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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default The Argos Directory of Guilds where buying/selling raidloot is NOT OKAY

    One thing that irks me from these threads are people repeatedly saying "I won't sell/trade/whatever loot if the guild leading the run says its not okay in that run." Well, guess what, most people have fairly static loot policies that really aren't subjected to regular change. So let this thread be a fair warning: if you are on Argo and you buy/sell raidloot in a run hosted by one of the guilds below, don't be surprised that you are declined from all of their future runs afterwards.

    I'll get it started:

    ChaosKnights (do not allow trades either)
    The Fockers
    Yuck Hunt
    Imperial Assassins
    Last edited by Greenbearded; 05-13-2013 at 10:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Sign us up

    ChaosKnights (note - we do not allow trades either)

  3. #3
    Community Member rangerluna375's Avatar
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    The Fockers

    I haven't lead any raids since MotU launched, but still applies when I do.
    The Fockers of Argo
    Fuglymofo, LOOON, Hobaggin, Buttscracher, FuglyDbag

  4. #4
    Community Member HotMaarl's Avatar
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    Yuck Hunt

  5. #5
    Community Member ~Arcscoob's Avatar
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    Imperial Assassins
    Arcscoob Beefscoob Scoobmx Scoobshot : ChaosKnights : Argonnessen
    Weapon Damage Modeler : Abbot Raid Manual : My Builds : My Trades

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcscoob View Post
    Imperial Assassins
    og that's still around?

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    not that we running many raids lately, but add firefly to the list as well
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Mohnster Errand Yitzhak

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Loot rules we try to enforce in our guild runs and among our players:

    Raid leaders are expected to clarifiy these rules (or whichever set of rules we settle on) AT THE BEGINNING of a raid, when spots are pugged outside our typically participating circle of friends, who are typically familair with how we run things.

    You may:

    1. Pull your loot, if you so choose.
    2. Roll your loot; either as a roll open to ANYONE in the group/raid, or by restricting the rolls to the class/es that benefit most from that item.
    3. WITH PARTY CONSENSUS, ANYONE (guildie or not) may trade an in-chest binding item for another in-chest binding item. We have always been generous in allowing trades when it comes to shard x and shard y to be traded, in von, chrono, or the barb trading the torc he pulls for the chaosblade the caster pulls. i personally see little to no difference if we trade a btc from the old epics (which has been a commonly accepted M.O. for years) or trade a btc item for another in the new epics/raids--though players may be more sensitive when it comes to new shinies. No trading commendations for items. HOWEVER,
    a. we need to clarify our loot rules to players who join as pugs;
    b. we need to ensure party consensus on the trading items aspect.

    You may not:
    1. Sell anything directly out of a chest, be the item bound or unbound--that is either simply wrong, or comes across as insensitively greedy.
    2. Offer to buy anything out of a chest, be the item bound or unbound. IF you want to trade UNBOUND items, trade after the quest is over. Send a PM to the player who pulls what you want, if you so chose. Quests/raids are a group effort, allow for as much fairness as the random loot generation allows for.
    3. Pass loot underhandedly to a friend or guildie. Gives the guild a bad name. Is inappropriate. Announce that player xyz is specifically looking for item abc to finish gear--shards of power, shard x out of crono, or whatever it is. And go with the reaction of the group.

    N.B: if a guildie is looking for chest pullers for a specific item, and you join his/her group JUST FOR THE CHEST OPENING, it would be rather unfair to actually loot the item they are looking for--if said guildie did all the work. if you work your butt off in a joined effort to get ot that specific chest, make sure there is consensus about loot pulling expectations.

    N.B.: No loot rules are ever perfect. We agreed to these rules as a general consensus of what seems fair to everyone participating in a quest/raid. Other guilds and players draw their lines of what constitutes fairness elsewhere--I've had many discussions with friends about the "trade a btcoa item for another" aspect of our rules.

    These loot rules cannot and do not factor in any psychological aspects involved in the decision making process of pulling/rolling/trading.

    SYNergia GL

  9. #9
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    AoK we dont sell or trade*. 99.9% if we cant use it it goes up for roll to the party (common sense applies here... monk builds get first dibs at antipode versus say a barbarian for example)

    * very very rarely people might accept to swap with other raid loot pullers if the party is cool with it. (I.E. "trade you the antipode in my name for the twilight in yours". But this would be done over party or voice chat in game, no sneaky private tells etc)
    Its not worth getting blacklisted over loot.

