Ok, it's been a week and a half now and I'm pretty sure my computer HATES Pando Media booster.
I >>CAN<< download the DDO client thru ANY source BUT Pando.
However only the client downloaded from Pando (>>crashes<< will not reconnect,the only way to restart is to close via control panel which causes file corruption, I let it fully install and ignored any corrupt files and it connected) will connect to update.
Any client I download thru torrent AND thru private servers >>>>will not connect<<<. If someone knows why please tell me.
There has to be something I'm missing.
My firewall has a list of exceptions a half a mile long.
My anti-virus is shut off.
I've logged in as Administrator.
What is the difference between the Pando client version and every other version that makes them not connect?
Of course most of them are outdated by a year but if i could get them to connect I could update.
Please someone help.