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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    Why not?
    Wouldn't you want people to be foaming at the mouth to buy these for the great xp?
    Honest question...
    They did that with the House C challenges when they first came out, and then nerfed the hell out of them.

    It's called bait-and-switch.

    It's not a good thing to do. Neither is bringing out quests that people complete and then look at the time it took, look at the XP report and think .... man, I'm never doing that again.

    We don't need any complex formula to work these things out. Take a group of their own internal QA people who I'm going to state are average players, time them through the quest. Let them do it 2 or 3 times with no dev hacks. Use their time to set it to 1k/min. Veterans will be able to do it in 2k/min, maybe quicker but so what, you've set the bar where the average player should be.

  2. #62
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Deadlock View Post
    They did that with the House C challenges when they first came out, and then nerfed the hell out of them.

    It's called bait-and-switch.
    Yep, they nerfed them twice in one week. Which after much wailing and nashing of teeth from the players who had bought the most expensive quest pack to date (at the time) the devs finally replied that the second nerf was a mistake. They have yet to rectify that mistake despite saying that they would. Seems like their "easy to adjust switch" only goes one way. ;-p

    A lot of players used to run challenges on the dead exp levels to help get to cap. I bet the increase in exp pot sales from having removed a source of exp at high levels is the reason why they haven't fixed their mistake.

  3. #63
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    Well, as some people said, "man, im not running this again".
    First quest is really long with a stupid amount of half boss enemies that even my level 23 FVS had to work a bit, and he ran out of SP (4.2k SP mind you). then the 2nd quest is a bit shorter but still not worth it at all, and the 3rd quest, while being pretty cool, (and it even scared me at the start, GG turbine) itsw XP is still horrible. Not going to touch that ever on my non iconics, its a complete waste. also, I have to talk about this: the blindness item. Who thought making an item that gives you 20% blur and blind on vorpal in trade for getting blinded once in 10 hits is a good idea?

  4. #64
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by YoureDown View Post
    Well, as some people said, "man, im not running this again".
    First quest is really long with a stupid amount of half boss enemies that even my level 23 FVS had to work a bit, and he ran out of SP (4.2k SP mind you). then the 2nd quest is a bit shorter but still not worth it at all, and the 3rd quest, while being pretty cool, (and it even scared me at the start, GG turbine) itsw XP is still horrible. Not going to touch that ever on my non iconics, its a complete waste. also, I have to talk about this: the blindness item. Who thought making an item that gives you 20% blur and blind on vorpal in trade for getting blinded once in 10 hits is a good idea?
    The only interesting bit of the quests : PDK Favor.
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

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