i know what everyone says when it comes to melee druid mix that "doubblestrike" from "natural fighting is key for an effective winter wolf dps builds sadly after multiple monk/druid lives like 9monk/9druid/2fighter and 13druid/6monk/1fighter "doublestike" builds just don't hit hard enough or fast enough to replace the brutal sustained dps of regular unarmed combat, in my opinion 12monk/8 druid has the highest damage dealing capability with speed similar to that of the 9monk/9druid/2fight and far Superior to the 13duird/6monk/1fighter. this a burst dps build, meaning most of the dps comes from criticals/actionboots/helpless/sneakattack which you must do whatever to achieve said factors, which are short bursts of very high dps. sustained dps excludeing "criticals/actionboosts/helpless and sneakattack" is decent due to very highnumbers but not as fast as a unarmed monk. will go into more detail later.
Level 25 Lawful Neutral Half-Elf Male THIS IS A TR BUILD ASSUMING YOU HAVE DECENT GEAR AND +3 OR 4 TOMES, i don't recommend this for non tr's or first timers.
(12 Monk / 8 Druid / 5 Epic)
Hit Points: 382 772
Spell Points: 500 739
BAB: 15/15/20/25/25 buffed
Fortitude: 19 44
Reflex: 14 37
Will: 19 43
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats no gear with GEAR/Enhancements/epic destiny BUFFS
(36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 25) (Level 25) (Level 25)
Strength 16 26 44 +2ram+2ship+5screem+2MS+2bard 57
Dexterity 14 18 26 -2stance+2ship+2bard+3stance 32 or 37
Constitution 16 20 33 +3stance+2ship+5screem+4MS-2stance 43 or 48
Intelligence 8 12 12 -
Wisdom 16 20 32 +2ship+2bard 36
Charisma 8 12 12 -
-Gear: important stuff, feel free to use your own, just a guide if you don't know what you should use.
WRAPSrimary alchemical hand wraps any tire or combo along as you have "AIR as tier II for double strike and tier I"for stunning. silver attune for devils, and EE adamanite [+1.5 W] wraps all around great wraps slot whatever you want.
Helm: EE or EH Black Dragon +8str or +3 insightful "false life and exeptijonal str slotted."
Amor:Blackdragon, "resistance 7 slotted" if you can fully upgrade 20% fortification penetration is huge
Cape: "Cloak of the bear" any Level i use Level 20 but 16 or 24 is fine
Goggle: EE dreamvisor 1 exceptional wis slot or EE/EH intricate field optics 14 prr slot and 1 exceptional wis
Bracer:Open for whatever, currently Wearing +4 superior parrying with 30% heal amp.
Glove:also open for whatever, currently wearing tier III epic brawler gloves for 1d4 price dmg and 6 sneakattack damage
Boots:the non epic MADSTONEBOOTS!
Trinket: Planear prowess +8str, +3insightful if you have +8 str helm
Necklace:EEorEH jorgul's collor "slot whatever you want"
Belt: EE or EH Arkat's cord HEAVYFORT slot, 7 con slotted
Ring1:a TOD whatever one you want ring, HOLY BURST SLOTTED << important. if you have a set and wanna useit
Ring2:Tire III man slayer ring deathblock and +2 insightful dex slotted.
Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Rogue
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Level 3 (Druid)
Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Disciple of the Fist if you don't have this take "toughness" or re-roll go 20monk and get a monk life
Level 4 (Druid)
Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Wolf
Level 5 (Druid)
Level 6 (Druid) Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow
Level 7 (Druid)
Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Bear
Level 8 (Druid)
Level 9 (Druid)
Feat: (Selected) Cleave
Level 10 (Druid)
Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Winter Wolf
Level 11 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
Level 12 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Level 13 (Monk)
Level 14 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Great Cleave
Level 16 (Monk)
Level 17 (Monk)
Level 18 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Precision or toughness i recommend precision for high fort situations.
Level 19 (Monk)
Level 20 (Monk)
Level 21 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Overwhelming Critical or Improved martial arts
Level 22 (Monk)
Level 23 (Monk)
Level 24 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved martial arts or Overwhelming Critical
~DPS~ the important stuff
in winter wolf form a monks unarmed "improve" from 1d6 bludgeon to 1d10 slashing/piercing and crit range is improved to 17-20 with a multiplier of x3, at the cost of two weapon fighting 80% chance to land an additional blow every attack. how many have chosen to render this problem is by maxing the "double strike" stat. my maximum while 9monk/9druid/2fighter while in legendary dreadnought was a low 40% "animal form base 8* + 32%" from gear/feats/enhancements. honestly 40% like the first two weapon fighting feat, they just don't proc enough to compete with unarmed dps with 80% unless criticals and sneakattack are added in to the equation.
The grandmaster of the dry hump is just another approach to overcoming the massive decrease in attacks per second not by attempting to regain its speed but by simply maxing out the amount of damage you put out.
regular attack on stunned
Main ED is legendary dreadnought:
1. sense of weakness
2. dance of flowers
3. primal scream
base damage for my character. as a Level 5 legendary dreadnought, with AIR 3 alchemical wraps with rams,primal scream and magic fang as buffs damage roll is 7.5[1d10]+42 so 49-117 per an attack, 147-351 on a 17-18 critical and 294-702 on a x6 19-20 critical in earth stance."without seeker,exceptional seeker,critical damage enhancement from legendary dreadnaught and vengeful hunter" added in to the equation. with a constant double strike chance of 18% which is base 8*+9% from gear. as a winter wolf you also have a few attacks "baiting bite +4[W]" and "takedown +2[W]traps on fail save."
ive had crits up too 1k without th mob even been stunned and 1.3k to 1.7k on stunned without damage boosts and 2k to 4k with boosts.
with damage boosts on stunned
alternate hand wraps, epic elite knuckles the base damage is increased to 9[1d10]+43 at the cost of a 6% double strike chance 52-134 per an attack with 156-402 on 17-18, 312-804 on a 19-20. "without seeker,exceptional seeker,critical damage enhancement from legendary dreadnaught and vengeful hunter" added in to the equation.
9d6 9-54 sneak attack damage, 3d6 winter wolf+3d6 rouge dilly+ 3d6 ninja spyII "situational 1d6 from prestige"
with two stuns on seprate cooldowns you can become a great CC asset to the group melee dps alongwith touch of death, greatcleave, cleave baiting bite +4[W]" and "takedown . its almost too easy to take down trash mobs.
spam asmany stunningblows,trips,sunder,cleave,greatcleave and build the masters BLITZ.
1.stunningblow or stunning fist
2.if stunned "they will be" use touch of death
3.baitingbite/takedown/cleave/greatcleave. pick one
4.death and keep spamming sheet
so get out there and join my dojo of tail wagging, leg humping, bite-fu masters
and post any comments or questions, opinions and constructive criticism you have.