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  1. #1
    Community Member ~Alkon's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Default Repost - Paladin Enhacements Feedback

    I am a 15pal/3monk/2ftr on live,
    Around 1k hp when TWF; 110~ac ,123PRR and 84Inti when tank mode.
    Cure serious wound heals myself for 180+ without Maximize/ED.
    Here is my feedback to the new pally enha.

    Kight of the Chalice
    Slayer of Evil 1: +1 to-hit, +1d6 damage, +2 to saves vs. either undead or evil outsiders.

    Courage of Heaven: Your aura of courage grants an additional +2 sacred bonus to saves against fear and now grants +2 sacred bonus to saves against enchantment. You also gain +1d6 damage to attacks against all evil enemies.

    Slayer of Evil 2: You choice in slayer of evil 1 gets improved to +2, +2d6, +3

    Improved Courage of heaven: Saves improved by an additional +2. Damage bonus increased to 2d6

    Slayer of evil 3: Your choice in slayer of evil 1 gets improved to +4, +4d6, +3
    this line is a buff to me, took first 4(for Improved Courage of heaven )

    Champion of Good: +2 Cha, courage of heaven improved by an additional +2, weapons considered good aligned, and +1d6 against evil, and an additional +2d6 against evil outsiders and undead.
    2cha is ok but i'd like use+2str since this is dps tree.
    However, to pure paladin tanks , put this in kotc is a nerf.

    Tier 1:

    Extra turning (3 ranks): +1/2/3 turn attempts
    how about combine this with Improve Turn undead and put another useful skill in T1or2 ?

    Divine Light (3 ranks): Your Undead now also deals +6d6/+12d6/+18d6 to nearby undead.
    This is ok at low levels but garbage at end game.

    Extra remove disease (3 ranks): +2/4/6 uses of remove disease
    Is there still anyone care about Remove Disease?
    Suggestion:combine Improved Restoration to it with Level requirement for higher ranks.

    Exalted Smite (2 AP): +1 Smite evil, and +1 crit multiplier on smite evil
    Its good to see they combined but "+1 Smite evil" part is unfunctional.
    The visual effect(white splash) is back , and must trigger twice if youre twf,nice.

    Attack Boost (3 ranks)(2 AP): +4/6/8 to hit for 20 seconds
    As the pre-req of Damage Boost ,its way too expansive, should be 1AP each rank.

    Tier 2:

    Improved Turning (requires extra turning)(3 ranks): +1/2/3 levels when turning, and +2/4/6 HD turned.
    See "Extra turning".

    Divine Might (3 ranks)(2 AP): You gain your charisma modifier to strength as a sacred bonus for 30/60/120 seconds (20 seconds CD)
    Cha/level requirement is gone, awsome.
    On live, I have 30cha unbuff and never use rank4(+8dmg) so its just -1 dmg to me,
    but I gain more STR mod for tactic skills and versus knock down type effects.
    The animation is gone but it STILL break my Swing for 2~3 secs, and dosent stack with STR bonus(compentence bonus) from Sacred Defence tree, please fix it.

    Rally (3 ranks): Channel divinity remove fear from target. Target gets +0/4/4 morale to will saves vs. fear and +0/0/2 to attack for 60 seconds.
    How about change it to something like : "Remove fear from target.Target gets +4/6/8 morale to will saves for 30/60/90 seconds"? People needs Will save in EE.

    Exalted Smite (Requires Exalted Smite rank 1)(2 AP): +1 Smite evil and +1 crit range and multiplier on smites
    See above.

    Damage boost (Requires Attack Boost)(3 ranks)(2 AP): +10/20/30% damage for 20 seconds.
    See above.

    Tier 3:
    Improved Restoration (3 ranks): Remove disease also gives lesser restoration (not sure what happens on rank 2/3)
    See above.

    Divine Sacrifice (3 ranks)(2 AP): +1 Crit multiplier on attack, and 5/7/9d6 light damage, but costs 5 HP and 1 SP.
    Nomore level requirement, awsome.

    Vigor of life (2 AP): +10% healing amp
    Love it.

