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  1. #1
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    Default Need some help choosing the right calling

    Hello guys,

    I haven't played this game for a veryy long time and I was wondering if someone here could help me a little bit choosing a combo which I would enjoy.

    I would like a class which is very good at soloing most of the content, wearing plate armor and using a 2h weapon (if possible). I don't know if the game changed, but when I last played tanks were pretty useless.. However, if they are now required to beat content I would gladly play a sword and board tank

    Beside this, I have a fighter level 20 and I was wondering if I should simply TR him, as in... Is it a good past life ? What would be my best options ?

    Thanks all !

  2. #2
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    If I may,
    Sounds like what you want. A melee that can solo a lot (if geared), uses a 2h (and a bow, twice the fun)
    Only issue is you wanted plate armour.. Although, you can take adamantium armour instead of mithral, but you lose evasion.
    Not my build (of course), but I've got one sitting at level 23, grinding out some armour.. very fun, and I'm around the top of the killcount a fair bit (if only 'cause blitz is OP).
    Only issue, it requires two p2p classes, and a p2p race. (artificer, monk, and warforged respectively)

  3. #3
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    I took a look however I am not quite amazed by this build... I'm more of a human race player and by 2h I meant stuff like swords and axes, not sticks

    I saw some paladins builds which looked quite neat, not sure if they are effective though... Also, I am not sure if I should TR my fighter or if fighter past life isn't good...

  4. #4
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    How about
    Human version, same deal; dps, healing, saves, decent defensive stuff, manyshot for burst dps.
    Only issue, robes, not heavy armour. And frankly, both juggernaut and pyrene can solo content. Both use axes/swords, only a few juggernauts use sticks (and I only do it because I can't get any really nice 2h weps).
    If this doesn't appeal to you, then what do you want, aside from heavy armour/2h? You say you weren't amazed by the juggernaut, but what WOULD amaze you?

    Also, don't TR if you have Menace of the Underdark. It's good fun to play at epics and level epic destinies.
    Not trying to be snappy, had a rough day, and not quite sure what you want from a build, besides armour (why?), and a big weapon lol

  5. #5
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    Hey there, thanks for helping out.

    The reason why I want heavy armor with 2h weapon is purely a matter of esthetic, I simply like my characters to wear armor and not some cloth

    When I said I wasn't amazed, I might have spoken too fast... I watched the video to see it in action, however it had 2 things which made it really not appealing for me... 1. Warforged 2. Stick

    Pyrene seems to fit my expectations and the armor on the screenshot seems acceptable, not some random cloth :P I wouldn't mind the p2p classes, however warforged is simply out for me

    When I last played, I was going to TR as a pure barbarian which was quite strong back then... The only downside was the armor but hey, can't have everything either I guess ><

    Could you tell me more about the whole TR thing ? Because if I remember well, TR was to get more stats (36 if I remember correctly) and past life stuff...
    Last edited by Khelden; 05-03-2013 at 01:00 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    First TR you get 34 points, second and all thereafter (legend lives), it's 36 pts.
    Every TR you do, per dominant class, gives a PL feat (Stacks up to 3 times), and an "active" feat, which you need to purchase.
    And to say it again, weapons for juggernauts are down to choices - I plan to use an axe, or a greatsword (Epic Sword of Shadows anyone?).
    Pure barbs ARE very strong, dps wise. (oh, some people say they suck dps wise, but w/e)
    They just have sweet **** all defensive options, and healing.. very hard
    For a solo char, you need the healing, along with defensive and dps stuff.. Hence the jugger and the Pyrene.
    Oh, and on the note of TR, if you get 1 past live of every class, you can take completionist feat.. 2 to all stats, and 2 to all skills (I think, too lazy to check :3)

  7. #7
    Community Member Khelden's Avatar
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    I see, and would fighter PL feat benefit Pyrene ? As for Juggernaut, the Warforged is simply a no no

    Considering we do get more stats, I think I will TR... It will also help me to get back in the game, starting from the start

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    A Cleric, with enough of a Fighter splash for proficiencies and filling in extra feats would be effective at soloing up until endgame.

    I think how complex and min/max you want to go is up to you. Do you want a pure martial class, or are you OK with spallcasting for easier play?

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