as on Title
my want :
EE Nether Grasps
Globe of true imperial blood auguments
Got for trade :
+4 Dex
+4 Char
+4 Wis
+4 Int
+3 Hearts
EE Items
Ring of stormreaver prop
bulwark of storm fist
Intricate field optics
Dream Visors
Madstone skull
some Wizard Wards
ANY ITEMS with old LARGE GUILD slot /bracers/neck/docent/armours/weapons/rings etc
Raid Bypass Timers
400+ major Pots
ANY scrolls from the game SOS/envenomed /all....
will add more stuff l8r
pm here on in game
Belhir /Belmur/Belharad/Belner/Belmorg/Belnara/Belmuzyk/Belgimp/Belmard/ forgot rest lol