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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisento View Post
    I'm ethically obligated to refer participants to a way to get in touch with local therapists in the event of an issue. The link you are referring to directs people to a directory of AAMFT certified therapists in the United States. It does not cost money to use that directory.
    He's right here. He probably didn't even type that, its probably boiler plate (or required text) in anything posted relating to research at his school.

    Now, with that said.... I can't believe you got this survey past your thesis committee. It's HORRIBLE lol.

    For example, "describe your character". What is that even supposed to mean? Describe WHAT about them?

    And the garbage questions that lead to meaningless results like "Given enough provocation, I may hit another person" (or its twin question, I can think of no good reason for ever hitting a person ) 99% of thinking people SHOULD feel that with enough provocation they would hit another person or they are mentally ill. It's the level of provocation you need to test. For example, is calling me names enough to provoke me, or is it only when I find them raping my infant daughter? Kind of different psychologically and in both cases you have to answer a "4 or 5" on that one recognizing that eventually "enough" could be reached, even for a normally completely non violent person.

    Or in a similar vein, "If i have to resort to violence to protect my rights, I will " Once again you its too vague. What is meant by rights? Protecting your right to yell loudly at a movie theatre is very different than being willing to fight for your right not to be sent to a death camp for being a particular race/religion/sexual orientation.

    The bias in these and other questions all swing towards people indicating more violence, not less, in the case of the ambiguity. This is either deliberate or very sloppy work and goes a long way to invalidating the study. I strongly suggest you consult with your thesis advisor again because there is no way a thesis committee at a reputable school would accept this at the graduate level. It looks like a high school survey.

  2. #22
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisento View Post
    I'm ethically obligated to refer participants to a way to get in touch with local therapists in the event of an issue. The link you are referring to directs people to a directory of AAMFT certified therapists in the United States. It does not cost money to use that directory.
    He's right here. He probably didn't even type that, its probably boiler plate (or required text) in anything posted relating to research at his school.

    Now, with that said.... I can't believe you got this survey past your thesis committee. It's HORRIBLE lol.

    For example, "describe your character". What is that even supposed to mean? Describe WHAT about them?

    And the garbage questions that lead to meaningless results like "Given enough provocation, I may hit another person" (or its twin question, I can think of no good reason for ever hitting a person ) 99% of thinking people SHOULD feel that with enough provocation they would hit another person or they are mentally ill. It's the level of provocation you need to test. For example, is calling me names enough to provoke me, or is it only when I find them raping my infant daughter? Kind of different psychologically and in both cases you have to answer a "4 or 5" on that one recognizing that eventually "enough" could be reached, even for a normally completely non violent person.

    Or in a similar vein, "If i have to resort to violence to protect my rights, I will " Once again you its too vague. What is meant by rights? Protecting your right to yell loudly at a movie theatre is very different than being willing to fight for your right not to be sent to a death camp for being a particular race/religion/sexual orientation.

    The bias in these and other questions all swing towards people indicating more violence, not less, in the case of the ambiguity. This is either deliberate or very sloppy work and goes a long way to invalidating the study. I strongly suggest you consult with your thesis advisor again because there is no way a thesis committee at a reputable school would accept this at the graduate level. It looks like a high school survey.

  3. #23
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlmGhandi View Post
    Does answering the questions more than once increase my Chance of winning? I'd hate to waste more time than necessary... and if answering it more than six times doesn't bring anything more... then I guess I'll stop now.
    Please let me know,. I want to win!

    Do you have to be over 18 to win? My 8 year old Cousin wants to win too.
    If he is following even the most basic online methodology he is collecting your IP to reduce the chance of that. Of course I didn't notice that collection of personal information in his disclosure statement so I suppose its possible he isn't checking for duplicates lol

  4. #24
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    or is it only when I find them raping my infant daughter? Kind of different psychologically and in both cases you have to answer a "4 or 5" on that one recognizing that eventually "enough" could be reached, even for a normally completely non violent person.
    Drat! I missed that question about my daughter. I'll take the Survey again and give the right answer (you can take out my other answers... I'm the one that said I am 28 years old).

    Oh and my Cousin wants to know how carefully you are going to check the ID of the winner.
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  5. #25
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    If he is following even the most basic online methodology he is collecting your IP to reduce the chance of that. Of course I didn't notice that collection of personal information in his disclosure statement so I suppose its possible he isn't checking for duplicates lol
    If only there were a reliable way to fudge IP detection... :/ But then if he were collecting the Information without saying it... then could I sue him or something?
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  6. #26
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    I just think it's funny that you have a couple questions about disagreeing with people beside questions with becoming violent. I do public speech and and debate semi-professionally and study rationality, and I consider being able to disagree and argue with someone the highest virtue.
    Thelanis: Ikeren, Paladin 7. Dylas --- Cleric 21.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    He's right here. He probably didn't even type that, its probably boiler plate (or required text) in anything posted relating to research at his school.
    To guard his school and himself which is selfish because he is on our turf provided to us.
    Who is protecting us?

