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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    After Risarr healed himself with an Eternal Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Klin would provide those vital last few hit points the barbarian needed.
    That would be an Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds.1-2HP wand-whipping heals FTW! <snap> Oh yeah! <snap> That's it! <snap>

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oilfan73 View Post
    I'm back on here baby!

    Quote Originally Posted by Oilfan73 View Post
    That would be an Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds.1-2HP wand-whipping heals FTW! <snap> Oh yeah! <snap> That's it! <snap>
    Huh, I didn't know there was anything lower than "Light"--thanks for letting me know. Watch out for carpel tunnel syndrome with all that whippin' going on.

  3. #103
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    Risarr will try to be on tonight. Got a nice gift wrapped cold for Christmas...

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oilfan73 View Post
    Risarr will try to be on tonight. Got a nice gift wrapped cold for Christmas...
    What crazy virus would attack a barbarian?

  5. #105
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    Default December 28, 2015

    122815 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 19
    Nacolito Cleric Human 19
    Risarr Barbarian Human 19
    Twizzix Paladin Human 19
    Xerxax Bard/Rogue/Fighter Drow 16/2/1
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 19

    We had a full group on Monday. Xerxax had been in the Storm Horns getting a new instrument from a hermit dwarf with a serious man bun, and Nacolito had been so focused on his hand/eye-coordination drills, he'd lost track of time—Day? Night? Who cares? Whatever…it was good to have everyone back.

    Since people had missed the Monastery of the Scorpion in Reaver’s Reach the first time, and since no one had caught up during the past week—ahem!—we ran the quest again. And…we were successful. However, when we examined the prerequisites for Stealer of Souls, the last quest in this story arc, Twizzix was the only one who had both the gems and the Dragonshard Essences needed to enter (Go, Twizz!).

    Bruggs suggested we finish off Beleshira, the Lord of Eyes because we hadn’t been able to take him down with only four of us. We headed to the Tower of the Twelve and entered the Lower Arcanum. Our spells and blades went snicker-snack; we left him dead and with his head, and we went galumphing back. What a difference a full party makes!

    From the Lord of Eyes, we headed to the Inspired Quarter to begin the Path of Inspiration story arc. We took on Dream Conspiracy with one of the Jonas brothers and brought him back to Lord Graden Wylkes--a solid way to end the evening.

    Bruggs said to level up to 20! He may have hit his head, but we’re leveling up anyway.

    With 2016 glaring us in the face, it is time for all of us in DDO Land to recommit to our static groups (‘cause they love us even when no one else does)--be on time; be prepared; be caught up.

    Twizz wishes you all a happy New Year!

  6. #106
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    Good run last night with only two deaths. Xerxax's weekly sacrifice to the gods, and Naco's sweet double penetration by floor spikes thanks to lag. LAG I TELL YOU!

  7. #107
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    Default January 11, 2016

    011116 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 20
    Nacolito Cleric Human 20
    Risarr Barbarian Human 20
    Xerxax Bard Drow 20
    Twizzix Paladin Human 20
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 20

    Last night we finished The Dreaming Dark story arc with…uh…The Dreaming Dark quest. We went out to The Dreaming Dark island and talked to The Dreaming Dark quest giver. Naco had some problems with his connection, so while he sorted that out, the rest of us waited by the Fountain of Dreams acting like responsible adults: Risarr jumped from pillar to pillar, Risarr and Twizzix tried to hit Bruggs with their big honkin’ swords, Bruggs tumbled in circles laughing at their efforts, Twizz had a gun show, Xerxax tried picking up Venge, and Zanbaur nailed Bruggs with his pet mimic’s projectile vomit.

    Once we got into the quest, Twizz asked if anyone knew how to find the place where the Xachosian Eardweller might spawn. Naco went, “Meh, not worth it anymore.” Zanbaur, our champion jumper (He should have one of those crowns!) bounced around and picked up all three keys anyway. We continued with the main part of the quest, hacking, slashing, imploding, and magic missiling (sure, it’s a word) our way to the Devourer of Dreams and his Nightmare Swarms. We lost Xerxax at one point, but eventually we got the upper hand. Risarr pulled a Dark Blue Ioun Stone for his trouble, and Twizzix upgraded her sword, Terror in the Dreamforge. We decided we may as well see about the Erdweller, but no nasty little parasites were to be found in the chest.

