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  1. #21
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    After todays announcement of TRs.. probably a LOT more people.
    Doubt it.

    People may hate what Turbine is doing, but NWO is not the answer to their prayers. In fact its a step backwards, even from what Turbine is proposing.
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Grosbeak07 View Post
    Doubt it.

    People may hate what Turbine is doing, but NWO is not the answer to their prayers. In fact its a step backwards, even from what Turbine is proposing.
    Be it what it is, I'm betting more people will go give NWO a try after the announcements, hence more people playing. Now given how gamers are a fickle bunch, how long they'll stick around, that I have no idea.

  3. #23
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Turbines decision to make DDO attract more MMOers rather than hold on to the niche D&Ders may be playing against them, because NW has more of an MMO feel. Had they stayed with game mechanics that pleased D&Ders there would be less competition for the overlap crowd.

    Theres not enough content to keep players occupied in NW yet, so many of these people might be bouncing back and forth for a bit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  4. #24
    Community Member Orratti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    After todays announcement of TRs.. probably a LOT more people.
    Maybe. I've looked it over in some youtube videos and that was all that I needed to see. I really can't tell whether DDO is flourishing or floundering and really no one else can either. It all depends on who you ask in what post. One minute the same poster will say say that the game is thriving in it's current state and another minute they will say that you need to put in money to keep the lights on all depending on what you posted. Personally I think the current model is unstable otherwise it wouldn't be a problem to continue to keep to the integrity of the promises that have made to the players. Whether it is beginning to lose money or simply isn't reaching higher income goals forcing Turbine to adopt new outlets for getting income from the product is anyone's guess. I'm certainly not going to leave this game for another that has adopted anything remotely similar.

  5. #25
    Community Member khamastus's Avatar
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    Gave it a shot to level 11 with a friend. He loves it. I'd rather play wow, it's got the same type of feel for me.
    Love the idea of the foundry. Love the fact that you can pvp like a madman to level if you want.
    Different feel altogether from DDO.
    If I had to pick between wow and nwo then I'd have a decision to make. Between ddo and nwo though, ddo gets my vote without hesitation.
    Quote Originally Posted by teh_meh View Post
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Be it what it is, I'm betting more people will go give NWO a try after the announcements, hence more people playing. Now given how gamers are a fickle bunch, how long they'll stick around, that I have no idea.
    Hitting yourself in the head ith a hammer is more fun than NWO

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Turbines decision to make DDO attract more MMOers rather than hold on to the niche D&Ders may be playing against them, because NW has more of an MMO feel. Had they stayed with game mechanics that pleased D&Ders there would be less competition for the overlap crowd.

    Theres not enough content to keep players occupied in NW yet, so many of these people might be bouncing back and forth for a bit.
    This is it exactly.

    DDO was almost entirely proprietary in the world of MMOs. To me, this was the magic of DDO... the reason why new releases couldnt touch the DDO playerbase.

    At this point, Turbine seems to be acting with desperation more than anything else, milking the remaining playerbase for every dime it can. WB/Turbine clearly see the writing on the wall. It's as if WB is telling Turbine "If you dont make $______.00 by this date, we are turning off the lights."

    All Turbine had to do was stand pat in 2012/2013. Fix bugs, and add new content.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 06-19-2013 at 04:57 AM.

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  8. #28
    Community Member RyonsAlt's Avatar
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    As of today, I think NW:O just dug themselves a rather deep hole that will take a long time for them to recover from.

    They hinted at a new class, there was none.
    They said new content, but turns out only if you're in a large guild.
    The content is only available for an hour and a half a day.
    Essentially, there was no update for a lot of the people.

  9. #29
    Founder Feihung's Avatar
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    So, after NWO went live, I managed to be able to download it, lol. Not sure why it was initiating the download prior to that.

    Tried it out last night, you know...for what it isn't a bad game. If you're looking for a game that has no downsides you'll be looking forever.

    I can find enjoyment in it. For sure. Is it DDO? No. But it isn't supposed to be DDO 2, it's just another game. And taken in that context I can enjoy it for that.

