This is what I used when getting a Wiz PL for my sorc. It a 18/2 rogue splash but can easly be amended to a 20 Wiz
Yuo will also want to read this thread
Race: Human 32 point build
Str 12/14
Dex 8/10 (8 if you take Insightful Reflexes)
Con 16
Int 18
Wis 8/10
Cha 8/10
Balance, Concentration, Spot, UMD
Rest your choice
1 Toughness
1 (Hum) Maximize Spell
1 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Enchantment
3 Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
5 (Wiz) Extend Spell
6 Mental Toughness/Insightful Reflexes
9 Heighten Spell
10 (Wiz) Spell Focus: Necromancy
12 Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
15 Spell Penetration
15 (Wiz) Quicken Spell
18 Greater Spell Penetration
20 (Wiz) Empower/Improved Mental Toughness
21 Epic Spell Penetration
24 Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy/Great Ability Intelligence
You could drop Greater Enchantment and get empower earlier or any other of the options. Also the order of most feats can be moved, but you need yo take into account which feats cant be taken for the Wizard bonus feats.