I have a couple of characters I'm thinking about TRing (paladin and wizard) and I'm considering a WF LotB build. I've played an Evoker FvS but I prefer the buff + melee playstyle.
Anyway, I've done some research today and it seems like most of the melee FvS are now Human, HORc, or HElf monk and/or fighter splashes. Is that the case? What changed? Just the "nerfs" to WF?
I know feats are tight with a WF FvS 20 since you want some metamagics (Maximize, Emp Heal, Quicken), the THF feats, and/or Cleave/Great Cleave so the splashes help (and evasion doesn't suck).
But first time around, I wanted to try just WF FvS 20. I'd probably TR again so there's that too.
Still worth building?