2. #2
    Euro-Founder and Keeper Refugee Dexraven's Avatar
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    If you want to summon as a caster i'd definatly say go wizard/palemaster, you have more feats for a start and the proposed pale master summon changes for the enhancement pass look promising

    you could even improve this by having 3 druid past lives as that gives an augment summoning effect

    Past Life: Druid

    Usage: Passive
    Prerequisite: True Reincarnation from Druid
    You were a Druid in a past life. You occasionally find yourself gazing at the stars and get sentimental around mistletoe. Each time you acquire this feat your summoned creatures, charmed minions, and hirelings gain +2 to all ability scores. This feat can be stacked up to three times.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitel View Post
    Hello I am currently playing a Sorcerer that is currently lvl 2. Before I make any more progress with this character, I wanted to know if I should keep augment summoning for my sorcerer. My build that I made uses Summon Creature spells to help with the solo leveling process. Should I keep augment summoning on my sorcerer or go Wizard Pale Master since from what I've researched about them, it seems like summoning is their forte?
    The short answer is after a few levels you're going to realize that summons really suck and give up on them either way. Yes, palemaster summons are better. No, I don't know a single palemaster that still uses the summons from that PrE. Get yourself a Roderic's Wand and get rid of any summon spells or feats. The wand recharges at an incredible rate; so fast you can keep casting until you get the spider, and by the time it dies by fully charged again. It's certainly one of the best lowbie soloing items IMO.

  4. #4
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    I used Aug Summons primarily for the health boost to healer hirelings. This allows you to solo more dungeons on elite instead of hard, and higher level dungeons, since the healer hire will live through higher level mobs and traps.

    Since you are using a healer hire, it is generally better with a sorc, as healers don't directly heal undead mages.

    Aug summons is essentially toughness for healer hires. Therefore it is the second best feat for reputation earning for a first life character on a new server, to unlock things on that server. The best feat of course being toughness.

  5. #5
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoukchuk View Post
    The short answer is after a few levels you're going to realize that summons really suck and give up on them either way. Yes, palemaster summons are better. No, I don't know a single palemaster that still uses the summons from that PrE. Get yourself a Roderic's Wand and get rid of any summon spells or feats. The wand recharges at an incredible rate; so fast you can keep casting until you get the spider, and by the time it dies by fully charged again. It's certainly one of the best lowbie soloing items IMO.
    The spell create undead: around Gianthold, the summon Mummy Lord is pretty powerful, it despairs everything in the room(essentially, they are frozen with fear). It's pretty good. Epic Roderic's wand for level 20+ has the Augment Summon feat on it. With that, you can summon more powerful hires, undead, Hezrou's from Epic Diabolist Docent and Robe(wand has it too, but at a chance), Beholder's from shard of Xoriat, and help with boosting charmed puppies in Hound of Xoriat.

  6. #6
    Community Member Maxallu's Avatar
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    No or No.
    Pound-For-Pound Forum Champ

  7. #7
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    As things currently are in the game, it can be handy for a wizard since they have plenty of feats but there are many far, far better things for a sorcerer.

    In the enhancement pass, the pale master summon is getting a significant buff & looks like it could end up being rather useful again so might be worth looking at it later.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  8. #8
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gravitel View Post
    Hello I am currently playing a Sorcerer that is currently lvl 2. Before I make any more progress with this character, I wanted to know if I should keep augment summoning for my sorcerer. My build that I made uses Summon Creature spells to help with the solo leveling process. Should I keep augment summoning on my sorcerer or go Wizard Pale Master since from what I've researched about them, it seems like summoning is their forte?
    I've got a PM. Augment summoning wasn't even worth considering.

    There are a couple of places where Augment Summoning is important (HoX I believe), but this life I haven't even noticed it being gone.

    Now I'm sure if your tactics require a summon going out there and distrating the mobs for you while you kill them, then it may be worth and investment - meaning if you solo a lot of quests. I do some measure of soloint, and I can see where the feat is desirable, but I don't personally need it. In fact, I don't even use the undead summons. I'd rather pour the APs into spell pen or elemental damage lines. But that's what I find works for me.

  9. #9
    Community Member LeadHeros's Avatar
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    Default Good advice for cutting edge but..

    From your join date and posts, I'll offer the view of a more casual player. When you are starting out or in a group that does not play at the upper limit, the summons are useful. A very fast moving group won't always give the time a summons needs. Augment summon does toughen up your monsters and hirelings. The Pale Master(wizard) skeleton is the most powerful summon that I have used and can hold its own at level, not elite at level. You can summon it and a monster at the same time. Throw Ball of Fire and you have 3 things attacking. Once you can get the lantern archon, it is very effective against undead and the ray it fires points out their location. It also illuminates the area around it. The only downside is it doesn't follow you closely and takes a little practice to be able to position it in front of a closed door. It waits till you are some distance away and then pops to your position. The summons also are good at grabbing first agro and will help shield you from hard to spot foes that are sneaking up on you. Later summons get to be pretty big and can be a pain to see around.
    No Char left behind; original join date, Oct 2010

  10. #10
    Community Member Phemt81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoukchuk View Post
    The short answer is after a few levels you're going to realize that summons really suck and give up on them either way. Yes, palemaster summons are better. No, I don't know a single palemaster that still uses the summons from that PrE. Get yourself a Roderic's Wand and get rid of any summon spells or feats. The wand recharges at an incredible rate; so fast you can keep casting until you get the spider, and by the time it dies by fully charged again. It's certainly one of the best lowbie soloing items IMO.
    How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We absolutely planned for Fighter to still have Haste Boost. It's absolutely a bug. Any similar issues that look "wrong" to any player should be bugged.
    Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Default Augmented Summoning is very powerful.

    When grouped, it is not uncommon for your hireling/pets/summons buffed by toughness feats, augmented summoning, past druid lives, and spells and abilities to be the only thing capable of standing toe to toe with elite BB bosses and elite BB extreme challenge bosses.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 07-27-2013 at 01:22 AM.

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