    Exalted Smite (requires exalted smite rank 2)(2 AP): +1 Smite evil, gives +2 multiplier and +1 threat on smites
    See above.

    Str or Cha (2 AP): +1 Str or Cha

    Tier 4:

    Censure Demons (2 AP): Vorpals stun chaotic outsiders for 3 seconds
    Sounds ok but not interested.May be more useful in future.

    Passion (requires divine sacrifice)(3 ranks): Divine Sacrifice gains: On damage: Gain 1/?/? temp SP if used on EO/Undead

    Vigor of life (requires Vigor of life rank 1)(2 AP): +10% Healing Amp

    Exalted Smite: +1 Smite evil use. +2 Crit multiplier and threat range on smites

    Str or Cha (requires Str or Cha rank 1)(2 AP): +1 Str or Cha
    See above.

    Tier 5:

    Censure Outsiders (2 AP): Censure Demons now also works on evil outsiders

    Vigor of Life (requires vigor of life rank 2)(2 AP): +10% Healing Amp
    See above.

    Holy Retribution (3 ranks)(2 AP): CD 6 seconds. Channel Divinity: Executes a powerful strike against the target that deals +1/2/3W damage.
    On damage: Undead/EO with less than 1k hp have a 50/75/100% chance of having to make a will save (DC 10+1/2 paladin level+cha modifier) or be destroyed. On a successful save it deals 100 holy damage.
    Why should i use this to a mob that I can kill in 10 swings?
    Simply change it to "Deal 50/100/150 holy dmg.When target EO/UD's HP is lower than 50% , lower their Will save by 4/6/8(or more)"

    Sealed Life (2 AP): Immunity to energy drain
    Yay! .

    Sacred Defender

    Holy bastion (passive): You gain +1 hit point and 1 positive energy spell power for each action point you spend in this tree. Eache sacred defender core ability you possess grants +2% fortification
    Compare to Live, my hp slightly increased but pos power(devotion) is 23 points lower than Paladin Devotion III (60),and to the players who dont want to use defencer line, its a nerf.
    Classes that abel to heal should have another way to increase postive energy.

    Divine righteousness (active - 2ap): Channel divinity: You gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma score and a 100% sacred bonus to threat generation for 60 seconds
    Same as Divine Might.Instant casting but still interrupt attack animation.

    Sacred defense (stance - 2ap): Shield defensive stance: You gain 10 PRR and a 50% bonus to threat generation. While in this stance, you move 10% slowe
    Dont need a shield to active.
    Its expansive to make it equal to the old version. So I dropped all ac stuff which is the most useless element to me in EE.
    What I get is +2str +5%hp(about 50, but i also drop 2con for other sweets.) than Live.

    Redemption (passive - 2ap): Added spells - raise dead - resurrection - true resurrection
    I use resurrection scroll with 90% cast chance , so not interested.

    Glorious stand (active - 2ap,5 Mins cooldown): Channel divinity: For a short duration you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'
    Same as Live, **** long CD.

    Eternal defender (passive and stance - 2 ap): passive: You gain +2 charisma and your range of unconsciousness extends by 40 hit points.
    Toggle: While eternal defender is active, if you drop below 0 hit points but are not killed, two uses of turn undead are immediately expended and you receive a reactive heal for 250 points of positive energy healing
    Not interested , no comment.

    TIER 1
    Improved sacred defense stance (passive - 1ap):
    - durable defense: while in sacred defense, you gain +5/10/15 competence bonus to prr
    - inciting defense: while in sacred defense, you gain 25/50/75% bonus to melee threat generation
    - resilient defense: while in sacred defense, you gain a +1/2/3 competence bonus to all saving throws
    See above.

    Item defend (passive - 1ap): You have 25/50/75% chance to negate potential item wear
    Please remove this **** from the game, forever.

    Extra lay on hands (passive - 2ap): +1/2/3 lay on hands use per rest
    Takes 1 ap higher if I only take 2 ranks than Live.