  10. #10
    Community Member konexion's Avatar
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    you can add married with children to that list as well
    madizm | avania | sickcide | seleenious | sicklecell

  11. #11
    The Hatchery
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    Sep 2009


    oh god, can't edit it since forums messed up and somehow the "new" forum account is gone so, added:

    Truth Seekers
    Married with Children

  12. #12
    The Hatchery BeeorTheOld's Avatar
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    add Awesome Flower Power
    Beeor/Mylan/Saellind/Ranniky/Sollaufein/Feanori -AFP - Argo

  13. #13
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by davyscy View Post
    oh god, can't edit it since forums messed up and somehow the "new" forum account is gone so, added:

    Truth Seekers
    Married with Children
    If you can't edit the first post it may be better to repost with your current forum name and ask Cordovan to close this thread. Going to post 11 to see the rest of the list probably isn't going to work to well. (Especially since people won't know that's where to look)

  14. #14
    Community Member mostoasty's Avatar
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    My old guild would always just pass to another guildie that needed the item if they didn't. If multiple guildies needed the item then they would roll. If no one in guild needed it then it would go up to roll for the pugs. Ofc they weren't bound to this rule, and no one got upset if someone decided to do something else. It's your loot, do whatever you want with it, but most of the time people were trying to help out others they played with regularly, because it was mutually beneficial. If pugs didn't like it, they didn't have to join the group. I've seen other guilds do this too, though maybe things have changed in my time away from the game. I've also seen people offer to trade for a seal/shard, and if someone wants to do that, its their loot, that is their business. I never accepted a trade for something that dropped for me that was bind on acquire through, but that was just a personal choice. It's your loot, do what you want with it. I can see why someone getting a drop and immediately "starting the bidding" with the rest of the raid group is frowned upon though. This is probably the most irrelevant paragraph I've ever written.
    I don't play this game anymore
    But I used to be someone important!
    Long Live Math

  15. #15
    Community Member TheLegendOfAra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mostoasty View Post
    This is probably the most irrelevant paragraph I've ever written.
    It is; Shame on you! Now get back in this game!
    Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
    Araphell - Arasin - Arathaes - Arawyn - Aravein
    Guild: Fors Fortis;Guild of Won, & VENOM @ Argo
    "And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."

  16. #16
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Default same ol same ol

    Not real surprised by the many of the guild names listed here.
    Same ol same ol.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    Not real surprised by the many of the guild names listed here.
    Same ol same ol.
    I'm not sure what your trying to say here. These guilds have a policy (or a similar version to this) within their own guild that if you pull a named item and cannot use it, the item goes up for roll. Be it in a PUG, Channel run or a guild run. We don't condone selling or proxy rolling for loot from our members.

    This thread is merely a list of those guilds who participate similarly and gives reference for other people to see.

  18. #18
    Community Member mostoasty's Avatar
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    I don't play this game anymore
    But I used to be someone important!
    Long Live Math

  19. #19
    Community Member HotMaarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    Not real surprised by the many of the guild names listed here.
    Same ol same ol.
    Now now, don't be hatin. If you get to micromanage people according to your own lala land, then we can set some simple principals for loot decency

    Darkside Commandments

    1. Have Fun. (There is no point in being in a guild or even playing the game if you are not doing so.)

    2. Play with your guildies. (A guild works best when all players make a point to play with all players.)

    3.Write a Character Biography. (Darkside is a theme-based guild. The guild has its background as should your character.)

    4. Equip Chaos & Anarchic weapons while traveling through-out Stormreach.

    5. Join the Alliance! (Joining this chat-channel increases your chances of filling parties with quality people.)

    6. /SALUTE when you see both Darkside & Alliance members.

    7. Rename your chat windows from Guild to Darkside and Userchat to Alliance. Also change Darkside chat to purple & Alliance chat to blue.

    8. Say "Hello" & "Goodbye" when you can on both Darkside and Alliance channels.

    9. Ask guildies & allies first if they are interested in doing a quest or if they need your help before you LFM.
    Seriously? a commandment for the color of channel chat?

  20. #20
    The Hatchery
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    Sep 2009


    u know, i just might have to squelch all my guildies if i see purple everytime they talk.

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