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  1. #1
    Community Member Zolora's Avatar
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    Default Looking for a 28pt build


    I've searched through the forums for either a wiz or sorc build but haven't found anything I could use. Since I'm just starting out I can only use 28pt builds (if I remember correctly? used to play in 2009 but with the turbine made builds, played the Arcane Cannon). I looked through this post but everything seems outdated.

    I would REALLY appreciate if anyone could help me make a build or link to an existing one. I am looking for a solid sorcerer build, just something to start off with but I am also a bit interested in the wizard.

    By the way, how much does race choice affect the effectiveness of the classes? Would it be stupid to go with an elf for a sorcerer?

  2. #2
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    No real difference between 28pt and 32pt. Max cha, at least 14 in con, rest in str(carrying capacity/stat dmg/low lvl lvling), dex(ref save), or int(skill pts).

    Any race would do fine, Human would be the best F2P/fleshy race, but if you have WF definitely go with that. Reconstruct for self-healing is far better than fleshy alternatives. Human gets an extra feat, heal amplification enhancements, and extra skill pts. The -2 con base and no real benefits of Elf makes it a poor option in relation to the others, but will still do fine in heroic content and epic normal/hard content.

    A big thing you should think about are epic destinies, for lvls 20+. It's a big power boost for the epic levels.

    A popular but arguably OP build is WF Shiradi 18sor/2pal. Air Savant for knockdown immunity and Wings, Shiradi destiny for the random procs abuse with Magic Missiles/Chain Missiles/Meteor Swarm/just about anything else, paladin splash for huge boost to saves over capstone/spell slots/caster lvls. Only relevant in the epic levels once you get Shiradi leveled and maybe some good twists.

    Though a basic sorc(not Shiradi) would be:
    Warforged/Human 20sorc(though consider splashing 2 pal, worth it imo)
    2-6pts in dex/str/int
    6-10pts in con
    16pts in cha

    General feats(7):
    Spell Focus Evo/Conj
    Greater Spell Focus Evo/Conj

    If human: Mental Toughness/Toughness/Force of Personality/something else

    +1 Cha/Toughness/Epic Spell Focus/something else
    +1 Cha/Toughness/something else

    Spell Penetration/Greater/Epic feats are an option.

    Max UMD(if you go fleshy it'll be your source of self healing with cure wands and heal scrolls), rest in balance and con, then wherever else you might want.

    People generally go fire or acid up until lvl16-18 and then switch/add Cold. You can carry acid all the way to 20 if you wish. Won't go lvl by lvl but some good ones are:
    Acid Rain/Firewall/Ice Storm(bread and butter once you get access). Polar Ray, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Fireball, Delayed Blast Fireball, Acid Blast for damage. DOTs(damage over time) are great against bosses: Eladar's Electric Surge, Niac's Biting Cold, Black Dragon Bolt mainly.

    Web, Power Word line, Greater Shout, Otto's Irresistible Dance, Ice Storm for crowd control.

    Haste, rage, displacement(!!!), greater heroism, jump, resist energy, fire shield(hot/cold), teleport, greater teleport, dimension door, energy drain for utility. Master's Touch for meleeing in the early lvls.

    There are also the Savant PRE SLAs.

    7 Sorc element manipulation/5 in crit multiplier and crit chance enhs for Savant prereq (and other Savant prereqs)
    7 secondary element/1/1
    Cha enhs
    Con enhs
    Toughness enhs
    Whatever gives more health and more damage is always good

    lvls1-5 you really just need to Master's Touch and swing a greataxe. And get into groups to pike with.
    lvl6 you get Fireball, this is where you start nuking. You can use the Greataxe less, though still fine for finishing off mobs if you need to.
    lvl8 you get your bread and butter spells, the persistent aoe type spells, Ice Storm/Acid Rain/Firewall. Choose your element to pump and pick the appropriate spell. These along with other aoe spells like Fireball will be your main damage dealers.
    lvl12 you get Otiluke's if you're ice.
    lvl14 you get Delayed Blast Fireball if you're fire.
    lvls1-20 don't underestimate Web.

    By level 9-11 you should have Heavy Fortification. Other mods you should have by level 15 are: Improved or Greater False Life, Toughness, +6 con, +6 cha, +6 str(carrying capacity/stat dmg), spell power sticks of relevant elements. Other things to look for would be +1-2 evo/conj items(can be crafted for you by others), +resistance saves item.

    Epic Destinies. Draconic Incarnation, or level your way to Shiradi. If you're a fleshy I strongly suggest working your way to twisting Rejuvenation Cocoon. Epic Normal and Epic Hard are easy enough.
    join: Oct. 2011 - formerly HalfORCastrator

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I honestly think the reason why you don't see "Builds" for Wizard/Sorcerer is that even with a splash it comes down to:

    Max Casting Stat (Intelligence/Charisma)

    Majority of the rest goes to constitution, and what little remains goes to Strength.

