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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Touch of Death Nerfed - WAI or bug?

    I've been doing some testing with Touch of Death and found that it has been significantly nerfed compared to live.

    You trigger touch of death and get a normal attack, including any offhand/doublestrikes, and the touch of death damage is added to all hits that are part of that attack animation.

    You trigger touch of death and get a single attack (no offhand or doublestrike procs at all) and touch of death damage gets added to that attack.

    This means that when you use touch of death, you no longer get multiple touch of death damage procs, and on top of that, you don't even get your normal offhand or doublestrike attacks. For some high-end DPS monks, using touch of death may even be a net decrease in damage for that attack animation. For a Tier 5 enhancement requiring an entire line of enhancements to unlock, as well as 50 Ki to use, this seems very harsh. I am hoping this is a bug and not intended.

    As a note, this same behavior also applies to the Elemental Word attacks and the Tier 2 Elemental Ki Strikes (Fists of Iron seems especially stupid with this behavior, since there's no way I'd give up my offhand attack and doublestrike just for +3[W] and +1 Crit multiplier and range). This may also apply to other attacks, such as Void Strike or the Shintao strikes, but I have not had time to test those. The elemental attacks attached to the stances seem to work as before with no change.

    I have bug reported this, but thought I would mention it here as well in case it is not a bug.
    Last edited by OneWithShadows; 04-30-2013 at 01:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    That's not good.

    Considering the cost for what you get, TOD is already not that super-awesome and pales IMO compared to shadow fade, a lower tiered ability.

    Well, I was going to TR back to a light monk anyway.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneWithShadows View Post
    I've been doing some testing with Touch of Death and found that it has been significantly nerfed compared to live.

    You trigger touch of death and get a normal attack, including any offhand/doublestrikes, and the touch of death damage is added to all hits that are part of that attack animation.

    You trigger touch of death and get a single attack (no offhand or doublestrike procs at all) and touch of death damage gets added to that attack.

    This means that when you use touch of death, you no longer get multiple touch of death damage procs, and on top of that, you don't even get your normal offhand or doublestrike attacks. For some high-end DPS monks, using touch of death may even be a net decrease in damage for that attack animation. For a Tier 5 enhancement requiring an entire line of enhancements to unlock, as well as 50 Ki to use, this seems very harsh. I am hoping this is a bug and not intended.

    As a note, this same behavior also applies to the Elemental Word attacks and the Tier 2 Elemental Ki Strikes (Fists of Iron seems especially stupid with this behavior, since there's no way I'd give up my offhand attack and doublestrike just for +3[W] and +1 Crit multiplier and range). This may also apply to other attacks, such as Void Strike or the Shintao strikes, but I have not had time to test those. The elemental attacks attached to the stances seem to work as before with no change.

    I have bug reported this, but thought I would mention it here as well in case it is not a bug.
    If you get a chance please test out every ki attack to make sure they haven't messed any other ones up.

    You have got to be kidding me why devs why? If its not broken please don't "fix" it. Every time they mess around with an ability especially the [w] modifier ones they screw it up for twf in that it doesn't play nice with double strike and offhand attacks.

    ToD basically is the capstone of the ninja spy tree considering all but one of the core abilities are awful. They need to revert it to its live state asap.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by KielbasaBeta View Post
    If you get a chance please test out every ki attack to make sure they haven't messed any other ones up.

    You have got to be kidding me why devs why? If its not broken please don't "fix" it. Every time they mess around with an ability especially the [w] modifier ones they screw it up for twf in that it doesn't play nice with double strike and offhand attacks.

    ToD basically is the capstone of the ninja spy tree considering all but one of the core abilities are awful. They need to revert it to its live state asap.

    I logged on briefly this morning before work, and it looks like Void Strike, the philosophy attacks in Henshin Tier 5, and the Shintao attacks work the same way as ToD. It looks to me like all the enhancement-based attacks work this way and the feat based ones (elemental attacks based on stance feats and the philosophy attacks) work as they do on live.

  5. #5
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    Of note: I tried out Touch of Death with Kamas, and it triggered both on-hand and off-hand attacks. (ToD damage proc'ed on both.) Unarmed borked again, it looks like.

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