4 Rogue/ 16 Wizard/ 25 epic
True Neutral/ Neutral Good
*Combat Casting
Defensive Fighting
Dimiss Charm
*Eschew Materials
*Greater Intelligence
*Greater Intelligence
Heroic Durability
*Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
*Improved Mental Toughness
Inscribe Wizard Scroll
*Insightful Reflexes
Light Armor
Magical Training
Martial Weapon proficiency:
*Mental Toughness
*Mobile Casting
Past Life:
Artificer x3(+3 Int base skills, stacking)
Barbarian x3(+30 HP, Stacking)
Bard x3(+6 saves vs. Enchantments & Illusions, +3 Bard Song usage)
Cleric x3(+3 DC Conjuration spells, +3 Turn undead attempts/rest, Turn undead as if +6 levels)
Druid x3(+3 all ability Score Summoned Creatures, Charmed Minions, and Hirelings)
Favored Soul x3(+3 Spell Penetration check, +60 Spell points)
Fighter x3(+3 DC Tactical Feats)
Monk x3(+3 Damage Rolls)
Paladin x3(15% more Health when affected by Positive Energy)
Ranger x3(+6 Damage Ranged Weapons, +6 Elemental Resistances)
Rogue x3(+6 Saves Vs Traps, +3 Damage when Sneak Attacking)
Sorcer x3(+3 DC Evocation spells, +60 Spell points)
Wizard x3(+6 Spell Penetration Checks and DC of Wands you use)
Simple Weapon Proficiency:
Heavy Crossbow
Heavy Mace
Light Crossbow
Light Mace
Throwing Dagger
Sneak Attack
*Spell Focus: Evocation
Trap Sense
Uncanny Dodge
Uncanny Dodge (Dodge Bonus)
Base Stats:(naked 25) Equipment: Gems: Epic Destiny: Total: Mods:
STR 15 +2 +2(17) +1(3) - - +1(18) +1(4) 18 +4
DEX 25(27) +7(+8) +10(37) +5(13) - - +1(38) +1(14) 38 +14
CON 19 +4 +6(25) +3(7) - - +1(26) +1(8) 26 +8
INT 33(37) +11(+13) +12(49) +6(19) - - +7(56) +4(23) 56 +23
WIS 15 +2 - - +2(17) +1(3) +1(18) +1(4) 18 +4
CHA 15 +2 +1(16) +1(3) - - +1(17) +0(3) 15 +2
(The next section is comprimized of more complex Derived info. Assume inaccurate. Much of this IS partial. So it may be a minimum of information.
May be different than stated in end. Any help appreciated. Should ultimately include any other information that can be derived and is not listed elsewhere in this post.
Including information not yet included in this section!)
HP 390?
SP 1950? +10% 2145?
FS +9 +3(12) +7(19) +2(21) - +1(22) - +22
RS +21 +6(27) +7(34) +3(37) - +15(52) - +52
WS +12 - +7(19) +3(22) - - - +22
BAB 11/11/16/21 +12(regular) +1(Sneak) +7-8(flank) 31/31/26/51 - 32/32/27/52
DC 10(base) +23(Int) +1-8(Spell Level) +4(evo) +3(conj) +34-42(+38-46Evo)(37-45Conj)
AC 10 +14 60(64 Tumbling)(This includes 7 from protection +7)
Dodge 12%
Miss 32.5%(55.5% with Displacement)
Lightning: +205sp +20%crit +165%mod +2SPen
Negative: +105sp +12%crit +50%mod +2SPen
Other: +15sp - - +2SPen
---End of section.