    Next, we went to House Cannith. As Risarr pointed out, that is Zanbaur’s genesis point. Zanbaur was unmoved by his homecoming and just wanted to get down to business. (Do Warforged dream of electric sheep?) Anyway, that’s what we did with Power Play. Things moved along pretty well until Bruggs blew up the trap box that controlled an electrified floor. Naco got a real charge out of that. Ding went the cleric. Ding went the bard (but he was in tune). We got them raised and moved on. Xerxax ended up getting a Magewright’s Cloak in the end chest, and Naco got Fabricator's Gauntlets from Wrack afterwards.

    Lastly, we decided to finish out the evening (with) Blown to Bits. Mostly we blew up crates, but an occasional party member may have gotten some damage, too. By the time we got to the Iron Fire Bomber, we were already out of time for questing. We made an attempt to get him, but figured it was going to be a slog fest, so we shelved him for the evening since we had completed the quest. We gathered our things and headed to the entryway for our end reward. Big Red, a.k.a. the Iron Fire Bomber, wasn’t so keen on us leaving without playing some more, so he followed us. There were a lot of soul stones revolving at the end, but we were done, done, done.

    Twizz is always packing.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    Things moved along pretty well until Bruggs blew up the trap box that controlled an electrified floor. Naco got a real charge out of that.
    Yes. Yes he did.

  9. #109
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    Default January 18, 2016

    011816 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 20
    Nacolito Cleric Human 20
    Risarr Barbarian Human 20
    Xerxax Bard Drow 20
    Twizzix Paladin Human 20
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 20

    We finished up the Secrets of the Artificers with Schemes of the Enemy. Things went well until we got to the security door. First, the Locking Mechanism eluded Bruggs, and then Twizzix got surrounded and succumbed to her wounds. Naco wasted one of his scrolls bringing her back, but what else could he do? We pushed along to the Relay Room. Twizz tripped on some metal grating and ended up falling down, down, down only to find herself in good company, as Risarr had proceeded her in her fatal decent. They had just finished resurrecting at the conveniently located shrine when along came Xerxax to join them. The Elite-level quest continued successfully to completion. More Tinker’s Gloves than we had hands showed up along with plenty of Cannith Boots of Propulsion.

    As we left the Manufactury, Bruggs was attracted by the shiny markers (What are those things called?) for the Challenges. He found out quickly enough that he couldn’t steal them, but they intrigued him nonetheless. “Who’s game for these?” he asked. All of us, as it turned out. We ran Buying Time, Labor Shortage, and The Dragon’s Hoard. Zanbaur directed the kobolds, and Naco directed us. Lucky Zanbaur because kobolds don’t backtalk nearly as much as we do.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    Naco wasted one of his scrolls bringing her back, but what else could he do?

    Scrolls pfffft. I use SPELLS woman. SPELLS! I only use the scrolls when the party wipes at the end of the quest and I've burned through my SPs (eg - Enter the Kobold)

  11. #111
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    012516 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 20
    Nacolito Cleric Human 20
    Xerxax Bard Drow 20
    Twizzix Paladin Human 20
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 20

    We were missing our barbarian, Risarr, last Monday. According to Zanbaur, she was in PRISON…yes, you read that right…prison. Apparently, Risarr was hanging out with her friends in the Rusty Nail trying to get warm with hot buttered rum earlier in the evening. They must have been really cold because they had had a lot of the stuff. Weeelll, her group started teasing a dwarf bard/warlock/rogue/fighter/ranger by asking why he had more than three classes, and what the hell was he really. He said he could be and do anything he darn well pleased. They started questioning his manliness (dwarfliness?) then, and things went downhill from there (Is that a sporran, dwarf? Even SMALL change wouldn’t fit in there, etc., etc.) The town sheriff was called in when push came to shove, and he locked up the lot of them. No charges—just a cooling-off period. I expect we’ll see her next week.

    Xerxax told us he only had an hour to adventure, so Bruggs decided to run three relatively quick quests in Eveningstar: The Riddle, Murder by Night, and Impossible Demands. Each was done on Elite. Each was successfully completed.

    Twizzix: So…Edward or Jacob since we're dealing with werewolves and all.
    Bruggs: Lame! They’re both ridiculous! Stupid writing, stupid premise. Who would fall for a human, except another human?
    Twizzix: Well, yeah…the IQ’s of rutabagas, but at least Jacob works out…like me.

