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  1. #181
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    So…now what? Stay at cap and try to do some raids? ETR? HTR? Hire a tutor?

    I think we could complete it on normal (we have before), but before we can complete it on hard, we need to learn the pattern and timing and tells of Zugg's AOE by running it on normal a few more times.

    There are a couple of things other we could do to make it easier on ourselves:

    1- make sure we are each in our most effective destinies for DPS and durability

    2- make sure we each have some way to self-heal to deal with the spike damage because the hireling is completely useless

    3- stick together as much as possible for more effective healing, defense, and helping to find where the sheltering mushrooms popped up.

    If we stay at 30 to complete destinies and short-man epic raids like Bruggs said he wants to do, we should try to get some serious gear. I don't know what weapons Twizz, Risarr, and Bruggs are rocking, but at the very least it should be as good as Tier 2 thunderforged items, the same with armor.

    If we plan to HTR we should start running the Shroud weekly to get some greensteel for next life

    If we plan to ETR then we can just ETR :P.

  2. #182
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    Almost forgot, but farm Night Reveks if you can. Let me know if you want to do FoT.

    Do you still get the full amount of mats with each run of Heyweird?

  3. #183
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    I think we could complete it on normal (we have before), but before we can complete it on hard, we need to learn the pattern and timing and tells of Zugg's AOE by running it on normal a few more times.

    There are a couple of things other we could do to make it easier on ourselves:

    1- make sure we are each in our most effective destinies for DPS and durability

    2- make sure we each have some way to self-heal to deal with the spike damage because the hireling is completely useless

    3- stick together as much as possible for more effective healing, defense, and helping to find where the sheltering mushrooms popped up.

    If we stay at 30 to complete destinies and short-man epic raids like Bruggs said he wants to do, we should try to get some serious gear. I don't know what weapons Twizz, Risarr, and Bruggs are rocking, but at the very least it should be as good as Tier 2 thunderforged items, the same with armor.

    If we plan to HTR we should start running the Shroud weekly to get some greensteel for next life

    If we plan to ETR then we can just ETR :P.

    Solid suggestions!

    We could do multiple weekly raids until we get geared up and then work on upping the difficulty on whatever...quests and/or more raids. We might consider working with other guilds for full-party groups. That would give us a fighting chance of completing the more complex and/or higher-level raids.

    I think staying at level 30 gives us an opportunity to learn more about the game as a whole because everything is open to us.

    Hmm...Twizz doesn't even have a thunderforged weapon--we could certainly start working on getting ingots and Commendations of Valor.

  4. #184
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Do you still get the full amount of mats with each run of Heyweird?

    I believe so. Livmo?

  5. #185
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Do you still get the full amount of mats with each run of Heyweird?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    I believe so. Livmo?
    Yes, you can get 14 Apples, 14 Almonds, 14 Carmels, and 14 Cinimons and 22k plat with no xp/ship buffs on CR 35 on each run and after you have ransacked the chests. I did 50 ish runs and the same each time, 14 of each mat and 22k XP.

    We ran static on Orien tonight on L7s at CR 12 and it was challngeing. Epic was much easier. We still got 14 of all mats that run, but only 12k xp with no xp/ship buffs. That was 12k on first heroic run of Heyweird, will be less afters.

    Seems easier to get keys on heroic and then run CR 35 on epic for mats once you have the keys.

  6. #186
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    Default A ase of the Mondays

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    I think we could complete it on normal (we have before), but before we can complete it on hard, we need to learn the pattern and timing and tells of Zugg's AOE by running it on normal a few more times.

    There are a couple of things other we could do to make it easier on ourselves:

    1- make sure we are each in our most effective destinies for DPS and durability

    2- make sure we each have some way to self-heal to deal with the spike damage because the hireling is completely useless

    3- stick together as much as possible for more effective healing, defense, and helping to find where the sheltering mushrooms popped up.