Name Base Items Gems Epic Destiny: Total:
Skill StatMod (misc) Base Bonus StatMod Gem(mod) direct StatMod
Bal(Dex) +23 +8 +9 +40 +20(60) +5(65) +2(67) - +1(68) +68
Blu(Cha) +0 +2 +7 +9 +25(34) +1(35) +2(37) - - +37
Dip(Cha) +0 +2 +7 +9 +20(29) +1(30) +2(32) - - +32
Dis(Int) +23 +13 +12 +48 +20(68) +6(74) +2(76) +6(82) +4(86) +86
Hag(Cha) +0 +2 +7 +9 - +1(10) +2(12) - - +12
Hid(Dex) +4 +8 +9 +21 +25(46) +5(51) +2(53) +6(59) +1(60) +60
Int(Cha) +0 +2 +7 +9 - +1(10) +2(12) - - +12
Jum(Str) +10 +2 +9 +21 +15(36) +1(37) +2(39) - +1(40) +40
Lis(Wis) +4 +2 +9 +15 - - +3(18) - +1(19) +19
Mov(Dex) +4 +8 +9 +21 +25(46) +5(51) +2(53) +6(59) +1(60) +60
Ope(Dex) +23 +8 +9 +40 +20(60) +5(65) +2(67) +6(73) +1(74) +74
Rep(Int) +0 +13 +10 +23 - +6(29) +2(31) - +4(35) +35
Sea(Int) +23 +13 +12 +48 +20(68) +6(74) +2(76) +6(82) +4(86) +86
Spo(Wis) +23 +2 +9 +34 +20(54) - +3(57) +6(63) +1(64) +64
Swi(Str) +4 +2 +9 +15 - +1(16) +2(18) - +1(19) +19
Tum(Dex) +18 +8 +9 +35 +15(50) +5(55) +2(57) - +1(58) +58
Use(Cha) +4 +2 +10 +16 - +1(17) +2(19) - - +19
Con(Con) +20 +4 +7 +31 - +3(34) +2(36) - +1(37) +37
Hea(Wis) +0 +2 +7 +9 - - +3(12) - +1(13) +13
Equipment bonuses:
Call Lightning Storm(CL20,3/day)(84sec duration)
Jump(CL15,3/day) (15 minutes, +30 enhancement)
Spell stats:
Nulification +90 (Equipment Bonus Negative(Necrotic) Spell Power)
Magnetism +90 (Equipment Bonus Electricty Spell Power)
Superior Void Lore (+12% Negative Spells Chance to Critical Hit, and +0.50x Crit Multiplier)
Superior Lighting Lore (+12% Lightning Spells Chance to Critical Hit, and +0.50x Crit Multiplier)
Arcane Casting Dexterity(-10% ASF)
Blurry (20% miss Chance from Concealment)
Cloudburst (hit Chance Trigger Cloudburst, Striking with lightning and dealing Sonic Damage to surrounding enemies through powerful Thunderclap)
Damage Reduction 10/good ( -Physical Damage by 10 except from good alligned weapons)
Deathblock(immune to all death Spells and magical death effects.)
Demonic Might(+2Str(Profane))
Diversion 20%(-20% Threat Melee Damage)
Dodge Bonus 3%(insight)
Enhancement bonus +6 AC
Enhancement +8 (attack and damage)
Exceptional Seaker +5 (+5 Insight Bonus to confirm Critical Hit, Critical Hit Damage(Before Multipliers)
Feather Falling
Feat: Mobility (+2 Maximum Dex Bonus, +4 AC while Tumbling, +2% Dodge Bonus(?))
Freedom of Movement (move and attack normally while under influence of magical impedences to movement such as paralysis, solid fog, slow and web.)
Ghostly (Partially Icorpreal, -miss chance against Incropreal, Enemy Attacks: 10% Miss chance(Concealment) Hide and Move Silently +5 Enhancement Bonus)(x2)
Improved Deception(+5 Enhancement Bonus Bluff Checks, Chance to Envelop Target in Darkness making them vulnerable to Sneak attacks)
Invisibility Guard (+Chance grant Temporary Invisibility When hit. Not be removed when attacking or taking damage. Wears off after 10 seconds.)
