So I've been thinking of making a support char / trapmonkey to do some light soloing and pugging. I figured bard would be the way to go to be relatively useful, being able to (self) heal and then splashing that with 2 levels of rogue (at least) to get trap skills and evasion.
Basic build outline featuring my questions is:
Half-Elf or Human (Paladin Dil vs 1 Feat and Skillpoint)
Rogue 2/18 Bard or maybe Rogue 6 / 14 Bard, or should I ditch bard completely and go for wizard instead? I kinda like bards though. Since I could group with pretty much anyone.
Should I go with warchanter, or maybe virtuoso for extra songs (moar buffs, fascinate). Also fearing warchanter might spread my feats way too thin. I read that spellsinger is not that useful if splashed.
6/14 would go for int damage on xbows and light repeater route. What should I use as 2/18?
Is there a working build with just one one-handed weapon? (Thinking of the doublestrike buckler maybe?) I would imagine my char would be mostly casting/wanding so melee is not that important. Maybe with a cha-to-hit/damage weapon if at all.
I have a warchanter bard already, going through the chars second life as a 2hf, sp going full melee is not really on my list.
How would stealthing work? I read that stealth is somewhat broken at the moment. But I would guess that with some investment, I could maybe solo a few quests, avoiding (all) mobs?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me.