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  1. #1
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    Default Request: PM human wiz 32build

    Been searching threw like 6-7 pages now and no luck finding a decent build or at least not splashed with rouge. Plus this new forum set up doesn't really help when old links don't work so what I'm looking for:

    32pt build
    pm line
    necro high spells for FoD
    maybe side of charm or at least disco ball(if this don't go with my necro spells hitting hard then nvm)

    Thanks in advance hope to see a awesome build i will have fun with.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by pandagtx View Post
    Been searching threw like 6-7 pages now and no luck finding a decent build or at least not splashed with rouge. Plus this new forum set up doesn't really help when old links don't work so what I'm looking for:

    32pt build
    pm line
    necro high spells for FoD
    maybe side of charm or at least disco ball(if this don't go with my necro spells hitting hard then nvm)

    Thanks in advance hope to see a awesome build i will have fun with.

    Best thing I've found so far is a out dated build any suggestions.

    Necromancer (L20 Wizard)

    Concept: Wizard focused on the dark arts of Necromancy
    Original path's flaws: No Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy (making it unable to take the Pale Master line), no Toughness feat except on Human, Maximize and Extend taken too late, some skill points wasted in Search on the Human version
    Main fixes: Revised feats (including in particular Toughness and Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy), and also increased Con a bit for even more HPs

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good

    Stats and Race (28/32 pt):
    ........Drow.....Dwarf......Elf.....Halfling...Hum an...Warforged.
    .Str.....10........10........10........10........1 0........10....
    .Int.....20........18........18........18........1 8........18....
    .Cha.....10........6.........8.........8.........8 .........6.....

    Ability increase every 4 levels: All in Int.

    Skills: At all levels keep maxed out Concentration, UMD, Balance, Diplomacy and Move Silently. Put 1 rank (two skill points) into Tumble at character creation only. Spend points into Jump until you can reach +10 before casting the Jump spell. Put rest into Hide, and when you get extra points, invest in Spot.

    Feats (by level), except Human: Extend (1), Toughness (1), Maximize (3), Empower (5), Spell Focus: Necromancy (6), Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy (9), Heighten (10), Spell Penetration (12), Quicken (15), Greater Spell Penetration (15), Mental Toughness (18), Spell Focus: Enchantment (20)
    Feats (by level), Human: Same, but take Mental Toughness at L1 and Improved Mental Toughness at L18.
    Special note: The feats Spell Focus: Necromancy and Empower were switched on 2011-01-31, in order to gain access to Empower earlier (yummy fireballs!). If you already took Spell Focus: Necromancy at L5, no worries, just pick Empower at L6.

    For more information about picking enhancements please read this post.
    Enhancements (Wizard): Elemental Manipulation III, Energy of the Scholar III, Improved Empowering I, Improved Heightening II, Improved Maximizing I, Improved Spell Penetration II, Intelligence III, Lineage of Deadly Elements II, Lineage of Elements II, Master of Magic (capstone), Pale Master III, Shroud of the Lich, Summon Skeletal Knight
    Enhancements (Drow): Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Dwarf): Constitution I, Racial Toughness II, Spell Defense I
    Enhancements (Elf): Arcanum I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Halfling): Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Human): Adaptability Intelligence I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Warforged): Constitution I, Force Manipulation II, Inscribed Armor I (must take early), Racial Toughness II, Wand and Scroll Mastery II

