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  1. #1
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Default Monday Night Static Group - Lite RP - Sarlona

    Drawn By Fate is rebooting its Monday night static group. The group meets weekly each Monday at 10pm EST - 12am EST.

    Currently there are two more roster spots open. All levels of experience are welcome. Any class or race combination is welcome. It is 'RP Lite' so don't be intimidated, just have fun.

    This group will be starting at 1st level and will be 'no-twink' (only be using gear and equipment found by questing).

    Sound is required as most of us use voice to communicate, but a mic is not required. VIP is not required, but access to most content will eventually be necessary to be able to continue participating with the rest of the group. More details about Drawn By Fate can be found in its main thread here .

    If you are interested in joining us on Monday nights please respond to this thread!

  2. #2
    Community Member Thoom's Avatar
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    Red face

    me me me! Oh yeah, I'm already in it I am pondering my first Paladin so it'll be super entertaining for me. Option 2 would be a Rogue if no one wants that trap role.

  3. #3
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    Default good to go

    Ya, I was also thinking we might make a point of doing each quest only once on elite. I do not know how experience would accumulate (would the characters level faster than the quest levels advance or slower?), but I would like to discourage farming. Also, no buying from AH, brokers, or the DDO store (vendors would be okay, for potions and wands). Focus would be on tactics and teamwork not equipment. What do you think?
    Last edited by Cold_Spike; 05-08-2013 at 06:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    OK I'm on so if you guys need a guild invite let me know.

  5. #5
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Good start last night, marred only by Tesslan getting a bit overzealous which ended with him getting held by the arcane and MELFed to death.

    For our absent WF favored soul, we finished all of the Korthos quests and we are now at L3.

  6. #6
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Default Still looking for more!

    DBF's Monday night static still has one (possibly two) spots open. We just took level four last night and will probably be hitting the Lost Seekers (WW) chain next week.

    If you are looking for a static group playing from 10 EST to 12 EST and might enjoy a bit of light role play send me a PM or send an in game message to Mansoor on Sarlona.

  7. #7
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Default Welcom new party members!

    Looks like Monday will have two new characters joining us:

    Ninpoe the Halfling Deep-wood sniper


    Zanbaur the Half-Orc ranger.

    That makes our current roster make up:

    Bruggs - Drow (?) druid 4 and party leader

    Tesslan - Human wizard/rogue 3/1

    Desmorgue - Elf (?) sorcerer 4

    Xerxax - Human (?) cleric 4

    Zanbaur - Half-Orc ranger 4

    Ninpoe - Halfling ranger (?) 4(?)

    Looks like we had to bump our absent WF Fvs (sorry Warhulk) but I'm sure he doesn't mind much since we haven't seen him, like, EVER! (He's more than active every other day of the week though!)

    See you all Monday!
    Last edited by Postumus; 05-24-2013 at 03:58 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Thoom's Avatar
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    Red face

    Desmorgue is on Thursday nights with Warhulk's icy sorceror (remember us chain firing soundbusts?)

    Jorotte the drow paladin is Mondays (Hor-oat-tay)

    I cant believe out of my 13 characters you cant remember what I play on a specific night

    Ok I had to look up who I play so I could write this post

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Hey guys--

    Unfortunately I'm not going to make it Monday due to Memorial Day and all of the bbqing, socializing, etc. that's required.... disappointed that I can't play and also meet the new team!

    Good luck in WW


  10. #10
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xerxax View Post
    Hey guys--

    Unfortunately I'm not going to make it Monday due to Memorial Day and all of the bbqing, socializing, etc. that's required.... disappointed that I can't play and also meet the new team!

    Good luck in WW

    No worries. We'll see you next week. I'll post what we ran if you feel like catching up later in the week.

  11. #11
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    We ran a bunch of harbor quests, kobold assault, the two L2 marketplace quests, and Redfang. No chains.

    Bruggs won't be able to make it next week and he requested that we not run any chains without him, so we'll probably run proof is in the poison, freshen the air, irestone, and maybe the depths quests.

