As the title suggests . Just a thought , maybe we get one in update 18 or maybe it's with the expansion idk , maybe it's all together .
As the title suggests . Just a thought , maybe we get one in update 18 or maybe it's with the expansion idk , maybe it's all together .
There has been little to no useful info released about shadowfell
" All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage." -Sherlock
Thelanis Server -Kwei Li, Morrgane, Scatach Una, Aislen, Crowker of the Black Company, Vespir, Nigella of the Mist, Faolan, Sanpaku, Craevin
If they're going to charge me extra money for the expansion, a raid would be a great marketing tool....
Otherwise, I'll be disappointed before even looking at it.
I did some exploring of the Wheloon public area before the update and also examined the new entries for quests and wilderness areas. The description for Update 19 all but guarantees a raid to destroy the secret weapon of the Netherese (or as some on these forums call raids, "yet another solo quest," haha).
There are three lvl 15 quests in Wheloon, which suggests that Update 18 is in fact a "preview" of the expansion as was Update 13 (which also had three new quests). However, all the quests and the wilderness area are listed as lvl 15 only. I certainly hope that the expansion will give us an "epic" option for at least the quests, otherwise little reason besides PDK favor to spend a lot of time there since xp awards will be minimal (if any) for lvl 25.
No quests are listed for the Stormhorns, which suggests that only the wilderness area will be available for preview in update 18. That's fine, but the wilderness area is listed as lvl 19, which again gives fairly little experience in our advance to lvl 28 in the expansion. I hope the actual expansion kicks up the lvl of the wilderness area to 25 or 26.
Anyway, here's hoping character copy still works!
" All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage." -Sherlock
Thelanis Server -Kwei Li, Morrgane, Scatach Una, Aislen, Crowker of the Black Company, Vespir, Nigella of the Mist, Faolan, Sanpaku, Craevin
Shorlong - Pale Master, Cevon - Druid Archer, Gorgnak - Barbarian, Addanc - Bear Tank, Juristash - Shadar Kai Assassin, Treiah - Morninglord Tempest Ranger, Baylfyre - CC Bard, Deimanus - Bladeforged Melee Arti, Daerian - Healing Cleric Morninglord, Krazig - Pally Tank, Veriste - Shadar Kai Death Knight, Xanapheia - TWF FVS, Helainia - Shadar Kai Henshin-Theif
Leader of The Dark Creed
" All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage." -Sherlock
Thelanis Server -Kwei Li, Morrgane, Scatach Una, Aislen, Crowker of the Black Company, Vespir, Nigella of the Mist, Faolan, Sanpaku, Craevin