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SO hey there guys, spent last night playing the new Neverwinter Online...
Seems to be a lot of games recently hypes themselves up and turns out to be a big let down.
Yeah I hear you, Im a fan boi, *err wrong* i hold no allegiance I am chaotic Neutral.
In any case, after downloading the game and client, which by the way must be capped or its all the other ten thousand ppl downloading at the same time, I managed to create a character on Dragon server and had to wait in que for about 40 minutes at 10pm PST(only 3 servers, hmmm sounds like a beginning of D3 oops again) the beginning graphics looked okay, not the top notch but hey we know once they start they lag behind newer stuff coming out.
Played till level 8, but here are my thoughts on it
Graphics - eyecandy is a little above so so, cranked at max but basically looks a lot like a combo of GW2, DDO, and Terra - oh and no way to set full screen at 1920 - yup sticks itself in window mode. although you really dont notice it after a while.
Quite of abit of things not syncing up and tearing from movements. But other than that, it does beat DDO's outdated graphic engine.
Environment - Most items are not interactable, you cant break barrels, go on a rampage etc, mostly no interactions or static movables. some places to search for collectable type stuff, but you need to spend money on kits before you can even use things like an arcane alter, or nature things, yup you gotta cough up dough to farm. But the non interaction with environment really detracts from it all. DDO you win this one hands down. [I dont always rage, but when I do, I break always break boxes with head ~Horig the halfling barbarian]
Controls and layout - This is typical of what MMO games have become, its a rehash of GW2 button setup, No customizable anything, you are limited to what you can immediately use, so macros? dont even think about it. If any of you have ever played Age of Conan, yup thats about it. Even WoW had a better set up than this. Your screen blacks out when you go into inventory or any other windows.
Props DDO we can run and have window open and a near unlimited bar space for macros and clickies.
Audio - Holy cow, did someone kill their audio production team, muted background music that is lack luster, Actors that really would be better off not saying anything at all, cheesy sounds and yes mouth and voice no where near working together. DDO is better but not a whole heck of a lot.
Enemies and AI - DDO kobold union workers.... its either they stand around while you hit them or they stare at you trying to drool on you, very very low AI, they wont even run at you if you are close to line of sight, so archer away and you will win the day. most places respawn the same enemies within 2 minutes of death or less. So what you will but DDO AI is a load lot better.
Quests - This one is kind of a toss up depending on what you prefer, the quest layouts etc for Neverwinter are al la GW2 exactly, everyone running around in the same area trying to kill enemies and complete quests which are the same type of quests that you would see in GW2, WoW - bring me 5 of those, kill 10 of them. Blah. DDO quest set ups are my personal favorites. Its kind of hard to achieve the diverse objectives, but then I know others like the GW2 way.
Microtransaction - sheesh you thought Turbines inclusion of astral shards was bad, Neverwinter has 4 different currencies including *gasp* Astral shards. After seeing this I had to see if Cryptic studios was owned by WB or Turbine subsidiarity. Its not.
I had high hopes for Neverwinter Online, but its kind of a let down in what I was expecting, certainly no DDO killing machine by any means. Its free to play now where as DDO only went free to play much later in the game after release. What is no doubt vexing the population of NEverwinter is those long wait ques, those who paid for their founder packs from $50 on up to $200, and others are playing the game for free and they still have to wait in line to log in.
Dont really foresee this one getting a lot of callers.