    Gun show

    Zanbaur: Ye Gods! Speaking of low IQ…just sayin’.

    Xerxax left, and the rest of us tried our hands at a couple of Eveningstar Challenges: Grove of the Great Tree: Defenseless and Grove of the Great Tree: The Great Tree.
    Hmm, okay, now what?

    Naco suggested Jungle of Khyber, so off to Clipse we went. Things went well until Twizzix missed the jump by the waterfall.

    Twizz: Fine, fine, I’ll just use the geyser to land on the wall above the bad guys and range them from there.

    Well, she missed the wall, too, and landed on the other side with all the baddies in full health and looking for blood.

    Twizz: Gulp!

    She hung on…went through five Lay On Hands before the others arrived, but she lived.

    Naco: So, Twizz…any problems?
    Twizz: Nah!

    On to The Marut!

    Naco: Go get him, Twizz!
    Twizz: Say what?
    Naco: I’ve got you!
    Twizz: Um, you said that in Enter the Kobold, too.
    Naco: No, really…I’ve got you.

    He did. Success for the party.
    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 01-28-2016 at 12:04 PM.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post

    Naco: Go get him, Twizz!
    Twizz: Say what?
    Naco: I’ve got you!
    Twizz: Um, you said that in Enter the Kobold, too.
    Naco: No, really…I’ve got you.

    He did. Success for the party.
    Hey 1 for 2?

  13. #113
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    Default February 1, 2016

    020116 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 20
    Nacolito Cleric Human 20
    Risarr Barbarian Human 20
    Xerxax Bard Drow 20
    Twizzix Paladin Human 20
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 20

    Bruggs is a very logical Halfling; he likes order in his life. He found that we had missed the Demon’s Den in The Inspired Quarter, so that’s where we started the evening. We separated into three groups in order to kill the ritualists together—Risarr and Xerxax had one ritualist, Twizzix and Zanbaur had another, and Bruggs took on the last one himself. Aurora, the Marilith, had taken a real shine to Nacolito, so he kited her around, so the rest of us could work.

    Twizz: Wow, she REALLY likes you, Naco.

    Naco: All I did was walk in the room. It’s just like any Friday night…except most of the women don’t have six arms.

    Two out of the three groups got their ritualist guy down to a handful of hitpoints. Bruggs got hit with Disintegration, and he fell apart after that. Aurora felt scorned by Naco and tried to engage Bruggs in “meaningful” conversation, but it was just too hard to do with the dead Halfling. Naco went to help him out. Bruggs was raised, the ritualists were killed together, and Aurora was put to rest.

    Since we had finished with the Inspired Quarter, we decided to try our luck in Shavarath. Between Zanbaur and Nacolito, we found our way to Bastion of Power, Wrath of the Flame, and The Weapons Shipment. Shavarath proved to be both confusing and invigorating. We ran all quests on Elite and completed them successfully. The Weapons Shipment was one long adrenalin rush with waves and waves of bad guys coming at us. Nacolito’s healing was impeccable.

    Risarr: Great healing, buddy!

    Nacolito: Oh, were you guys down? I was just healing myself.


    · Xerxax’s whirlwind fighting, his D Doors, and his jokes
    · Risarr’s muy fantastico belt
    · Everybody in The Weapons’ Shipment end fight.

    Next week: More Shavarath fun

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    Next week: More Shavarath fun
    Since Rig is too busy for the recap I'll sum it up as best I can:

    we came, we saw, we conquered, Xerxax and Bruggs died, Naco was awesome.

  15. 02-10-2016, 03:05 PM

  16. #115
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    Default February 8, 2016

    020816 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 20
    Nacolito Cleric Human 20
    Risarr Barbarian Human 20
    Xerxax Bard Drow 20
    Twizzix Paladin Human 20
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 20

    Monday evening, we went back to Shavarath to run two quests on Elite. Thanks to both Zanbaur and Nacolito for leading the way.

    The word of the day: glutes.

    The group spoke to Sebi the Yugoloth who sent us to Genesis Point, a Shavarath devil base. There are four main areas within the base, and our job was to immobilize one of them. We were out in the Devil Battlefield explorer area finding our way to the quest entrance when glutes was first used in a sentence. Nacolito made some comment to Twizzix, and she fired back with something to do with glutes and a head. Then Risarr held a gun show.

    Twizz: Gun show!
    Naco: Glute show?
    Risarr: GUN show!

