If you want to discuss a particular contradiction you think I've made, please quote the exact post in question, so I may address it. I'm not going to keep going around in circles with you about interpretations of ambiguous statements. Deal with the subject of the thread, which is trading BTCoA raidloot in chests.
Hey, check these out:
Originally Posted by
My point is that your server isn't any different from any other server and it's fallacious to make that implication.
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They do on my server, so what you've said here is obviously utter nonsense or wishful thinking. On your server it might be different, but I seriously doubt it, policing and enforcing it would be a full-time job.
No matter how many artificial rules you put in place, if there's an advantage to be had by going around them, directly to the source then someone will do it and get ahead in doing so, just as in the real world.
These two quotes are direct evidence for the existence of different treatment of endgame loot across servers (assuming, of course, that you are on a different server). This blatantly contradicts the very points being made in those quotes - that servers indeed are the same across the board. There lies your contradiction.
Maybe I was a bit loose with my use of the term 'endgame', hence the quotations. Technically, you could say that endgame is capped characters in capped destinies exclusively doing EE content. I think the looser definition, which is also commonly accepted, is the portion of the playerbase at or close to cap, who participate in high level epics and raids.
I provided more of a quick couple of examples in my description of endgame rather than a coherent definition. If you want to nit pick, go right ahead - but my point remains, folks that run that content predominantly adhere to a fair loot policy. I don't always run EE web - not claiming that I do.
Even if we go with the looser definition (which I actually agree with), the overarching condition is either loot or put up for roll. Period.
However, since you're into quotes....
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What I can say for an absolute fact, based on my own personal experience, is that this kind of behavior occurs predominatly among the 'endgame' community. This includes many players who are considered 'uber' in these circles, which consist almost predominantly of 'veterans'.
In that quote, you actually think that this behavior occurs predominantly in the "endgame" community. Then you immediately proceed to throw the majority of "uber" players and veteran folks into that mix, thereby accusing the top players of the server of participating in the selling or trading of btcoa gear. See the issue yet?
Whether or not we agree that 'endgame' is exclusively EE on XP capped toons, has no bearing on the principle being discussed here. Let's not deviate from the real debate, by getting bogged down in semantic smokescreens.
Agreed on this one. It wasn't my intention to come across as if my definition of endgame was exclusive to xp capped toons running only EE. They were extreme examples to get at, what I thought, was a pretty simple thing.
I disagree with the notion that anyone but the player in question should have any say in how they choose to dispose of their loot.
And this is where the disagreement lies. The raid loot that falls under your name is NOT your loot to do as you please outside of keeping it. If I was in the party, I helped you get that loot - the freedom you have is that you can take it for yourself. Otherwise, you give everybody in your party that is interested in the item to have a fair shot at it.
You know how we pass loot on argo? By not rolling against someone we are trying to help out. Its a self-correcting system that requires the input of the entire party. You alone, can't make that decision.
Let me be overtly clear with that last point: If the entire party agrees to give, say, the wizard in the group a stormreaver's tablecloth, then the person who has it puts it up for roll. Wizard rolls. Nobody else rolls against wizard, wizard gets item. Legitimately, with no potential drama.
I'd hazard a guess that only a tiny fraction of people who are pulling BTCoA raid items are doing so in an EE context. That's not what this thread is about, it is about the principle of buying or selling BTCoA raid loot, the majority of which isn't pulled in EE raids. You may well be correct in your blanket statement that this NEVER happens in your EE raiding circles, but that's tangental to this discussion.
I've addressed the EE restriction already. Even in EN or EH fot or citw, loot must be either looted or put up for roll. End of story.
Please explain the point of ever joining a run where folks pass loot to their favorite folks? The moment a person feels slighted in a group where loot was passed, word gets around immediately, and those people get blacklisted.
I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean. What have I disregarded exactly, be specific.
Quote time!
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Complete strawman argument, what's the likelyhood that it happens on one server and not another? All I have to do then is find one example to completely invalidate your argument. Oh look, there's one right there in the first post of this thread, I didn't have to look very far did I?
The next step for me will be to start a new thread to gather specific examples of this happening on YOUR server. I know it has happened on your server, just as much as it has on the other servers. I guarantee it.
So, when words like "majority" and "overarching" are used, do you find that one example that makes your case nullifies the initial point?
You disregard my acknowledgement of the existence of loot passing in some instances on argo. You'll always find an example, but they will exist in some low basal level that has no bearing on the servers general attitude toward the passing of raid loot.
You finding one example MAKES my point that the majority of people on argo don't pass loot. That doesn't mean ALL people on argo don't pass loot. Those that do come out in the wash, and then get blacklisted.
My rationalization is that my loot is mine to do with what I see fit. I don't see any inconsitency or fallacy in that basic principle. All I see here is the debate being steered into ever narrowing definitions of the situations that people want to generalize about being privy to. If that's just the tiny fraction of players in your EE raiding circle, it certainly doesn't cover the majority of situations where the practice of trading for BTCoA raid loot occurs.
I've already addressed these points earlier. Your loot is yours when its unbound. Raid loot is NOT yours to do as you see fit outside of keeping it. You do your grouping circle and/or party a huge disservice by communicating with a person of interest behind everyones back, and giving that person the item.
If EE raids are the only content you play, then you simply aren't qualified to generalise what happens in the other 99% of situations where BTCoA raid loot is being pulled. I started a seperate thread which invites Argo players to discuss the prevalance of the practice being discussed in this thread, which I will leave on the backburner for now, with the forums being in their current state.
Addressed previously
Not that any other examples besides the one outlined by the OP of this thread are required to validate my position.