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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013

    Default Regarding 10k stars and ranged Balance !!!!

    I remember the devs stating that 10k stars was to be made into a feat . Which had some of us thinking yay maybe different classes will get a chance to stay pure and have a chance at a great ranged output !!!

    Now you have kept your word i guess , cause 10k became a monk related feat which is super easy to obtain and you do not have to give up much for it with the change to pre req feats and prestiges .

    And yes extra shot can not compare in no way shape or form , This change will actually push you to have monk levels for 10k even more .

    You Turbine , Did not address that balance , Other bow users wanted away to stay ranged most of the time too , Yes the pre"s look a little better now/more clickie . But everything an AA can get That monkcher can get plus 10k and an extra crit multiplier with really no drawback ..

    I hope you have more to give to us outside of extra shot ! More along the line of extra shots ... plural also with a higher rate !!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    How would non-Monks generate the ki to activate 10kS? Especially if they're full time archers who dont melee?

    Unless you're suggesting they remove the Ki requirement and just make it a clicky like Manyshot? In which case, you're just making it another Manyshot on a quicker timer with a wis req...thats not really adding diversity to the game, its just adding another must-have cookiecutter feat for archers.

    Since its always preferable to offer a better idea when you shoot one down (no pun intended): how about adding enhancements to Ranger and Fighter Ranged Kensei that shorten the cooldown on Manyshot, down to maybe 1 min cooldown when fully invested? That way, non-Monk archers (which, really, are Rangers and Fighters) can achieve something like a similar ROF without having to go Monkcher.

    And Monkcher itself doesnt become obsolete, since Monk itself offers many other bonuses over Fighter/Ranger that offset the need to spend a feat on 10kS/Zen Archery.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid_327 View Post
    How would non-Monks generate the ki to activate 10kS? Especially if they're full time archers who dont melee?

    Unless you're suggesting they remove the Ki requirement and just make it a clicky like Manyshot? In which case, you're just making it another Manyshot on a quicker timer with a wis req...thats not really adding diversity to the game, its just adding another must-have cookiecutter feat for archers.

    Since its always preferable to offer a better idea when you shoot one down (no pun intended): how about adding enhancements to Ranger and Fighter Ranged Kensei that shorten the cooldown on Manyshot, down to maybe 1 min cooldown when fully invested? That way, non-Monk archers (which, really, are Rangers and Fighters) can achieve something like a similar ROF without having to go Monkcher.

    And Monkcher itself doesnt become obsolete, since Monk itself offers many other bonuses over Fighter/Ranger that offset the need to spend a feat on 10kS/Zen Archery.
    They " Devs " can easily implement a ranged charge up via stacks or whatever !! It's not unfathomable it can be thought !!

    Monkchers wouldn't loose there viability at all ! I wouldn't want them too atleast , But they shouldn't be the only ones with that type of high rof when it comes to ranged weapons .

  4. #4
    Community Member HotMaarl's Avatar
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    Default monkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonkmonk

    Dear devs,

    My server is drowning in characters wearing black pajamas and pew pew'ing with a Pinion. Please moderate this. Thank you.

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