Incredible Potential (Choose Bonus from list)
Lesser Displacment(25% miss chance from concealment)
Lightning Strike(On-Being-Hit 1.5% chance to strike with Lightning. 20d20+400 damage (610 average strike, 9.15 average hit))
Melee Alacrity 10% (10% melee speed Enhancement bonus)
Nightmare guard (Chance to apply Mind Thrust effect when hit(deals 5 to 40 Force Damage, Will vs. Enhancement Negates) May also expose to greatest fear acting as Phantasmal Killer spell)
Planar conflux
Planar Focus: Erudition (Spell Penetration IX, +250 Spell points Enhancement bonus, +15 Universal Spell Power Psionic Bonus)
Resistance +7 (+7 resistance bonus on all Saving Throws)
Rough Hide +3 (+3 Natural Armor primal Bonus)epic destiny planner
Seeker +10(+10 Enhancement Bonus Confirm Critical hits, Critical hit Damage(Before Multipliers))
Striding +30 (Bonus to run speed)
Supreme Good (3-18(3d6) damage to non good targets.Only weilded by good-aligned)
Tendon Slice 10%, or Stun10%, etc(undecided) (10% Chance to Hamstring target for each attack that does Damage)
Theif Acrobat(set)(+15 Jump competence bonus, %Chance to Unbalance opponent, causing -2 AC)
Toughness(+20 HP Stacks with all other bonuses except other toughtness)
True Seeing (Notice Secret Doors Hidden by magic, See exact location of Blurr/Displacement effects, See invisible creatures normally)
weapon dice multiplier +0.5
Charged Spellcasting V
Deadly Shocks V
Human Adaptability Intelligence I
Human Greater Adaptability Dexterity I
Improved Balance II
Improved Disable Device II
Improved Hide II
Improved Jump II
Improved Listen II
Improved Move Silently II
Improved Open Lock II
Improved Search II
Improved Spot II
Improved Swim II
Improved Tumble II
Racial Toughness I
Rogue Dexterity I
Rogue Faster Sneaking I
Rogue Improved Trap Sense II
Rogue Item Defense I
Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training II
Rogue Subtle Backstabbing I
Storm Manipulation VII
Wizard Intelligence III
Wizard Subtle Spellcasting IV
Spell List:
*Definite(unless absolutely needed otherwise)
Others I may switch in and out
* Obscuring Mist
* Schocking Grasp
* Chill Touch
* Merfolks Blessing
Ray of Enfeeblement or
* Fog Cloud
* Touch of Idiocy
* Electric Loop
* Gust of Wind
* Invisibility
* Sleet Storm
* Lightning Bolt
* Displacement
Ray of Exhaustion
Water Breathing
* Solid Fog
Crushing Despair
Phantasmal Killer
* Death Aura
* Enervation
* Negative Energy Burst
* Dismissal
* Teleport
Mind Fog
* Ball Lightning
* Cyclone Blast
* Eldar's Electric Surge
Waves of Fatigue
* Greater Heroism
* Chain Lightning
* Necrotic Ray
Greater Dispell Magic
Globe of Invulnerability
* Banishment
* Greater Teleport
Invisibility, Mass
Finger of Death
Waves of Exhaustion
* Trap Soul
* Sunburst
* Horrid Wilting
Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 11
+3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 11
+3 Tome of Constitution used at level 11
+3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 11
+3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 11
+3 Tome of Charisma used at level 11
+4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
+4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 15
+4 Tome of Constitution used at level 15
+4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 15
+4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15
+4 Tome of Charisma used at level 15
+5 Tome of Strength used at level 19
+5 Tome of Dexterity used at level 19
+5 Tome of Constitution used at level 19
+5 Tome of Intelligence used at level 19
+5 Tome of Wisdom used at level 19
+5 Tome of Charisma used at level 19
Epic Destiny:
Shadow Dancer:
Shadow Training 1:
+1 Sneak Die for Each level of Shadowdancer
Shadow Training 2:
(Activate) (lv1)(CD: 5mins)Temporary Full movement and jump whole stealthed for 30 seconds
Shadow Training 3:
(Activate) (lv2)(CD: 2secs)Toggle: Generate 20% less Melee and Ranged threat.
Shadow Training 4:
(Activate) (lv3)(CD: 1min) Use Shadow Walk up to 5/rest using weapons that qualify for weapon finesse, you gain 3% Profane Bonus to your chance to doublestrike.
Shadow Training 5:
(Activate) (lv4)(cd: 1min) Use Dimension Door 5/rest. CD for Shadow Training 2 -2 minutes
Dark Elusion
(lv5) Evasion. When you roll natural 20 (melee, ranged) envoloope target in shadow, granting 5% vulnerability to physical damage and removing it's immunity to sneak attack for a short duration, if applicable.
Dexterity or Intelligence: +6 Int
Tier 0
Stealthy (3) +6 hide and move silent. +6 assassinate DC. You gain Hide in plain sight.
- Acrobatic(3)(*) +6 Balance, Jump and Tumble and +9 to reflex while Tumbling
Technician(3) +6 Search, Spot, Disable Device, open lock and flanking bonus to attack
Tier 1
* Lithe(3)(*)(+6 reflex, AC and light armor dex Max Dex bonus)
Skill Mastery(1) +1 All skills(stacking)
Tier 4
Sealed Soul(1) Immunity to Drain Energy
Twist of Fate:
Fast Healing (You heal 6D20HP each minute using Postiive energy)
Draconic Spell Augmentation(Passive Bonus: Adds special effect to spells of your heritage. Electric spells have a [5/10/15]% chance to reduce enemies' Reflex save by 10 for [10/20/30] seconds)
*Endless Blessing(Spell point pool increase by 10%. Echoe of Power restore up to 30 SP.)(Replace Draconic Spell Augmentation with this)
Unearthly Reaction (+3Ddoge, +6Reflex. When you tumble you will phase out from reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so.)
