Let me preface this post by saying I already know I'm not running with the hottest PC hardware known to man, but my current rig is will withing the 'recommended' specs for Standard DDO.
With this latest patch (4/29/13) my client is now freezing (i.e. framerate drops to 0) EVERY 6-7 seconds. And I mean every 6-7. Doesn't matter what character I am using, or where I am in the game (MP, dungeon, alone inside my airship, etc.) or what I am doing. Standing alone doing absolutely nothing or in the middle of a pitched battle, every 6-7 seconds my client framerate drops to 0. Things pick up and starting moving normally again, until I get to the next 6-7 second cycle.
I haven't changed a single tiny thing on my PC.
Anyone else experiencing this? Or have any advice? I've already turned down my gfx settings, makes no difference. Tried submitting a bug too, but I got an error in game when I clicked 'finish'.
Any input would be appreciated since the game is nigh unplayable in this state.