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New Guy here, I guess. Unless I've been replaced before being placed. Which is cool, really! No, really. If you're gonna get sacked, get sacked early I always say! Why waste all that time getting invested, you know? Bam! Just lop it off at the head, right at the beginning. Well, I would say that. I don't really say it. No, it's more of a whisper! Yeah, "A scorpion has spotted you". Hmmmm.
Snowy side? Sunny side? Any requests? I don't normally do impressions, but...
I have so much more to say, some of it funny even, but I don't want to ruin the RELENTLESS .. EXPERIENCE! I was thinking of trying a Monk, my second evar character in the history of D&D. Some of you may have heard this story before, so enjoy it again: I remember playing at a high level, but facing a monster that could not be hurt by magical weapons. Of course my fists were magical, and of course I had no other weapons on me. I think I had to run them thru a lava pit or something, took forever. All I remember was, "Your fists do no damage." I scoured the rule books, thinking this doesn't look like anything to me, until finally someone told me.
Long story short, (TOO LATE) Monk is just too uber. At least that's how I chose to take it. Also, why are there no gibberlings in this game? Why didn't anyone ever have a pet gibberling? Those things were great! A VAST field of gibberlings, just asking for a fireball! Weak on their own, but a good 40 or 50 of em, and whoosh goes the hitpoints!
Most people, when confronting with the standard highwayman, will pool together on the side of the trail, and face them. This is wrong. Make the babbage chase you! He will follow.