    Spells taken when leveling up.
    Be careful that the main goal of this list is not to give you the best spells, but to ensure you get most spells whose scrolls cannot be bought from vendors. Other important spells should be manually inscribed in your spell book, buying scrolls as needed. If you cannot afford them all, try to get at least those listed in the Dynamic Hand Sorcerer build (also use this list to pick alternate spells when leveling up if you happen to already have some of the spells below in your spell book). NOTE: this list is not quite up-to-date and will be updated in the future.
    L1: Acid Spray / Chill Touch / Expeditious Retreat / Hypnotism / Mage Armor / Niac's Cold Ray / Shield
    L2: Charm Person / Magic Missile
    L3: Electric Loop / Snowball Storm
    L4: Fog Cloud / Resist Energy
    L5: Acid Blast / Haste
    L6: Chain Missiles / Frost Lance
    L7: Dimension Door / Wall of Fire
    L8: Solid Fog / Symbol of Flame
    L9: Cloudkill / Cone of Cold
    L10: Repair Light, Mass / Symbol of Pain
    L11: Acid Fog / Create Undead
    L12: Symbol of Fear / Symbol of Persuasion
    L13: Delayed Blast Firewall / Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    L14: Prismatic Spray / Symbol of Weakness
    L15: Horrid Wilting / Otto's Irresistible Dance
    L16: Polar Ray / Trap the Soul
    L17: Energy Drain / Wail of the Banshee
    L18: Dominate Monster / Mass Charm Monster
    L19: Hold Monster, Mass / Summon Monster IX
    L20: Greater Shout / Symbol of Death
    Special note (Warforged) Same spell selection, except that at L1 Hypnotism should be replaced with with Repair Light Damage, then you should make sure you always buy and inscribe the appropriate Repair spell when you gain access to a new level of spells (note: Repair Mass scrolls cannot be bought, but unless you are playing with a static group or guild of Warforged players, there is no hurry to get them... the most important Repair spells to inscribe are Repair Moderate, Repair Serious and Reconstruct).

    Soloability by level (except Warforged):
    No hireling..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    With hireling: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Soloability by level (Warforged):
    No hireling..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    With hireling: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    - You may think of a Necromancer as controlling an army of undead to take over a dungeon (as per the official description of the path). This is not how it works in DDO, where creatures under your control are usually weak, and your army most often consists of a single one (although it is sometimes viable to get more). Overall, controlling undead is not such a big part of being a Necromancer. Being a deadly caster is, but you will need to wait until the mid-levels to really enjoy your insta-kill spells.
    - At low level, the Shield and Mage Armor spells can be useful to boost your AC. However, later on this will not be enough, and your best options to avoid punishment will be fast movement (Haste), Blur/Displacement, Jump, Diplomacy, and crowd control spells.
    - To solo in the earliest levels, it can be easier to buff yourself and swing a staff (with the highest + you can find) than to try and get everything done with spells.
    - With items boosting your Hide/Move Silently and the Invisibility spell, you will have enough sneaking ability to be able to avoid some encounters or approach monsters with stealth to get in spell-casting range. It can also be useful to make sure monsters target your pet, hireling or teammates when an encounter starts. If you get the Shroud of the Wraith enhancement (after L18 in this build), you can be even more stealthy.
    - Use your Death Aura spells to recover Hit Points in undead form. Remember to warn your party healer that you cannot be healed as undead, and thus he should not waste ressources on you.
    - Carry large stacks of spell components. Running out of them in the middle of a quest can be embarrassing.
    - There is a lot to learn from MrCow's videos, especially about soloing with a Warforged caster.