    As we made our way across the battlefield, we came upon a Titan.

    Twizz: Now, those are nice glutes.
    Naco: Nah, too big.

    Inside the quest, Bruggs wanted us to clear out the upper level before we tried anything in the four control rooms. We plowed through waves of devils and tieflings and left a mass of wriggling maggots in our wake. Xerxax volunteered to man the control rooms while the rest of us headed to the lower level.

    Xerxax: What do all these levers do?
    Zanbaur: Sounds like a Darwin Award in the making.

    Through trial and error, Xerxax manipulated the controls until we found ourselves in the Portal Bay to the west.

    Bruggs: Xerxax, time to get your glutes down here.
    Xerxax: OMW

    We destroyed the portals along with all the spawning bad guys. Success.

    Next, we spoke to Nomti. The Yugoloth wanted us to get into the Hall of the Third Legion, find Barnzidu, a pit fiend, and take him out before he could open a new portal from Shavarath to Xen’drik; we had to stop A New Invasion from taking place. We made it inside, and, WHOA, the place was a giant maze with four levels. Bruggs called right-hand rule; it worked well. We found all 30 prisoners, lots and lots of bad guys, and a few giant mirrors.

    Risarr: You’re looking mighty fine there, Risarr.
    Us: Eye rolls, while secretly looking at ourselves.

    Twizzix found the boss fight confusing, but Nacolito talked everyone through it. Bruggs had a tough time with getting chained and being disintegrated.

    Bruggs: Aggg, I keep getting chained!


    Bruggs: I hate, hate, HATE that disintegrate spell!!!
    Xerxax: Now, now, keep it together, Bruggs.
    Bruggs: My point exactly—I can’t!

    Ding went the rogue. Ding went the wizard. Ding went the bard.

    Eventually, we beat down Barnzidu and raised the grateful dead. It was time to rest the glutes and have a cold one.

    We ended the evening by leveling up to 21.

    Next week: Finish up in Shavarath with Sins of Attrition. There is a video link for this quest in the wiki, plus here is another:

    This was made by Voodu Spyce. Recommend starting at 3:10 if you’re just interested in seeing a preview of the quest. Up until then the Druid Build highlighted in the video is discussed in detail. I liked this one because it has some commentary on the quest, not just someone running through being uber.

    Voodu Spyce and Axel’s DDO Channel have tons of DDO vids that are informative and entertaining. Check them out.
    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 02-12-2016 at 11:24 AM.

  17. #116
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    Default February 15, 2016

    021516 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 21
    Nacolito Cleric Human 21
    Risarr Barbarian Human 21
    Xerxax Bard Drow 21
    Twizzix Paladin Human 21
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 21

    We started off the evening speaking to Wakhakwi, the Yugoloth, in Amrath. He asked us to head to The Citadel of the Devils’ Spine and take out one of the six Brigadiers located there. Sins of Attrition is an interesting quest in that you can choose which Brigadier to slay, but you only get one choice per run. We only did one run on H Elite and chose Gula. We ran into lots of trash mobs, and the numerous traps kept Bruggs busy and us on our toes. Right before the boss fight, we found two prisoners chained to a lever. Twizzix said she had just heard about this situation in the Rusty Nail the night before.

    Twizz: We have a choice to make. We can free the prisoners and get a shrine, or we can kill them and get a second chest.

    Risarr: Rip! Rend! Tear!

    Xerxax: Kill ‘em. I want the other chest.

    Nacolito: I don’ need no stinkin’ shrine.

    Zanbaur: Dropped his thumb downwards.

    So…we got the second chest.

    We were Shavarathed out, so Bruggs said we ought to chase some sun and take in the fresh air of the Bargain Bazaar—kind of a little break. We spoke to Lille d’Deneith who, as it turned out, was not sending us on any mini-vacation, but rather on another hit. For our Bargain of Blood, the target was The General Manager in charge of selling the Blood Tide’s illicitly-gotten goods. We went in on E Elite.

    Wooo, those guys had lots of hit points. We whacked; we imploded; we magic missiled. Why were they still standing? Uh, oh…Twizz wasn't standing anymore. By the end, she had died another time, and Naco had lost connection and come back three times. Bruggs said we’d really have a vacation with the next quest—we’d only do it on E Hard.