    If we stay at 30 to complete destinies and short-man epic raids like Bruggs said he wants to do, we should try to get some serious gear. I don't know what weapons Twizz, Risarr, and Bruggs are rocking, but at the very least it should be as good as Tier 2 thunderforged items, the same with armor.

    If we plan to HTR we should start running the Shroud weekly to get some greensteel for next life

    If we plan to ETR then we can just ETR :P.
    If you rest for a bit at 30, let me know and I can arange to be on my L30 Warlock first lifer for raids on Monday nights. There are some raids that are easy to shortpeople. I ca help farm items/mats as well and may even already have some extra gear to give away depending on class, class split, and.or playstyles.

    Aside from FoT, I know CiTW really well, but don't liek being the Ana sitter. Some raids I've never played, some I know well.

    Yes until you get some stuff the T2 and armor would be a great start at 28, but we should run LH Hound of Xoiriat and get you all those armors for end game. I'm slow but can get the runes/charm. BTW ifyou hang at 30 for a while and PUG some Legendary Hound of Xoriats and Tempest Spines, you'll get some great armor quick, buts its bound.

    I may have some scales if you all want to start here, You can get coms fast, i.e. EE Impossible Demands, etc. I think there are only 5 of you, which would be 500 scales total. 100 per person and its 50 for base item and 50 for the upgrade.


    for Zuggs I use spell absorbtion and you will learn where the sheltering mushrooms pop. Best to smash mouth her if you can with someone mass healing. I like to use and and change to an upgraded Majistar if I run out of charges, because you can only carry one cloak on you at a time. A Scarab of Absorbtion helps as well.

    sorry for al lthe typos its late here.
    Last edited by Livmo; 10-26-2016 at 11:06 PM.

  7. #187
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default TYVM, Livmo!!!

    Hey, Livmo--your insight is great and much appreciated! You're welcome to join us anytime. I'll try to get you advance notice on any raids we run.

    I certainly remember Briari, and I always liked her hat.
    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 10-27-2016 at 07:24 AM.

  8. #188
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post

    I may have some scales if you all want to start here, You can get coms fast, i.e. EE Impossible Demands, etc. I think there are only 5 of you, which would be 500 scales total. 100 per person and its 50 for base item and 50 for the upgrade.

    Rag's got plenty of TForged gear, so does the Paladin I may be switching to for Mondays. I have a cache of leftover Tforged ingots that should be enough to help everyone else, and probably a couple hundred scales left over to help spread around. I have to check. But upgrading our weapons would be a good first start for us. Especially for the melees.

    I'm not sure how our Wiz is looking for spell power and whether a Tforged orb would help or not.

  9. #189
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    Default Woot woot!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    Hey, Livmo--your insight is great and much appreciated! You're welcome to join us anytime. I'll try to get you advanced notice on any raids we run.

    I certainly remember Briari, and I always liked her hat.
    YW! And thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Rag's got plenty of TForged gear, so does the Paladin I may be switching to for Mondays. I have a cache of leftover Tforged ingots that should be enough to help everyone else, and probably a couple hundred scales left over to help spread around. I have to check. But upgrading our weapons would be a good first start for us. Especially for the melees.

    I'm not sure how our Wiz is looking for spell power and whether a Tforged orb would help or not.

    Grand total sounds like together enough scales for armors and the upgrade for them. The ingots are always dicey, but will round up any I have. I already have my TF/armors on my warlock, and already have the Hound/Tempest for my current build and the next 2 lives afterwards, so I can pass any version of any of the armors from either of those raids. I like Hound the best out of the 2.

    I was underwhelmed by the TF Orbs, but have. I like these better, . I use the evocation one full time, because my necro item is my Goggles (awesome lootgen).

    Last edited by Livmo; 10-27-2016 at 01:43 AM.

  10. #190
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    Spend a day (Sat or Sun) in a few Night Revels raid groups in the CR 26-30 slayer zone collecting keys, and you will get the 120 chocolates easliy for an item just by collecting the keys to run Heyweird 9 times. You don't need to spend all day if you just want to make 1 item from the event. You just need 9 keys.

