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  1. #1
    Community Member ISMisst's Avatar
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    Default who is playing neverwinter?

    who is playing neverwinter?
    and on what server?

    enough said i am on beholder with a lvl 44 rogue
    long live Xoriat

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISMisst View Post
    who is playing neverwinter?
    and on what server?

    enough said i am on beholder with a lvl 44 rogue
    i did until i had it with their corrupt greed. i would advise you to stay away they do no testing on their patches. They charge you $1.5 to open a chest thats common loot. Thats not the worse of it if you dare want to craft the only way u get past crafting nothing but grays is buy these crafting packs for 3$ that have like 10 things in them and thats the only way you can get green and blue tools to craft epics but here is the kicker its all random so you can buy a pack and get nothing you can use. i know people who spend over 300 dollars to just craft 1 epic. There is something that is more shameful that Cryptic has done. Their end game enhancements which are not to bad but here is the big problem you need 4 shards to make a lesser and need 4 lessers to make the normal and 4 normals to make the epic pretty common but they outdid themselves here the percentage to combine them is a big 1% and if you fail you lose at least 1 of the lower enhancements. cryptic has a solution for the you can buy a rune that will make sure that item will combine but it only cost $10 each and it is a 1 time use. So for 1 epic enhancement cost you 160 dollars. the best tank in the game is a cleric because damage does not draw threat but a clerics 1 or 2 hp regin will draw all the aggro if the cleric just gets close.
    Last edited by tobias_bridge; 05-21-2013 at 04:20 PM.

  3. #3
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    Uh... incoherent screeds about having to pay money to play games aside...

    I gave it a try, got a rogue to about level 40. It's not a bad game, but mainly what it made me want to do was play DDO instead. DDO gives me more of the feeling of exploring a dangerous dungeon; Neverwinter feels very diablo-esque, but just with a slightly different camera perspective. On the whole, I prefer to spend my time in DDO, but dropping into smash some kobolds once in a while in Neverwinter will probably stay on the schedule, because hey, it's free!

  4. #4
    Community Member chance2000's Avatar
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    Angry I am

    I am and having a good time.
    I have even created my Guild there on the Dragon server as a Founder's Guild.
    5 characters so far.
    1. My Smigit is a Dwarf Guardian Fighter level 40
    2. Xailar Drow Cleric lvl33
    3. Xaxx Theifling Control Wizard lvl27
    4. Brillian GWF lvl 21
    5. Smox T rogue lvl 26
    I like the game and at times it feels more like D&D than DDO
    I must say because of choice DDO is still my favorite game.
    One problem I have with DDO at the moment is it logs me out of the fourms before I can reply
    Not all who wander are lost. I am not lost, I am just exploring.
    Smigit F25 (Leg Dread 5), Xappit w20 (tr), Tamix C20,Smigitjr Tmp R 22, Tamik 14 P (3rd life,) , Xsong bard 20, Smigit5 arti 21, Xappet 20 AA, Smigit6 D22 (fw2), Tamok Fvs 20 Smoxfeat monk 16 Taggem Wf Pally 14 others. Leader Circle of Destruction Argonnessen

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    I played long enough to realize I had to stop moving every time I wanted to attack something. Realized the cash I spent on a founders pack would have been better spent on TP. Came to the conclusion that the game is good for people who don't know how to play DDO well. Good luck with the game.

    `````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
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  6. #6
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    NWN is definitely NOT DDO. Or D&D, by any means.

    If you enjoy making cookie cutter characters with little to no customization and a 1990's retro gaming console feel, by all means go for it. If you enjoy DDO, I suspect you will be vastly underwhelmed, like I was.

    I had to laugh when I started the game at level 1 with nearly a thousand hit points and was able to sleep walk my way to level 9 solo..
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  7. #7
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    tried logging in over there and got updating launcher then times out. have sent multiple tickets to them with no response. And to boot cant get in there forums. just times me out too. There as bad if not worse than ddo and for a new game and one that to me is not all that good it is pretty shameful.

  8. #8
    Community Member brlftz's Avatar
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    with the issues today and yesterday, i was angry enough to give it a shot despite what i'd read. turns out what i read was true. no meaningful choices for your character build - you might as well be playing donkey kong. combat is boooooring - spam the one or two things your character is allowed to do, and stand still while you're at it. i WANTED to like the game just out of spite at DDO last night, but it was really a lousy game. made me appreciate what makes DDO such an incredible game. what we all think of as bugs are also the result of just how incredibly rich this game is with choices and degrees of freedom.

  9. #9
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    Thumbs down

    agreed with most replys above. i really wanted to like neverwinter,i was super excited for it. but when it went into open beta i was extremely bummed. it is super simple,character progression is shamefully linear for what is supposed to be D&D,its ludicrously expensive to play and combat is snore inducing. i had been on a very long break from mmo gaming in general,and was ready to jump back in to something,and was hoping neverwinter would usher me back in style. but instead it just reminded me of great times playing ddo and was cause for my recent return to what IMO is still the only D&D mmo.

  10. #10
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    I played Neverwinter and it was lots of fun!

    My DC was running T2s and I was amusing myself leveling a rogue (MUCH easier). But, as much as I *adore* the sparkles, it kind of got boring. End game looks to be all about trading for loot and nothing else much which is kind of not really something I find fun.