    Our next run brought a nose of tangy sea air with putrid zombie on the finish. The Black Loch was our last quest of the night. We got the keys. We killed the failed zombie experiments. We looted the vault. We went home to shower off.

  18. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rig_O_Mortis View Post
    021516 Monday Night Roster

    Twizz: We have a choice to make. We can free the prisoners and get a shrine, or we can kill them and get a second chest.

    Risarr: Rip! Rend! Tear!

    Xerxax: Kill ‘em. I want the other chest.

    Nacolito: I don’ need no stinkin’ shrine.

    Zanbaur: Dropped his thumb downwards.

  19. #118
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    When they ask Risarr, "Should we fight....or let them live?"

  20. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oilfan73 View Post
    When they ask Risarr, "Should we fight....or let them live?"
    Lol...but I seriously want those exploding arrows.

  21. #120
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    Default February 22, 2016

    022216 Monday Night Roster

    Bruggs Rogue Halfling 21
    Nacolito Cleric Human 21
    Risarr Barbarian Human 21
    Xerxax Bard Drow 21
    Twizzix Paladin Human 21
    Zanbaur Wizard WF 21

    Our opening number: Zanbaur and Bruggs did somersaults on our airship’s deck while waiting for our group to assemble. Who knew a Warforged could hold his own with a Halfling when tumbling? Pretty impressive.

    Before we headed out, Risarr decided to get a hireling because Nacolito wasn’t going to be able to join us right away. She chose Albus.

    Twizzix: So…how come Albus here has clothes on while his female counterparts wear only a few strategically placed handkerchiefs?

    Bruggs: What’s to complain about?

    Twizz: How about vital organs not being protected.

    Bruggs: Pffft, their skin is magical. They don’t need all that heavy armor.

    Twizz: Whaaat?

    Bruggs quickly redirected the conversation to the night’s adventuring telling us to head back to House D. Time to Storm the Beaches, folks!

    We opted for EH and the Spymaster’s passage to Mistral Island. A few Wildmen, a few wolves—no big deal. Everyone ranged the bad guys until it was relatively safe for Xerxax and Bruggs to drop down to the upper part of the fortress. Nacolito joined us at this point. Risarr and Twizzix ran down the path to escort Naco up, but they just ended up running past each other.

    Risarr: Where are you, buddy?

    Naco: At the top. You guys ran right past me. You know, tall guy, purple armor.

    By this time, Xerxax and Bruggs were both dead. Twizz raised them from the cliff top before everyone else jumped down to join them.

    We continued to clear out the top level and began making our way down to the ballistae. Zanbaur struck out on his own to take out those located in the NW. His ghost came a short while later to shrine. Once he was up and running, he took off again.

    Meanwhile, Xerxax had dropped down to the south. A few minutes later, his ghost could be seen along the walkway.

    Xerxax: Hey, that ballista shot directly at me.

    Yup! True that.

    Back up top, Nacolito was jumping and shooting from behind a protective parapet when Twizzix jumped up on the edge to get a better look. KABLAM! -1500 points of damage.

    Naco: That’s too close, Twizz. See, I’m jumping to shoot, but I’m staying BEHIND the wall.

    She shrined and came back. Edging right up to the wall, she stuck her nose over just a bit. BOOM! There were bits of Twizzix all over the rampart.

    Naco: That’s too close, Twizz. What don’t you get about not getting too close???

    Zanbaur came back to us at this point.

    Zanbaur: My three ballistae are down. How’re you doing?

    Naco: Well, Twizzix has been taken out three times. Does that count?

    Finally, we got all the (#@%*) ballistae and headed down to water level. We entered the fortress and did in the evil Captain Grim.

    We had to have quite a bit of repair work done on our gear after that run. It didn’t take too long, but it sure took a lot of plat.

    Bruggs: No worries, mon, the tide is going to turn. We’ll be rolling in it after we do a little job for Greigur d’Deneith.

    He never did say exactly what we’d be rolling in. However, things did, indeed, go well for us. We defeated all the enemies, Bruggs disabled most of the traps, and we got paid.

    For our last quest, we did Spies in the House. Bruggs and Zanbaur wanted to work their tumbling and jumping skills some more. Twizzix likes this quest. Although she isn’t as agile as her Warforged and Halfling companions, she can’t complain about the 122,000 XP.

    Next week: Bruggs is out of town—hang on to your wallets!

    An oldie, but a goodie on female armor:

    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 02-25-2016 at 02:25 PM.

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