* Epic Darkstorm Helm: Call Lightning Storm(Cl20,3/day) Nulification +90, Magnatism,+90, Superior Void Lore, Superior Lightning Lore, GAS
* Epic Golden Guile: Ghostly, Diplomacy +20, Bluff +20, Improved Deception, Charisma +1(exceptional), YAS
* Planar Focus of the Erudition: One of the following:(Charisma +8,INsightful Char +8, Int +8, Ins Int +3, Wis +8, Ins Wis +3), (Spell Penetration IX, +250 Spell points Enhancement bonus, +15 Universal Spell Power Psionic Bonus)
* Cloak of the Night: Invisibility Guard, Ghostly, Deathblock, Nightmare guard, Dodge 3%, DR 10/good
* Morah's Belt: Jump(CL15,3/day), constitution +6(enha), Tumble +15, theif Acrobat(set)
* Ring of Shadow: Hide +20, Move Silently +20, Lesser Displacment, Ghostly, YAS
* Morah's Band: dexterity +6, Exceptoinal Dexterity +1, Thief acrobat(set), Incredible Potential
* Nether Grasps: Arcane Casting Dexterity, Open lock +20, Diversion 20%, Seeker +10, Demonic Might
* Surefooted Boots: Balance +20, Striding +30, Feat: mobility, GAS
Halcyon Boot: Halcyon Mind, Dexterity +8, Striding +30, Potency +80, YAS, CAS
* Bracers of Twisting Shade: +20 DD, +20Search, Exceptional Seaker +5, Blurry, Resistance +7
* Hide Of Goristro: +6 enhancement bonus, +3 Dexterity Insight, Toughness, Rough Hide +3, Melee Alacrity 10%, (Vertigo +10(one of..))(Tendon mod!)
* Intricate Field Optics: Spot +20, True Seeing, +8 Intelligence(enh) or +3Int(insi), YAS, GAS
* Sireth, Spear of the Sky: +8 Enhancement, Supreme Good, Lightning Strike, Cloudburst, Freedom of Movement, Feather Falling, Planar conflux, +0.5 weapon dice multiplier, RAS
+1 Charisma(exceptional)
+6 Constitution(enha)
+6 Dexterity(enha)
+3 Dexterity(Insight)
+1 Dexterity(Exceptional)
+8 Intelligence(enh)
Skills: (Competency) (Enhancement) Epic Destiny Total:
+20 Balance +20
+20 Bluff +5 +25
+20 Diplomacy* +20
+20 Disable Device* +6 +26
+20 Hide +5 +6 +31
+15 Jump +15
+20 Move Silently +5 +6 +31
+20 Open lock* +6 +26
+20 Search* +6 +26
+20 Spot +6 +26
+15 Tumble +15
+1 all stats Stacking
+6 Int
Augment slots:
Incredible Potential
- Natural Armor Bonus +1-7
* Protection(deflection bonsus) +1-7
- Resistance bonus to Saves +1-7
- Physical Resistance Rating +2-7
* Fortificatoin: Light to Heavy
- Hit Point:(False Life) +5-35
* Good Luck +1-2
- Armor Max Dex Bonus +1-2
- ASF Reduction: 5%/10%/15%
- Elemental Damage: +1 - 1d10
- Equipment Bonus to spell power +30-114
- Bypass Material Based DR
- Bypase Alignment Base DR
- Elemental REsistance +5 - +35
- Spell Points: power1(10sp) - Archmagi(200sp)
- Move Speed: Striding 5% - 30%
- Feather Falling
* Underwater Action
- Proof Against Disease
- Poison: +2 - +10
* Blindness Immunity
* Fear Immunity(ML8)
- DeathBlock(ML12)
- Spell Focus
- Greater Spell Focus
Enhancement Bonus Ability +1-7
- Exceptional bonus ability +1
- Insight Bonus Ability +2
[size=1]Of the BAS options I think I will take +7 protection, Heavy Fortification, and +2 luck!