    - IMPORTANT: The spell progression listed above still needs to be updated, make sure to pick your death aura spells when leveling up since they are not available from scrolls.
    - If you enjoy the Pale Master summons, then consider (1) investing in more summoning enhancements than the one listed above, and (2) picking the Augment Summoning feat. You may pick it at L1 (on a Human delaying Mental Toughness to L18 and giving up on Improved Mental Toughness, on other races delaying Extend to L3, and shifting other feats accordingly - but still picking Spell Focus: Necromancy at L6 to qualify for Pale Master I, and eventually giving up Spell Focus: Enchantment). Note however that summons' usefulness tend to decrease as you level up, so you may plan to respec out of Augment Summoning at higher levels.
    - Enhancements in this build are focused towards elemental (fire/cold) spells. This is the most common and overall the most useful specialization, but choosing to focus on lightning/acid is also viable. The force/repair line, however, is not worth investing too much into. Keep in mind some of the elemental boost enhancements are required for Pale Master summons though.
    - The Insightufl Reflexes feat can be worth picking if you have trouble dodging AoE spells and timing traps. It could replace Spell Focus: Enchantment for instance (see the point below though). If you plan to take this feat, do not invest any point in Dex at character creation.
    - Spell Focus: Enchantment is taken at L20 to boost your DC on Mass Hold Monster in particular, which is a very useful spell in some Epic content. If you do not feel like you need this extra +1 DC, you may replace it e.g. with Enlarge (to kill from distance or land touch spells like Otto's Irresistible Dance more easily), Improved Mental Toughness (for more SPs), or Insightful Reflxes as suggested above (in which case you should take this new feat at L18, delaying Mental Toughness to L20, because Insightful Reflexes is not a Wizard bonus feat).
    - On another hand, if you really want to maximize your DC on Mass Hold, you may want to pick both Spell Focus: Enchantment and Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment. This may be done by taking Spell Focus: Enchantment instead of Quicken at L15, then Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment at L18, thus delaying Quicken to L20 (and removing Mental Toughness).
    - If you decide to give up on Mental Toughness (for one of the feats mentioned above), remember that besides the Spell Points loss, this will also make it impossible to go into Wraith form (but at this point the Lich form is more useful anyway).
    - This build, the Elementalist and The Ingenious Sage Wizard paths are all pure caster builds, able to perform all typical caster tasks. More original builds could for instance splash rogue (to handle traps and locks and more survivability through Evasion / UMD) or some melee class (for a mixed caster/melee build). But such advanced options are not considered by the original paths provided in DDO, and thus are out of the scope of this guide (note they are also more difficult to build right, and often require more gear to be effective).

  3. #3
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    This is what I used when getting a Wiz PL for my sorc. It a 18/2 rogue splash but can easly be amended to a 20 Wiz

    Yuo will also want to read this thread

    Race: Human 32 point build
    Str 12/14
    Dex 8/10 (8 if you take Insightful Reflexes)
    Con 16
    Int 18
    Wis 8/10
    Cha 8/10

    Balance, Concentration, Spot, UMD
    Rest your choice

    1 Toughness
    1 (Hum) Maximize Spell
    1 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Enchantment
    3 Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
    5 (Wiz) Extend Spell
    6 Mental Toughness/Insightful Reflexes
    9 Heighten Spell
    10 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Necromancy
    12 Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    15 Spell Penetration
    15 (Wiz) Quicken Spell
    18 Greater Spell Penetration
    20 (Wiz) Empower/Improved Mental Toughness
    21 Epic Spell Penetration
    24 Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy/Great Ability Intelligence

    You could drop Greater Enchantment and get empower earlier or any other of the options. Also the order of most feats can be moved, but you need yo take into account which feats cant be taken for the Wizard bonus feats.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoiii View Post
    This is what I used when getting a Wiz PL for my sorc. It a 18/2 rogue splash but can easly be amended to a 20 Wiz

    Yuo will also want to read this thread

    Race: Human 32 point build
    Str 12/14
    Dex 8/10 (8 if you take Insightful Reflexes)
    Con 16
    Int 18
    Wis 8/10
    Cha 8/10

    Balance, Concentration, Spot, UMD
    Rest your choice

    1 Toughness
    1 (Hum) Maximize Spell
    1 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Enchantment
    3 Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
    5 (Wiz) Extend Spell
    6 Mental Toughness/Insightful Reflexes
    9 Heighten Spell
    10 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Necromancy
    12 Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    15 Spell Penetration
    15 (Wiz) Quicken Spell
    18 Greater Spell Penetration
    20 (Wiz) Empower/Improved Mental Toughness
    21 Epic Spell Penetration
    24 Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy/Great Ability Intelligence

    You could drop Greater Enchantment and get empower earlier or any other of the options. Also the order of most feats can be moved, but you need yo take into account which feats cant be taken for the Wizard bonus feats.

    Thanks a lot for feed back I will look over both and splash em together and see what I come up with. Currently I took empower early for acid splash.

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