  12. #12
    Founder Warhulk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Looks like we had to bump our absent WF Fvs (sorry Warhulk) but I'm sure he doesn't mind much since we haven't seen him, like, EVER! (He's more than active every other day of the week though!)

    I'm just there to fill an empty spot when someone goes missing.

  13. #13
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Default Face full of AWESOME!

    Oh Most Revered and Powerful of Wizards Lord Greyfall,

    Today the leader Bruggs, the self-styled 'druid', was absent. No doubt the poor excuse for a hedge wizard was off digging about for magic roots to nurse some rare moth back to health or some such nature worshiping nonsense.

    That left me charged with the burden to lead our motley band of mercenaries (the members of which I swear seems to change weekly) onward to victory, glory, and the pursuit of power. Although I remember the cleric Xerxax and the holy warrior Jorotte from previous adventures through the sewers of Stormreach, I confess I cannot recall seeing Zanbaur or the Warforged favored soul before.

    Overall the group was silent (most likely in awe of my impressive magical abilities) but responsive to my commands, and they followed direction as well as could be expected. My powerful magics enabled us to drive the vermin and filth inhabiting the sewers of House Deneith before us, flushing it out as so much flotsam and young Kobolds are flushed into the harbor of Stormreach after a heavy rainstorm.

    Of course being the most powerful individual I did most of the heavy lifting. At one point the group was relying so heavily upon my magics that I commented to them "My power is such that I could easily do this myself, and I'm not sure why I bother to bring you along with me!" There was no reply, as of course there could be none to such obvious truths, but I could tell they felt lucky to be allowed to accompany me in my inevitable march toward glory and fame.

    Shortly thereafter, when I was in the midst of disabling a particularly nasty trap (which would no doubt have decimated the party - you see I really do everything for this group), Xerxax, apparently scared or nervous about something, leaned up against me for protection and knocked the delicate tools from my hands which caused the device to EXPLODE IN MY FACE! The fireball which nearly killed me also knocked the foolish cleric unconscious! Fortunately I had already cleared a path to a safe resting place within the underground canals and the poor, terrified group of miscreants were able to drag me back there so I was able to recuperate.

    When I was revived, I calmed their nerves and bade them press on. They were reluctant, rightfully so as anything powerful enough to harm me would be death for them, but I gathered my strength and soldiered on so they would have a leader to follow. We ran into a couple more mishaps not worth mentioning before finally completed our sojourn of the secret underworld of House Deneith and returned to the surface to claim our rewards.

    I must admit we were so successful with me at the helm, that I do not foresee any problems forthcoming should Bruggs never return from his wanderings. Of course I have you to thank for recognizing my inherent greatness and putting me, your faithful disciple, on the path to glory and fame (although I was probably destined to find that path eventually).


    Your faithful servant (for now),

    Tesslan Shadowfade.

    PS- I was just kidding about the 'for now' part. (not really)

  14. #14
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    Default I have returned

    I am glad the group survived despite whatever meager assistance Tesslan was able to contribute. The ineptitude of his wizardry is only surpassed by the incompetence of his trap-smithing (which I am sure will be the death of us all at some point).

    Nevertheless, I have returned from my travels to the far east. While there I visited the most populous city in the world, which was very difficult for a wilderness-loving person like myself.

    I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

    Good fortune,
    - Bruggs

  15. #15
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cold_spike View Post
    i am glad the group survived despite whatever meager assistance tesslan was able to contribute. The ineptitude of his wizardry is only surpassed by the incompetence of his trap-smithing (which i am sure will be the death of us all at some point).

    Nevertheless, i have returned from my travels to the far east. While there i visited the most populous city in the world, which was very difficult for a wilderness-loving person like myself.

    I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

    Good fortune,
    - bruggs

  16. #16
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Long overdue update.

    Drawn By Fate: Monday is still going strong with all six original characters.

    Tesslan Human WIZ/ROG 18/2/1 Enchanting and manipulating the weak willed.
    Xerxax Human CLERIC 20/1 Finding traps & moving slowly.
    Bruggs Dwarf DRUID 20/1 Attracting ticks & fleas; shedding.
    Twizzix Drow Ranger 20/1 "The Paralyzer"
    Zanbauer Half-Orc RAN/CLR Chopping big things into little things
    Jorotte Elf MONK 20/1 LRing every other week.

