I've had a hankering for months, now, to make a thief acrobat. However, I have a few key questions.
1. THF or no THF? The idea of making a rogue that deals considerable glancing blow damage is, well...counterproductive, isn't it? I mean, the last thing any rogue wants is aggro. Would the hate reduction enhancements help or would they be a waste of AP?
2. Pure or monk splash? I have a thing for pure classes, and I have only made one character that has ever multiclassed (an 18/2 paladin fighter). I'm leaning towards pure, simply out of habit, and because more sneak attack damage and skill points would be beneficial (acrobats do seem to have more difficulty with trapping due to having no INT, unlike mechanics or assassins). I'm just not keen on multiclassing to begin with, and with the enhancement pass looming on the now not-so-distant horizon, ridiculous cost of lesser hearts, and constantly changing gameplay, it would take a lot to convince me. I know about the Big F'n Stick builds, but don't own half-orc nor do I even care for the concept of a half-orc acrobat; was thinking more of human for the extra feat and stat versatility.
3. DEX or no DEX? Dexterity seems to be a hot button issue for acrobats. The PrE itself is pretty much based on a defensive premise, and AC/reflexes seem to play a bigger part for acrobats than other rogues. Damage comes from strength, of course, but it's still a very convoluted issue. What about combat feats like tripping or stunning blow? They seem to be a common shtick (hehe a pun) among acrobats and stunning/tripping is a common
4. Self healing. The only character I ever made that wasn't self healing was my 4th life monk (and he's shintao, so he has moderate self healing built in, anyway). My wizards, artificers, and sorcerers are always WF for quick and reliable self healing and rangers, paladins, bards, clerics, and fvs are self healing by default. With the current end-game being so dependent on self sufficiency (due to the ridiculous amounts of damage being dealt to players in places like epic GH or the high road), being a non-healing melee type class is a bit off-putting. I guess I would have to get used to scroll healing, something I never got the hang of in my sole human archmage life.
5. Gear. Other than the almost exclusive use of offensive-minded quarterstaves, is there really any difference between acrobats and assassins? Backstabbing, deception, seeker gear is obvious. Quarterstaves seem obvious, as well; dreamsplitter, rhal's might, walking stick, sireth, souleater, etc.