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  1. #1
    The Hatchery RabidKoala's Avatar
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    Default New Doctor Who *SPOILERS*

    Well its happened. Matt Smith is Dead and John Hurt is the new Doctor. Not sure 'bout the rest of you guys but i'm a bit ticked off, I like my Doctor and now some new guy is coming in. Admittedly though when the Doctor "Matt Smith" first said that this new guy was a Doctor that wasn't a Doctor I thought... pardon me... I thought it was the Master. "Faceplam"

    Anywho discuss.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Shiny things are shiny.

  2. #2
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    Umm he's not dead? All that been suggested is that there are now 2 actors playing "him" at the same time, one playing the actual Doctor anouther playing a possibly evil version of himself, one who goes against what he stands for

  3. #3
    Hatchery Hero BOgre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RabidKoala View Post
    Well its happened. Matt Smith is Dead and John Hurt is the new Doctor.Not sure 'bout the rest of you guys but i'm a bit ticked off, I like my Doctor and now some new guy is coming in. Admittedly though when the Doctor "Matt Smith" first said that this new guy was a Doctor that wasn't a Doctor I thought... pardon me... I thought it was the Master. "Faceplam"

    Anywho discuss.
    Well, on that point, there have been 11 Doctors (with a grand total of 49 different actors playing the part, including one of my favs, Peter Cushing aka Grand Moff Tarkin). Part of what makes the series great is that he dies and regens. It's one of the things that has kept the series fresh and alive since 1963. You just have to accept the fact The Doctor you may have grown up with won't be around forever.

    My favorite full time Doctors:
    Tom Baker (the fourth Doctor, my 1st)
    Christopher Eccleston (ninth)
    David Tennant (10th)

    Least favs:
    Colin Baker (6th)
    Matt Smith (11th - current)

    edit: Oh, and don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to John Hurt as "some new guy". Possibly one of the top 10 most recognizable faces on stage and screen. hehe.
    Last edited by BOgre; 05-19-2013 at 02:27 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demarill View Post
    Umm he's not dead? All that been suggested is that there are now 2 actors playing "him" at the same time, one playing the actual Doctor anouther playing a possibly evil version of himself, one who goes against what he stands for
    I suspect he is a previous incarnation of The Doctor between Doctors we know about. While most transitions were seen on screen, I don't believe they all were (for example we never saw the 8th regen into the 9th so it could be there was a Doctor between those two that is a little nasty part of his life he doesn't talk about.

    That's about the only reason I can think of why the current Doctor would know that in fact the "new" Doctor is naughty, what he did, and why he was forced to do it. It might have been this version of The Doctor that ended the Time War. This would also fit nicely with the behavior of the 9th Doctor who was rather closed about his past.

  5. #5
    Community Member Thotumal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RabidKoala View Post
    Well its happened. Matt Smith is Dead and John Hurt is the new Doctor. Not sure 'bout the rest of you guys but i'm a bit ticked off, I like my Doctor and now some new guy is coming in. Admittedly though when the Doctor "Matt Smith" first said that this new guy was a Doctor that wasn't a Doctor I thought... pardon me... I thought it was the Master. "Faceplam"

    Anywho discuss.
    I must admit I also thought the person with their back to the camera who wasn't the doctor was going to turn around and be another regeneration of the master *cringe*
    Also recall some mention years ago in doctor who that the doctor can only regenerate about 13 times. Does anybody know if this is true? Whenever a new doctor appears I always feel slightly apprehensive as it brings us closer to the end of the show (this is why I can be heard screaming at the TV to try and stop the doctor from entering into overly risky situations) :/

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