    Sacred armor mastery (passive - 1ap) : +1/2/3 armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus
    Seriously , Devs should reconsider all AC involved enha,they are all low contribute but high cost.

    Saves boost (active - 2ap): activate to gain a +2/4/6 action boos bonus to all saving throws for 20 seconds. While under this effect you do not automatically fail saving throws on a roll of a natural 1
    Lower the ap cost to 1/rank please.Oh wait nobody gonna take this.

    TIER 2

    Bulwark aura (passive - 1ap): your aura now grants an additional +1/3/5 armor class
    The Aura line is disappointing ,I suggest combine them into one or cut the connection between them.

    Sacred shield mastery (passive - 1ap): +5/10/15% shield armor class and +1/2/3 tower shield maximum dexterity bonus
    AC again , see above.

    Defense boost: (active - 2ap) (needs save boost): Activate to gain +5/10/15 action boost bonus to armor class and prr for 20 seconds

    TIER 3
    Resistance aura (passive - 1ap) (needs bulwark aura, same rank): Your aura now grants an additional +1/2/3 to saving throws
    See above.

    Greater sacred defense (passive - 2ap) (needs a previous greater sacred defense):
    - hardy defense: while in sacred defense, you gain +2/4/6 competence bonus to constitution
    - strong defence: while in sacred defense, you gain +2/4/6 competence bonus to strenght
    - tenacious defense: while in sacred defense, you gain +10/15/20% competence bonus to maximum hit points
    See above.

    Charisma or constitution (2 ap)

    TIER 4

    Swift defense: sacred defense no longer reduce your movement speed
    Its OK but not interested.

    Spellshield aura (passive - 1ap) (needs both previous auras, same rank): Your aura now also grant a +1/2/3 sacred bonus to spell resistance
    See above.

    Instinctive defense (passive - 1ap): you take 5/10/15% less extra damage when struck while helpless
    Its OK but not interested.

    Charisma or constitution (2 ap)
    Blahblah .

    TIER 5

    Defensive smiting (passive - 2ap): you gain 10/25/50 sacred temporary hit points for one minute when you use the smite evil or exalted smite abilities
    What?6ap for 50 temp HP??
    Is it the best you can get for Pally T5 tank tree?
    How about move Eternal defender to T5 to replace Defensive smiting ,and put another Champion of Good to Core line?
    I am bad at ending
    In Short ,I know pally is stronger than Live.
    Its good to know Dev actually hear the advices and made improve,but compare to other classes , its a ? mark.
    Really like to see UnyieldingSovereignty back in another form , maybe a bonus feat.
    At last , here is my enha FYI :

  2. #2
    The Hatchery SisAmethyst's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Alkon View Post
    Eternal defender (passive and stance - 2 ap): passive: You gain +2 charisma and your range of unconsciousness extends by 40 hit points.
    Toggle: While eternal defender is active, if you drop below 0 hit points but are not killed, two uses of turn undead are immediately expended and you receive a reactive heal for 250 points of positive energy healing
    Not interested , no comment.
    I already think the 'Diehard' feat is rather useless. A tank should never drop below 0 anyway and if one does it's usually rare that one land exactly between those narrow gap of 10HP, well even less then 10. I mean a tank with ~1000HP, that is less then 1% and if those would matter one would probably better of with a toughness.

    Said that I agree that the toggle that autoheal below 0 is quite useless and mehh. If it would be something like below 10% HP one could start to consider it.

    Sacred armor mastery (passive - 1ap) : +1/2/3 armor class and armor maximum dexterity bonus
    Seriously , Devs should reconsider all AC involved enha,they are all low contribute but high cost.
    Also true. Sure the devs said all AC now matters. But well, if a tank now walk around with ~100 AC that +/-1 AC just don't cut it anymore to spend precious AP.
    Last edited by SisAmethyst; 05-05-2013 at 08:14 PM.
    * We have collectable bags, mind you, even hireling folders, but can I have that 6-pack for my potions please?
    * Having already a past life on the dieng EU servers, I rerolled here and started from scratch as I like the game and the community, so lets see what awaits me here

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