    At this point we have completed nearly all the heroic content on elite except for Shavarath, Reaver's Refuge, Dreaming Dark, and the last of Mindsunder.

    We have also completed the raids Chronoscope, Tempest Spine (I believe), and possibly Vault of Night (can't recall).

    Last week we completed Prey on the Hunter and attempted Monastery of the Scorpion. We had some bad luck with the latter as our cleric was already AWOL, and our monk DC'd part-way through the quest due to a tornado. In short, our end fight with Sannyasi did not go well at all.
    Last edited by Postumus; 04-30-2014 at 01:37 PM.

  17. 12-25-2014, 07:56 PM

    Seasons Greetings!

  18. #17
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default Season's Greetings

    Greetings, fellow Monday-night adventurers. Drow-clan festivities for Festivult have drawn me away from our regular adventuring activities, but I sorely missed our regular foray into hostile territory last week. Fear not, Tesslan, the yearly bath is nigh-'tis the season. May I dare to hope that your robes and hat will be freshened up for the new year? At any rate, thanks for spotting the traps (mostly) and getting the bad guys to dance to your music. Jorotte, ever-centered and ki-awesome, thanks for watching our backs (and fronts and sides). Zanbaur, slice-and-dice master, thanks for always getting up close and personal with all the baddies. Xerxax, thanks for keeping us buffed, healed, and alive. Bruggs, thank you for the fantastic lightning shows and super-cool Flames of Purity!

    Please let me know what quests to make up before next Monday.


  19. #18
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default Round and Round

    Jeez, going round and round Xy'zzy made me dizzy...and dead. We'll get the big B next time.


  20. #19
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default Monday Night Static Group TR Update

    Drawn By Fate’s Monday-night static group is still going strong with five original characters and one new upstart. Apparently, our wiz/rog, Tesslan, was having too much fun at level 28, so he sent his good friend, Nacolito, to TR with us instead. Tesslan was terrific, and we’ll miss him (Tesslan who?), but Nacolito is pretty cool and fits right in. Here is the current roster as we begin our second lives:

    Bruggs Halfling Rogue 3
    Jorotte Half-Orc Barbarian 3
    Nacolito Human Cleric 3
    Twizzix Human Paladin 3
    Xerxax Drow Bard/Fighter/Rogue 1/1/1
    Zanbaur WF Wizard 3

    Jorotte was unable to join us due to more pressing RL needs, but we look forward to running with her next week.

    We discovered our former cleric, Xerxax, has a bit of a roguish dark side—that or he’s just faster than the rest of us, and we’re all jealous.

    After our TR, we were dazed and confused for so long it’s not true, but we did manage to run all of the Korthos quests without incident. We headed to the Harbor to gain access to our airship for a much needed rest. As we were passing the Wayward Lobster, Guard Jung grabbed Bruggs by the arm and begged him for help in getting rid of the kobolds’ new ringleader. Luckily, Bruggs held himself in check, and Guard Jung kept his own arm. We figured we had nothing to lose, and we’re never THAT tired. We completed the quest quickly and called it a night. We’ll begin next week at level 3.

    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 03-25-2015 at 10:36 PM.

  21. #20
    Community Member Rig_O_Mortis's Avatar
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    Default March 30

    Last Monday, we ventured out with a full group to tackle level 2 quests (except for Stealthy Repossession, which we shelved until next week). All were run on elite; all were finished flawlessly except for one minor blip in Recovering the Lost Tome. Our WF wizard was slogging through the southern passage wondering if being made partially of metal and standing in dirty water made him a more likely target for electrocution when it hit him like a bolt of lightning...why, yes, yes it did. ZAP! We flipped the lever and got him to a shrine pronto. Otherwise, it was a quiet night of mayhem. We are now at level 4.
    Last edited by Rig_O_Mortis; 04-03-2015 at 02:00 PM.

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