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  1. #1
    Community Member BlueBloody's Avatar
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    Default please help me with build

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueBloody View Post
    im no expert but ive played a few casters and have never used diplomacy. Perhaps put the points from diplomacy into UMD, as a half point in UMD might not be enough to get it high enough to be very useful.

  3. #3
    Community Member BlueBloody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supott View Post
    im no expert but ive played a few casters and have never used diplomacy. Perhaps put the points from diplomacy into UMD, as a half point in UMD might not be enough to get it high enough to be very useful.
    thank you. But umd max is 0.5 x 20. I can raise cha

  4. #4
    Community Member Fleckislaupir's Avatar
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    Check out the Markeyx.
    The Once and Future unbongwah

  5. #5
    Community Member BlueBloody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fleckislaupir View Post
    Check out the Markeyx.
    too much meta feats, low sp, low hp. Imho. I wanna be dd

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueBloody View Post
    too much meta feats, low sp, low hp. Imho. I wanna be dd
    Are you saying that the Markeyx build has low sp? He's taken both mental toughness feats and is only down 2 wis from max.... The only reason to max wisdom is for spell DC, which direct damage does not need. All you need for pure ice DPS is water elemental form, seasons herald, maximize, and empower. Really nothing more complicated than that.

  7. #7
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    This is an ice cleave build for TR leveling. *May* be better or worse when U18 hits for a fourth animal form cleave.

    How about:
    1-8 Human Druid (PA, Cleave, GC, Dodge) Reaving Roar
    9 Monk Spring Attack, Mobility (monk feat),
    10-11 Druid Essence of Shrike II, Cold Breath, Vorpal Weapon
    12 Monk Imp Crit Blunt, Combat expert(monk Feat)
    13 Fighter WW (fighter feat)
    14-20 Druid Toughness, EmpH

    U18 is going to eliminate animal form + healing + cold enhancement builds. You will not be able to hybrid and pick a few aspects of the druid to max out like wolf/ice/healing/reaving roar. You will have 0 spell power from enhancements maxing animal form first.

    Edit: clarity, also to note that build level order is exact to make use of monk, fighter, and leveling feats as necessary to get WW, imp crit, and GC by 13, while still having mass regen.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 05-20-2013 at 09:18 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member BlueBloody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This is an ice cleave build for TR leveling. *May* be better or worse when U18 hits for a fourth animal form cleave.

    How about:
    1-8 Human Druid (PA, Cleave, GC, Dodge) Reaving Roar
    9 Monk Spring Attack, Mobility (monk feat),
    10-11 druid Essence of Shrike II, Cold Breath, Vorpal Weapon
    12 Monk Imp Crit Blunt, Combat expert(monk Feat)
    13 Fighter WW (fighter feat)
    15 Tough
    18 Emp H

    U18 is going to eliminate animal form + healing + cold enhancement builds. You will not be able to hybrid and pick a few aspects of the druid to max out like wolf/ice/healing/reaving roar. You will have 0 spell power from enhancements maxing animal form first.
    thank you

    markeys build is not for me. I prefer wis 18 locus 4 augment summoning and improve evo.

  9. #9
    Uber Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueBloody View Post
    thank you

    markeys build is not for me. I prefer wis 18 locus 4 augment summoning and improve evo.
    Ok, the reality is Markey build is a good starting point for a caster druid. Going 2 more wisdom is fine it that really what you want, but the cost means you sacrifice in other areas - my druids usually go with 17 wisdom, con and then strength - and i use cleric dilly to deal with the raise dead issue - reincarnate is such a uselessly slow spell to cast it make thing annoying...

    I am unsure why you went so high on your dex... there is nothing I can see that justify the points... reducing that can add to your con or cha. The added cha in the markey build is to get better umd - so you can use umd on the raise dead scrolls... (cleric dilly takes care of that...)

    Priority for skills: Balance, Concentration, UMD as much as you can - heal is still pretty useless (at least until the enhancement changes come in)

    I don't find construct essence to be that useful as a feat - the dogs are pretty stupid creatures that usually cause more problems than they are worth - and greater spell focus evo really won't make that significant changes to your dc... I like at least maximize and empower and quicken on my druid. I even played with spell focus necro to boost the finger of death but it was ultimately not worth it.
    Shalera Dagen - Triple Epic and Triple heroic Completionist. Life too many to count...

  10. #10
    Community Member BlueBloody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustMe_ca View Post
    Ok, the reality is Markey build is a good starting point for a caster druid. Going 2 more wisdom is fine it that really what you want, but the cost means you sacrifice in other areas - my druids usually go with 17 wisdom, con and then strength - and i use cleric dilly to deal with the raise dead issue - reincarnate is such a uselessly slow spell to cast it make thing annoying...

    I am unsure why you went so high on your dex... there is nothing I can see that justify the points... reducing that can add to your con or cha. The added cha in the markey build is to get better umd - so you can use umd on the raise dead scrolls... (cleric dilly takes care of that...)

    Priority for skills: Balance, Concentration, UMD as much as you can - heal is still pretty useless (at least until the enhancement changes come in)

    I don't find construct essence to be that useful as a feat - the dogs are pretty stupid creatures that usually cause more problems than they are worth - and greater spell focus evo really won't make that significant changes to your dc... I like at least maximize and empower and quicken on my druid. I even played with spell focus necro to boost the finger of death but it was ultimately not worth it.
    Ok. Now i understood. Thanks really.

  11. #11
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    hey i am also making a druid build except goin 1rogue,

    about the umd, u can allocate 2 skill pts per level even if it just adds .5 for a total of 1 per level. I noticed urs only reached 12.5, but u should be able to get it to abt 22ish. Well, dont think UMD is that important on a druid accdg to the feedback i am getting either way. Im probably gonna get mine to about 15+, just enough to cast teleport with a decent rate

    edit* looks like there are diff. opinions abt uMD on a druid.
    Last edited by supott; 05-22-2013 at 03:58 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member ~Susie1262's Avatar
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    The cleric dilly for raise dead is not worth it IMHO. Have tried it. The time it takes to swap to a scroll, use the scroll, swap back to weapon is the same amount as casting reincarnate. And by that time, someone else has already raised them. The Markeyx build is a good solid build. It is not the one I use. What I use on my druids is in that thread, however. If you are making a caster druid, you need to read that thread. The whole thing. The differences in builds is not a lot, but some tweaks are more important to some players than others.

    UMD on a druid. You really can't make it high enough to be truly useful without sacrificing something else. Whether it is useful enough is up to you. But, I do not bother. I let my druids be druids.
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