I don't know about other servers. But I've had tremendous success these last few months with LFMs that read, "Quick XXX, no slackers." Typically:
Elite Abbot
Elite ToD
Elite Shroud
Most of these runs are fast and fun. No more than 5min to form (the groups are rarely full at 12, usually 6-9), and fast completions. I usually have 3-5 guildies in the group. Some highlights include three random EH FoT PuGs where we had 0 healers and everyone was told to heal themselves. All three of those runs took less than 10min and 0 deaths.
I usually take anyone who clicks on the LFM. I don't mind first timers. I don't even mind people who can't speak/hear English. I just ask that first-timers or those who can't hear/understand spoken English to be up front about it, so I can explain or type as needed. I can't be bothered to interview applicants (remember the Shroud, "Do you have BBs? Link please.") or screen people's YourDDO. It's a waste of my time and not fun.
I DO MIND SLACKERS. I mean, the LFM says "no slackers." I know that even "random" PuGs, even with first timers, even with some players who can't hear or understand spoken instructions, can run quickly and efficiently. I consider that fun.
Slackers come in all shapes and sizes. The most common form of slacking is arriving in an "off" destiny. In most cases EDs are even more important than class split. You can get more XP in two runs of any of the popular XP quests, like House of Blades (in what, 2min? 4min?) than in most raids. Come to raids in your best ED and show off! Don't come to raids in your worst ED to slack off.
What do I do about it? Well there's really nothing I can do about it. You can't kick people who are already in the raid. But it's really easy to squelch people that have an incompatible playstyle or philosophy. I'm not out to change anyone's minds or debate anyone. That's not fun.
I want to emphasize that I've had, especially in the last few months, especially great PuG groups. And I've been able to maximize my limited gaming time because of these "pick up groups" inbetween scheduled guild raids. But today, I had an especially bad group of five slackers in the same CitW run... including one vocally argumentative player on a melee (20rog) in Magister 2 who thought it was "unfair" that I squelched him so I could forget him and not accidentally accept him into a future LFM I host.
I'll probably get a lot of predictable responses to this post. Here are some preemptive responses.
(1) You're so great why do you PuG at all?
Well it's a social game, and it's fun to PuG. I meet a lot of fine players that I don't already know. I've always been struck by how open and generous most DDO players are. I do only EE raids in all guild groups. But there's no reason not to PuG EH or Elite raids.
(2) I'm a casual player! You must take me no matter how much I slack because otherwise I won't be able to run those raids!
Too bad. I don't work for you. I don't work for Turbine. You have your fun. I'll have mine.
(3) Why should I listen to instructions in raids? I've done this raid plenty of times. This raid is easy.
Most raids require coordination. If you aren't going to listen in one raid (ignoring questions/instructions, or doing the opposite of what's asked), you will likely cause grief or failure in another raid. Most players listen to instructions or offer good suggestions. I choose not to raid with people that won't or can't listen.
(4) If you need people in main destiny for EH you are doing something wrong...
Yes! Because it's so wrong to (a) not want to wait an interminable amount of time waiting for a group to fill to 12, or (b) not wanting to spend forever in a raid because DPS sucks... I am totally wrong, but I just want to play well with good players who are trying to play well and considerate of other people's time.
(5) Troll, troll, troll...
Smurf, smurf, smurf!