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlmGhandi View Post
    But then if he were collecting the Information without saying it...
    And why are not all the religious organizations linked to for counseling as well?
    The should claim discrimination.

    I come here to have a good time, not see something like this,
    particularly when it is poorly done that people can easily poke holes in it.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    I just think it's funny that you have a couple questions about disagreeing with people beside questions with becoming violent. I do public speech and and debate semi-professionally and study rationality, and I consider being able to disagree and argue with someone the highest virtue.
    I agree. That's especially funny for a University based study when disagreeing is a REQUIRED part of progressing to a graduate degree. If you don't disagree with people often you probably aren't a good academic because then all you do is regurgitate and not add unique and corrective. We would never advance in anything if people didn't challenge accepted beliefs and even accepted "facts".

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    I just think it's funny that you have a couple questions about disagreeing with people beside questions with becoming violent. I do public speech and and debate semi-professionally and study rationality, and I consider being able to disagree and argue with someone the highest virtue.
    I agree. That's especially funny for a University based study when disagreeing is a REQUIRED part of progressing to a graduate degree. If you don't disagree with people often you probably aren't a good academic because then all you do is regurgitate and not add unique and corrective. We would never advance in anything if people didn't challenge accepted beliefs and even accepted "facts".

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by CE2JRH123 View Post
    I just think it's funny that you have a couple questions about disagreeing with people beside questions with becoming violent. I do public speech and and debate semi-professionally and study rationality, and I consider being able to disagree and argue with someone the highest virtue.
    Which is why I questioned his compassion and common sense.

    Isolation and forcing submissive behavior are key ingredients to some of the world's bigger problems.

    DDO promotes free exchange of ideas globally which can potentially do a great deal of good in the long run.

    I perceive this as potential to be added to current political debates in high places.
    Since"findings" of this nature could be used by lawmakers in the future,
    I am very questioning this whole matter and its legitimacy as well as the impact it may have on our future.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisento View Post
    ..currently living within the United States...
    D&D players are smart.
    We watch the news.
    We saw the USA president issued a request for research concerning whether there is possible links to violence with video games;
    along with many other things during a tragedy awhile back. All these requests were to be done quickly.
    {Pardon me if my quotes are poor, that was my general impression.}

    When the President of one of the strongest counties in the world strongly wants something,
    there is a great deal of potential available.

    Potential professional prestige, future promotions, government grants, etc...

    A whole lifetime of a person could be influenced by such things.
    A person could be influenced by the potential.

    The latest raid created for DDO concerns a Dragon who began twisting logic in his mind,
    it eventually warped his entire being. The raid is entitled, "The Fall of Truth."

    Do not presume that we are blind.
    Your false data, in large enough amounts, generalized in the final reports
    could be very damaging to the MMO industry.

    It is sad that you have not come here with an open mind.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 05-21-2013 at 03:23 PM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMash View Post
    Did... Did I fail by not being from the US?
    Aye, there is no gain for him from you.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lisento View Post
    ...It's been a long time since I've been around (pre-free-to-play) but decided to start it back up again...
    Get your toon out of the harbor and wander around the market place.
    Open your eyes and you will see how we feel.

    Do presume to call yourself one of us, till you start thinking as player.

  15. #35
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    Ok, I'll stop.

    Politely requesting that threads such as this never enter these forums again.

  16. #36


    I would find it deliciously ironic if the real topic is how people respond to surveys. (or some such related topic.)

    *continues to eat his burger, not willing to fill out any forms as the burger has priority.*

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    I would find it deliciously ironic if the real topic is how people respond to surveys. (or some such related topic.)

    *continues to eat his burger, not willing to fill out any forms as the burger has priority.*
    Exactly what I was thinking while reading this thread

  18. #38
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Ok, I'll stop.

    Politely requesting that threads such as this never enter these forums again.
    Given the amount of agitation you seem to be having from this thread.... perhaps some sort of counseling is in order?

    Pretty sure there is a link somewhere....
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  19. #39
    Community Member FlaviusMaximus's Avatar
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    I completed the survey.

    While they essentially mean the same thing, I would have liked to have seen the words "debate" or "persuade" instead of "argue", since "argue" is often used to describe a more aggressive kind of debate. Felt a bit trapped in that section, since the rest of the questions involve aggressive behavior. I will debate, but not in an aggressive way, so without knowing how "argue" was being defined in the survey, it was a hard question to answer. In other words, if I say I argue frequently, are people going to get the wrong impression or will they realize that reasonable debates are taking place?

    A link to the data once it is added up would be appreciated. I would be curious to see what the results are.
    Last edited by FlaviusMaximus; 07-23-2013 at 12:59 AM.

  20. #40
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    I won a free iPhone!

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