Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
I think you're misunderstanding comes from you thinking DDO is an MMO. It's not. It's an instanced solo game with co-op/social options, and this is why DDO is a niche game and why it doesn't have to compete with other MMOs. The ability to solo your way to cap/to be self-sufficient and not need a healer. To be able to just grab the first five and go. All of this stuff comes with a price, and that price is that new players need to have an easy entry into this solo arena. Unfortunately, this isn't the current case. New players join thinking this is an MMO and build toons as though it is and casual players don't usually know how to build/gear their toons. This causes them to get frustrated and leave the game. Devs are now focusing on fixing this, and that is why we're getting things like Iconic Heroes.
DDO is for me as much an mmo as is WOW or WAR or any other.
There is always the choice to solo or group.
I tend to run solo and only group when its the only option to finish something or when its pvp and i am in the mood for leading a group or joining a group where i know people.
But mostly i run solo because i often have to go afk or quit midquest.
Well ok, often its also that i am to annoyed by noobs, no not newbs i mean noobs.
And from what i have seen in my years of mmo gaming this is how play most of us.

And honestly i dont see Iconics fit in there, mmo gamer are a longtime crowd.
We tend to play 2-3 years the same game and then change to the next.
With so much time invested Iconics are a dead end, especially when you consider all the grind and investment you have to do.
Gearing out the char, grinding epic dest. xp, Tomes, Bank/inventarspace.
Sure some will like them but i dont see them as really popular, make them TR able and they would be popular.
For me there doesnt even need to be a PL feat or any other bonus from a Iconic life.
Just let me TR into it and TR out of it, i dont even want the xp to 15 or any of the gear.
And from the comments here i am not alone with that wish, so it really remains to ask why dont we get that?