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  1. #1
    Community Member ~quintino's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default The Spinner of Shadows Quest is broken... Again... Even worse this time...

    So before the spinners of shadows quest was bugged because after lighting around 5-6 wards, the spinners of shadows wouldn't retreat anymore and she will just keep on healing herself while summoning more of her spiders which is the source of your crystals to light up the wards and to finish the quest. This was a very lengthy quest because of that bug and it's a non-stop fighting/surviving to get enough crystals for all the wards left.

    After doing the spinner of shadows in Lamannia twice, twice today, after lighting up 4 wards. The spinner of shadows would just be hanging on her web on top of the caves not doing anything, of course the crystal spiders wouldn't come out of their burrow because the spinner of shadows isn't hurt at all thus making the quest bugged and not allowing us to finish it. I tried recalling outside of the quest the second time I attempted the quest, once I got in the spinner's prison, she was in the same spot but standing on the ground, whenever I attack her, her magical shield appears and it's like she doesn't even feel a thing lol, like I'm not even there. So yeah, spinner of shadows quest? Looks like a quest the devs missed in transferring the old things back from dev land into lama land.

    No wonder there's a door to eveningstar as well xD lol jk

    EDIT: Both played on Heroic Elite for a casual run.
    Last edited by quintino; 05-11-2013 at 03:27 AM. Reason: Added quest diff

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