He's right here. He probably didn't even type that, its probably boiler plate (or required text) in anything posted relating to research at his school.
Now, with that said.... I can't believe you got this survey past your thesis committee. It's HORRIBLE lol.
For example, "describe your character". What is that even supposed to mean? Describe WHAT about them?
And the garbage questions that lead to meaningless results like "Given enough provocation, I may hit another person" (or its twin question, I can think of no good reason for ever hitting a person ) 99% of thinking people SHOULD feel that with enough provocation they would hit another person or they are mentally ill. It's the level of provocation you need to test. For example, is calling me names enough to provoke me, or is it only when I find them raping my infant daughter? Kind of different psychologically and in both cases you have to answer a "4 or 5" on that one recognizing that eventually "enough" could be reached, even for a normally completely non violent person.
Or in a similar vein, "If i have to resort to violence to protect my rights, I will " Once again you its too vague. What is meant by rights? Protecting your right to yell loudly at a movie theatre is very different than being willing to fight for your right not to be sent to a death camp for being a particular race/religion/sexual orientation.
The bias in these and other questions all swing towards people indicating more violence, not less, in the case of the ambiguity. This is either deliberate or very sloppy work and goes a long way to invalidating the study. I strongly suggest you consult with your thesis advisor again because there is no way a thesis committee at a reputable school would accept this at the graduate level. It looks like a high school survey.