    Wonderful to have a fresh perspective on DDO though. And hey, if I want something enjoyably braindead, I'll can always go and play Neverwinter again for another sparkle fix
    ~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~
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  11. #11
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    Tried to like it myself but to boring and simple the only way I could like it would be hit myself in the head until I destroyed most of my brain.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #12
    Community Member Arnhelm's Avatar
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    Learned enough about it from friends and others posting the game-play to know it's not for me.
    Once upon a time, I was part of a team, and we saved some children. That was long ago and far away, and, yes, I am that old.

  13. #13
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    Same here. I was very excited coz I love NWN, but I was very dissapointed. I like casting animation and that short-range teleport is very nice, but thats where the fun ends :/
    I play it sometimes with GF when we need braindead therapy- you know, turn brain off, let the drools came out and clicking.

  14. #14
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISMisst View Post
    who is playing neverwinter?
    and on what server?

    This is just a guess, but probably all the folks in the Neverwinter forum? As for what server, you'd have to ask them.

    Currently I play on Sarlona and Thelanis.

  15. #15
    Community Member RyonsAlt's Avatar
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    I played to 60 on my rogue named Ryon Shardirin on the Beholder server, then came to the conclusion that there wasn't enough group diversity and the queuing system was horrible. There was no endgame unless you ran with a guild that didn't have you only to say they have lots of people. However, it was still a nice change of pace. Comparing DDO to NWO is like comparing apples to oranges to SUVs.

    I've been trying to play with my friends that I convinced to play, I figured it might be a good way to show them that D&D isn't as terrible as some people make it out to be. I catch quite a bit of flak because I don't have the same interests as them. It's a decent MMO for people new to MMOs to get started in because there's not a lot you can mess up character planning wise like there is in DDO and it's fairly straightforward, if it moves, kill it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ISMisst View Post
    who is playing neverwinter?
    and on what server?

    enough said i am on beholder with a lvl 44 rogue
    if someone is playing nwn and ddo, maybe is because they shouldn't have been playing ddo

    i mean, there're a lot of "wow players" or ppl who don't want to squeeze their brain about builds, min/max, optimizing, etc

    they shouldn't play ddo, in fact when i meet players like that i suggest em to play NWN or WOW, because you know, you can be easily gimped in DDO, that's not bad if you like depending on groups to do stuff, but hey, i play to try different things/builds and can't wait 20 mins for a quest to fill, so i solo mostly, if NWN offered some customization, then would be great, but is mainly focused to wow players, not hard to see it

    nwn has some nice things, but thinking on what you're doing isn't among em, it's one of (i like to call em this way) another mmo arcade

    there are really few mmorpg, in fact, ragnarok online (or another of those korean kill-924823853945-to lvl up games) is closer to mmorpg than nwn is

  17. #17
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    Default Feh

    All I had to do was look at the chat window in the MMOGrinder review to realize I didn't want to play it. DDO isn't perfect either but it's on a completely different level to Neverwinter. The DDO community is also the best I've found on any MMO yet.

    I'll give a thumbs up to Turbine too, contrary to the opinions of a few jaded players they are very gracious and fair. Play DCUO, SWTOR or any other Sony Online Entertainment game for a reasonable period of time and you will discover exactly what I mean.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyonsAlt View Post
    I figured it might be a good way to show them that D&D isn't as terrible as some people make it out to be.
    They might be right. I started playing Basic D&D in 1979, Expert then Advanced and 2nd Edition D&D which I still rate as the best version of them all.

    During my early teens we used to play high magic scenarios with tons of magic items and... well to cut a long story short one of my friends kept putting a Deck of Many Things in all of his dungeons. We marked the corners of the deck of cards he used so we knew what cards to pick. All our characters ended up with huge attributes thanks to multiple draws of the Wish card.. it got pretty silly in the end and we all rolled up new characters once the novelty wore off.

    When Wizards of the Coast bought TSR they revamped the game purely to create a new product to sell. Most of my distaste for 3rd edition D&D is rooted in the experience I had with the Deck of Many Things and how the system lends itself to creating unrealistic, inherently powerful characters. I do struggle with DDO characters in that respect as well, even though the developers have done a grand job of adjusting the challenge of the monsters I just cringe whenever I see the attributes of players on youtube, eg. I saw a snapshot of a Barbarian with 78 Strength, even Thor probably isn't as strong as that!

    Thinking about basic D&D and AD&D takes me back If you can find second hand books for them I advise you check them out and maybe convince your friends to roleplay the older versions instead.

  19. #19
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I am playing, on Dragon Server Level 60 DC.

    I play all RPGs and DnD based games ( however loosely based) that come out on console, most that come out on PC. I don't look at any of these games as a replacement for DDO and don't expect them to be anything like DDO. I play them once thru usually and then quit.

    I like stories, and the Foundry quests have many stories written from original DnD campaigns. The main story arc is pretty weak tho.

    That said, I have 3 more areas to do and I will prob be done until the new content comes out. It is Beta, and Endgame and grouping just sucks over there. But for solo play with an occaisional Skirmish or Dungeon Delve it's something to occupy my time while waiting to see what the changes are here.
    Last edited by moops; 06-12-2013 at 07:37 PM.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by ISMisst View Post
    who is playing neverwinter?
    After todays announcement of TRs.. probably a LOT more people.

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