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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Impact handwraps broken, or am I confused?

    Quick Q about the effect of Impact handwraps...

    I've been building up these:

    Did a force ritual and added an icy burst kit, so there's been a fair amount of time/money invested in these things (and they're BtC anyway, so I can't even fob them off on some poor sucker ). My understanding of Impact is that it's supposed to double the critical range, so for handwraps, it should be 19-20, no? I'm not seeing that on the description (see pic); somebody mentioned it won't show up there, but I'm *also* not seeing it from the combat log. A 19 just rolls normally, every time, while a 20 counts as a critical hit.

    Just to test, I bought another pair of Impact handwraps from the store, and they have the same non-functionality, so I'm wondering if I'm just completely confused about what's supposed to happen, or if they're buggy. Nothing I've tried seems to matter, e.g. stance, pajamas and so on.

  2. #2
    Community Member Toro12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Dang it.
    Just about finished dinging 25 on my monk and have a pair of +1 impact of lacerating , icy bursted waiting for TR(and finished farming tokens)
    Glad I didn't force ritual them yet.

    Was thinking of waiting for the EnH pass before TRing anyway don't know if I could get a pally past life in before it released.

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