    After two hours running Night Revels it's beginning to feel a lot like this

  11. #191
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    Default Nalied it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    After two hours running Night Revels it's beginning to feel a lot like this

    yes DDO needs to work on the key drop rate and the difficulty activate spawns. Also the mass spawns that suddlenly appear and dot, lag, etc.

    The video totally nails it!

  12. #192
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    Default Can't Make 11.7

    Can't make it this Monday, 11/7.

  13. #193
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Can't make it this Monday, 11/7.
    Thanks for the heads-up.

  14. #194
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default November 7, 2016

    110716 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 30
    Risarr Barbarian Human 30
    Twizzix Paladin Human 30
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 30
    Keezer Warlock/Cleric ? Sun Elf 30

    Last Monday, Ragnarorc was unavailable, so Twizz’ buddy Keezer joined the group to help out.

    Per our discussion in forum posts a couple of weeks ago, we decided to head out to Thunderholme to oomph up our gear. Zanbaur and Keezer know the place inside and out, so we moved through quickly. Bruggs likes tidy progression, so we found all of Sarva’s journals and cleared every floor. Risarr and Twizz like to hit things, so we did. A lot.

    At the Magma Forge, Keezer asked us which Shadowscale Armor looked good to us. We laughed because none of us had any Shadow Dragon Scales, but we played along…Light, Heavy, and Heavy. Well, Keezer must be Father Christmas in disguise because he gave us each 100 Scales for the base armor plus an upgrade.

    Bruggs looked distinguished in his new armor, or maybe it was just the lighting in the Forge, i.e., dark. Risarr looked almost modest…in that threatening, barbarian sort of way. She has favored a more…uh…revealing look until now. Twizz had to wait until she could go to the bank and get her Comms, but gave lots of oohs and aahs to the others.

    Keezer, thank you for running with us—Twizz was glad the others got to meet you because it’s always fun. Your generosity with your time, your knowledge, and your supplies is greatly appreciated!

    Twizz made it to the bank:

  15. #195
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    I've got a work thing Mon and Tues nights for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to make it for a few weeks.

  16. #196
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    I've got a work thing Mon and Tues nights for the next few weeks, so I won't be able to make it for a few weeks.

    Okay, thanks for the info.

  17. 11-15-2016, 09:57 PM

  18. #197
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    Default Starting Over

    We have reached level 30 and completed all the high level quests, so we have decided to reincarnate. We will be doing an Epic Reincarnation first, then a True Heroic Reincarnation. We will restart at level 1 on Monday November 28.

    Still sorting-out classes, so far, it looks like:
    Bruggs - healer
    Twizzix - ?
    Risarr - ranger
    Zanbaur - trapper?
    Ragnarorc/Nacalito/Tesslan - ?
    New Guy - ?

  19. #198
    Community Member SamuelTheFree's Avatar
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    Cool Rogue Confirmed


    Zanbaur here, I'll confirm taking a Rogue for trapping skills.

  20. #199
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamuelTheFree View Post

    Zanbaur here, I'll confirm taking a Rogue for trapping skills.
    Thanks for the response, Zanbaur.

    We have a sixth person on board for November 28th.

  21. #200
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Good times!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    110716 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 30
    Risarr Barbarian Human 30
    Twizzix Paladin Human 30
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 30
    Keezer Warlock/Cleric ? Sun Elf 30

    Keezer, thank you for running with us—Twizz was glad the others got to meet you because it’s always fun. Your generosity with your time, your knowledge, and your supplies is greatly appreciated!

    Twizz made it to the bank:

    YW and that was good times! Congrats on the armor woot!

    I was rolling my L30 Feind Sun Elf 1st lifer warlock. That toon is so much fun to play! The class split is L1 cleric/Sun Elf, 1 level fighter (bonus feat and took dodge) for level 2, and 18 warlock. I have allot of toons. I can only imangin what it be like to have lots of cars in RL, similar to lots of toons. "Oh no, today we're going to drive the red one."

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