    Common Race choices:

    Warforged - Take advantage of Reconstruction for self healing
    Human - Extra Feat, while they have healing amplification also this is more a bonus than a reason
    Half-Elf - Dilettante - Early Levels Cleric/FvS until UMD can cover healing. Paladin later to add Saves or Barbarian for HP

    As already mentioned the 18/2 Sorcerer/Paladin Shiradi Champion has found it's niche for the "Boom" casters. However, besides the two levels of Paladin and being Lawful Good not much changes in the Stat distribution.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoach View Post
    I honestly think the reason why you don't see "Builds" for Wizard/Sorcerer is that even with a splash it comes down to:

    Max Casting Stat (Intelligence/Charisma)

    Majority of the rest goes to constitution, and what little remains goes to Strength.

    Sorcerer's spell selection while leveling? While at end game?


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magus_silveresti View Post

    Sorcerer's spell selection while leveling? While at end game?

    Everything works while leveling.

    End game, my sorc is fire/force. Max/Emp Meteor is the default spell I use for everything (even fire immunes and evasion mobs). Meteor procs 10.8d6 hit die of light damage from Draconic Inc., and has a 56% chance of 3d20 cold damage plus snare from twisted Stay Frosty. Boulder Toss and Wild Toss are also twisted and are really the only force spells I use. Basically meteor is a 47d6 fire/light/physical/cold nuke that hits extra long range, aoe, snares, and has the highest DC possible, with only the fire damage having a high saving throw. It is mostly irrelevant what resists or immunities or saves mobs have.

    Boulder toss/wild shots and SLAs fill in between meteors.

    All other fire spells are no longer really used, except incendiary cloud for mana efficient damage and blind. It doesn't matter how many d6 you add to fireball or DBF, they will never reach anything close to the utiilty or mana efficiency or damage of meteor.

    So as a fire savant? Meteor/incendiary cloud/boulder toss/wild shots + spell like abilities + whatever fun/utility spells you want.

  6. #6
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    Here is a link to a build that i have tried and it worked rather well.

    Ofc its a 32 point build but i would suggest taking a couple of points of str and intel.

    The build is based on a WF but if u dont have them its fine.

    The feats and enhancements are good referance for you to look into and see what you like

  7. #7
    Community Member Zolora's Avatar
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    Thanks all!

    Besides the Starter Pack, what adventure packs would you recommend for someone just starting out? And is it worth it to become a VIP before hitting lvl 20? I'm planning on creating a new sorcerer after this one, so that I can make my own build based on the experience I've acquired and also benefit from the Past Life feats.

  8. #8
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what "starters pack" you refer to (and I'm too lazy to find out), but I believe the first levels have no real xp issues. Could be wrong.
    On the issue of packs, I'd have to say my favourites are; Gianthold (good for leveling, and it's the current endgame area), Sands (just nice leveling for me), Vale of Twilight <-- one of my favourites, period. :3 And.. I'ma say necro II and IV. Of course, Menace of the Underdark is nice, but not essential for leveling.
    But I'd recommend a month VIP... It's cheap, and let's you A. Test packs, to find what you like (I won't farm a quest I hate, after all), B. Give you a taste of the game (which is nice), and C. 10% xp? Meh.
    Some will disagree, but I found that was best, because I got to experiment with what packs were worth a **** (eg, I'm yet to touch sorrowdusk after my first taste, didn't like it)

    And on the note of Past lives, creating a new sorc wouldn't give you the past life bonuses of a sorc.
    What you need to do is a True Reincarnation (
    Bascially.. you go back to level 1, need more xp per level, get past life bonuses, and more stat points at creation.

    In regards to build, you've got a whole bunch mentioned already, so I'll just say this. Warforged are cool. :P
    Hope my wall of text helps :x

  9. #9
    Community Member Zolora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulfurnace View Post
    And on the note of Past lives, creating a new sorc wouldn't give you the past life bonuses of a sorc.
    What you need to do is a True Reincarnation (
    Bascially.. you go back to level 1, need more xp per level, get past life bonuses, and more stat points at creation.
    Oh, okay. Thanks for the info.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zolora View Post
    Thanks all!

    Besides the Starter Pack, what adventure packs would you recommend for someone just starting out? And is it worth it to become a VIP before hitting lvl 20? I'm planning on creating a new sorcerer after this one, so that I can make my own build based on the experience I've acquired and also benefit from the Past Life feats.
    Don't buy the starter pack. For a new player it isn't worth it. Your money is better spent on one more month of vip or TP for packs.

    Here's a recent post of mine regarding what to buy.

    If the option is between f2p/premium with very few packs or VIP, I'd say go VIP. Leveling to 20 is a hassle without a few packs to get there. If you're considering going premium, and buying a grip of popular packs, it's really up to you then.
    join: Oct. 2011 - formerly HalfORCastrator

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