Originally Posted by
I think the difficulty here is that TP aren't money, and they don't have a consistent monetary value.
Say I go to the Turbine store, spend $5, get points, and spend those points buying 5 ribbons. Clearly, they've gotten $5 or so from sale of ribbons, right?
Now say instead I roll a bunch of alts on servers I've not been active on, and run each of them around farming favor until I get 100 TP per server from favor bonuses. And now I buy 5 ribbons. How much did they get from the sale of those ribbons?
My actual DDO account has, at the moment, some number of Turbine Points. Among them:
* Points I got from favor.
* Points I bought. Does it matter that I bought them during a 3x bonus points sale?
* Points I bought as part of a pack along with the expansion pack.
* Points I get for being a VIP.
Please advise: What is the correct dollar value for them to donate if I buy 5 ribbons using these points?
Keep in mind, if they claim they are donating "the proceeds", they have to be able to prove that the number they picked is correct. People could threaten them with legal hassle. Say they just average out the dollars I've spent and the points I have left. And then I threaten them with legal action, because while their average is about right, I feel that the points I spent back when I first started playing were obviously all from the much cheaper per-point pool I got when I bought the expansion pack, so now I expect them to be weighting this heavily towards the more-expensive points from my VIP subscription, which I believe should be priced as $10 per 500 points, because it's $10/month and I am getting 500 points and since I haven't logged in much the entire $10 has gone into getting those 500 points.
Basically, I don't see a way they can do this that isn't a huge nightmare to work out. If they donate less than about a buck per ribbon, people who buy small amounts of points to donate will feel like they're being scammed. If they donate most of a buck per ribbon, they lose a ton of money from all the people whose points were probably quite a bit cheaper.
Solution: They donate money, and they accept points for ribbons if you wanna contribute something, but you can get ribbons free if you have any worries about it.
Frankly, it sounds fine to me.
Look. I'm just gonna eat the forum warning or something if this gets hit by the mods, but I gotta say it.
For ****'s sake, people. The people at Turbine are living someplace that just got hit by ****ING BOMBS. There are a whole heck of a lot of people in Boston who know someone who is missing one or more limbs now that they weren't missing a month ago. The chances are not bad at all that some of the people you're picking on were within a block or two of a ****ing terrorist attack. And you are sitting here trying to argue that this is some kind of horrible cash grab.
I would be really, really, surprised if the net result of all this were that Turbine ends up "profiting". My guess is that they'll donate more money than they take in, even disregarding the costs of the development work and the extra time and effort. And that since it's impossible (as in, literally, there is no way to do it) to come up with a universally-agreed estimate of the value of the points spent, there will be no way for them to ever "prove" to anyone's satisfaction that they really did just donate some money to people in need because people they know have been hurt.
And this? This is really, really, sad. It is pathetic that y'all are jumping on them for being people. How dare they! How dare they have emotions. How dare they care about their community. How dare they act out of emotion rather than fully planning out the details in advance and making sure no one would object!
Screw. You. I am happy with what they're doing, I trust them to be acting in good faith, and I think I'm gonna go buy some points and some ribbons just so that they know that somewhere, somehow, at least one person is not busy trying to accuse anyone who acts out of emotion of running some kind of scam.
(Sorry, mods. I have considered, and I do not feel I can tone this down further. If you have the time, please edit out what you have to and leave the rest, 'k?)