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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Just curious if there will be more epic feats coming soon

    I was just curious if you were looking into adding some more epic feats.

    Becuase if you are looking to add more, two come to mind.

    One - Weapon Mastery/Supermacy/Soveriegnty (either of those names work)

    Two - Epic Divine Might (base 21 charisma, 4 levels of Paladin)

    In regards to The fighter epic feat, Weapon Mastery...

    I would like to preface by suggesting changes to Fighter feats (weapon focus and weapon specialization)

    Currently Weapon Focus feats are pretty lame. Secondly, two of them are still needed under the new enhancement system (Which I dont get as fighter gets more feats to be flexible, not to be forced to spend 1 - 3 of them to qualify for kensei tree enhancements)

    Why not add +1 each level:

    Weapon focus +1

    Greater weapon focus +2 (total +3)

    Superior weapon focus +3 (total +6)

    OR add to a percentage factor.....

    As for Weapon specialization, I feel that you should add a Heroic level

    Superior Weapon Specialization +2 (total +6) for level 18 fighter

    Epic feat - Weapon Mastery adds an additional + 4 to attack and damage (total of +10 to attack and damage)

    Epic divine - doubles value of divine might

    The reason I mention these two specifically is b/c there should be an added bonus for someone who sepnds 6 feats (WS and WF) in heroic and should be getting major addition to his attack and damage when all said and done.

    Paladin's should have their Epic DPS feat as it promotes spending more focus on charisma value then as present.

    Just some food for thought.

    Thanks for reading

  2. #2
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    Default Great Smite

    Quote Originally Posted by Blacksoft View Post
    I was just curious if you were looking into adding some more epic feats.

    Paladin's should have their Epic DPS feat as it promotes spending more focus on charisma value then as present.

    Thanks for reading
    For some reason I could not edit post, so adding here:

    Epic Feat Great Smite - doubles base damage of smite evil before multipliers, one/two additional smite evil usages (23 charisma, smite evil feat)

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up

    I think the fighter epic feat might be nice if given to only 1 type of weapon. i.e. Weapon Supremacy (Khopesh) instead of Weapon Supremacy (slashing). If this is done the feat should probably give a small bonus to the whole damage type i.e. a master of the khopesh would get +1 attack and damage with slashing weapons and further bonuses to the khopesh only.

    How about this?

    Weapon Supremacy (Weapon)
    Requires: Superior Weapon Focus (Weapon), Improved Critical (Weapon), Fighter Level 18, Character Level 21+
    +1 attack and damage with (damage type)
    +5 damage with (weapon)
    When wielding only (weapon) your base attack bonus is equal to your character level. (shields are allowed but bashing doesn't get)
    75% chance to prevent item damage to wielded (weapons)
    +10% doublestrike and off-hand doublestrike with (weapon)
    PRR while not using a shield.

    I'm kind of basing this feat on Weapon Supremacy from the PHBII which is mostly special actions like this.

    The original feat
    Weapon Supremacy
    Prerequisites: Proficiency, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Weapon Focus, and Weapon Specialization with the chosen weapon, Weapon Mastery with the damage type of chosen weapon, Fighter Level 18
    Benefit: Gain these benefits while using the chosen weapon
    +4 on all checks to resist being disarmed
    Wield normally in a grapple
    +5 to attack in a single attack after the first while making a full attack
    Once per round take 10 on an attack roll
    +1 to AC
    Special: May only be taken once
    Last edited by Dracomonicon-Khyber; 05-10-2013 at 10:47 PM. Reason: Expanding the feat

  4. #4
    Community Member ~quintino's Avatar
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    Another ranged Epic Feat will be good

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by quintino View Post
    Another ranged Epic Feat will be good
    Hum do you want one that actual works or one that's bugged though. ;-)

  6. #6
    Community Member remember1's Avatar
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    there are many options available for new epic feats

    but let's see if we get the prestiges classes finished

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by remember1 View Post
    there are many options available for new epic feats

    but let's see if we get the prestiges classes finished
    I am bringing epic feats up b/c of the upcoming expansion - level 28 means another feat choice.

    I think asking about epic feats is relevant for this reason.

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