    I give 3 and a half mehs out of 5.
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  10. #30
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    Default I won't be

    Tried nwo today.
    I woke up on korthos island with jeets. WHAT!!! Then 30 seconds later i logged out never to return.
    Just awestruck, whether it be a Dragon flying overhead Stormreach, that glowing character who just zoomed in'n'out of the Pub or that I can drink a Beholder under the table and best of all rescuing Damsels in distress.

    Character. Alivef was 1 x heroic completionist now I need Alchemist (+I have few more heroic pl's) 1 x epic completionist, 1 iconic Shadar Kai x 3. Gnome+Drow x3 racial pl's.
    Server Thelanis x

  11. #31
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    Its rubbish for a D&D game, absolutely no character / class customisation options at all.

    I was hugely disappointed by it, I wanted something like the single player games levelling and class choices.

  12. #32
    Community Member Pednick's Avatar
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    Like the others said, huge disappointment.

  13. #33
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    After todays announcement of TRs.. probably a LOT more people.

    I just wonder...if some hot new studio came up with an new D&D MMO and implemented the enhamcement revamp and TR system we are about to have bestowed upon us. If thiis fabled new studio rolled this fabled new MMO out to us with all of this implemented on day one, how many would switch to this new game?

    My guess...alot would, and think it was all great.

    Of course some folks can never be pleased .

  14. #34
    Community Member Grosbeak07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOisFree View Post
    Its rubbish for a D&D game, absolutely no character / class customisation options at all.

    I was hugely disappointed by it, I wanted something like the single player games levelling and class choices.

    But... but... SPARKLES!
    Magical Rings are well... magical. - Gandalf

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Grosbeak07 View Post
    But... but... SPARKLES!
    *blink* I can't tell if you are being serious that kobolds say that line there, or just teasing that "sparklies" are the new loot term for that game.

  16. #36
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    Default I am. My static group is. My *whole guild* is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Turbines decision to make DDO attract more MMOers rather than hold on to the niche D&Ders may be playing against them, because NW has more of an MMO feel. Had they stayed with game mechanics that pleased D&Ders there would be less competition for the overlap crowd.

    Theres not enough content to keep players occupied in NW yet, so many of these people might be bouncing back and forth for a bit.
    I saw this thread during Neverwinter's last maintenence, and it's been stuck in my head so I'm back during today's maintenence. My whole guild has re-formed in Neverwinter, and we're having a great time. We all prefer the 3.5 mechanics, and none of us are particularly MMO oriented, yet Neverwinter is a better fit. And I've been trying to figure out why.

    I think it boils down to Neverwinter has a smaller power gap between Noob and Uber. We can count on handling almost any content, and if only one of us is on and we join somebody else's group we won't get screamed at or laughed at or patiently carried in somebody's backpack. We can join a random group and be reasonably sure we'll be an asset, and we can do so without making the game a second job.

    We are all very casual players, and we play online to socialize with each other because we live far apart. We don't have the time to grind uber gear, large guild ship buffs, or level 150 crafting. And we absolutely hate having to re-learn a new mechanic before we've even had a chance to implement the well thought out (well, considered at least) build based on the last set of rules.

    Lack of content hasn't been an issue for us, we love the Foundry quests and every week more are added than we play through, so content is growing faster than we can consume it. Sure we get some lemmons, but we got plenty of those in DDO too.

    Power gamers probably won't be happy with Neverwinter because no matter how good your choices you won't be more than about 20 or 30% better than an average player. Casual players should give Neverwinter a look, though, because you definitely won't feel like a second class citizen there.

    And that might not be a bad thing for DDO, either. There are a ton of complaints on the forum how Turbine is dumbing DDO down to cater to those of us who are casual players. If many of the casual players left, the scales might tip towards catering exclusively to power gamers, and maybe Turbine could find a stable, albeit smaller, base there.

    I find that last thought a bit sad, I liked what ProducerRowan had to say and I've been peeking back at the forums occasionally in the hopes that he will bring the game in a direction I'd be happy to return to. I really hope he can strike a ballance between power and casual players. But until then, we've got someplace else to play.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Games which not only allow, but embrace players playing differently in their own game space, succeed far more often, as well as succeed in far higher measurable degree, than those which force players into playing a specific way.

  17. #37
    Community Member Lanhelin's Avatar
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    I played NWO, but then I tried DDO. And I'm still here, not there. Foundry's good but all the rest can't compete. So it's easy to decide where to stay if D&D matters.

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