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  1. #1
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    Default Divine Reactor 13 FVS/7 Wiz

    I know the enhancements aren't even close to being ready, but for me the fun of finding unique builds can be as much fun (or more) as playing the actual game. So I present...

    Divine Reactor
    The Divine Reactor is a divine build with a deep splash for the force spells to power the shiradi epic destiny. It features a large variety of buffs, solid single target healing and the NovaSoul style light/force/physical/fire direct damage offense. The name reactor is because the FVS mana procs provide a cycle of spell points where each spell can pay for the next one in the chain.

    Build Highlights:
    • FVS mana procs provide mana generation to spam low SP cost spells/heals.
    • 33% crit chance for force spells (assuming only 9% from gear)
    • Divine punishment and blade barrier as "backup" offense
    • Solid fire offense in case force spells, divine punishment and blade barrier just was not enough.
    • 700 hp with self cast Displacement/FOM/Death Ward/Jump
    • Archon means the divine reactor can run in circles and produce shiradi procs out of their... rearview mirror
    • Able to main tank heal raids (with appropriate epic destinies)
    • Able to solo epic elite quests on a first life

    Disclaimer: This is an end-game build, this guide will not address how to get to level 20.

    Human FVS 13/Wiz 7
    36 point build
    18 Con
    16 Cha
    16 Int
    Str/Dex/Wis dump, but eat tomes so you don't go helpless all the time
    For lower point builds, pull the points from con.

    • Maximize
    • Empower
    • Empower Healing
    • Quicken
    • Extend
    • Mental Toughness
    • Improved Mental Toughness
    • Epic Mental Toughness
    • Toughness
    • Epic Toughness
    • Force of Personality
    • Insightful Reflexes

    • Human - 1 rank of human recovery and nothing else in the human tree.
    • Wiz Archmage -Full force crit enhancements, Magic Missile and Chain Missile SLAs
    • FVS Angel of Vengence - Full ranks of the following: smite crit enhancements, Scourge spell power, mana procs and spell level increase

    Spend 76 points in the Archmage/AoV trees

    Key equipment
    • Force spell power/lore - This is the primary offense, it is important
    • Arcane augmentation - Two levels would be nice for max CL on force bolt
    • Radiance/Devotion - always nice to have

    Force pew pew
    • Magic Missile - tops out at CL 10. 7 levels of wiz and 3 levels from FVS enhancements provides CL 10. The divine reactor has both the SLA and the spell available.
    • Chain Missile - tops out as soon as you can cast it (probably a long standing bug). The divine reactor has both the SLA and the spell. My typical way to attack a crowded room is to drop blade barrier at the door followed by SLA CM then spell CM.
    • Force Missile - tops out at CL 12. This is by far my least cast force spell. It is more expensive than magic missile yet it has less chances to proc. When soloing difficult content, I often chose to cast an 8 sp cure moderate during this

    Crit Chance Math
    5% Magic Training
    3% Mental Toughness/Improved/Epic
    8% FVS Smiting Enhancements
    8% Archmage Crit Enhancements
    9% Greater Arcane Lore
    33% Force
    25% Fire/Light
    17% Stuff I don't cast

    Sustainable Spell Power Math
    120 Twilight
    21 Implement
    44 Spellcraft
    40 Angel of Vengence Tree
    38 Archmage tree
    15 Fey Form
    5 Fey Visions
    5 Sixth Sense
    30 Scourge
    --- ---------------
    318 Sustainable
    Actual spell power is all over since skill bonuses now change spell power
    +225 SLAs (Maximize/Empower)

    SP generation
    With the FVS enhancement, every crit provides a non-stacking 10 sp. This means that a cast of magic missile is very likely to provide 10 spell points. By having low cost SLAs, no-meta missile spam and no-meta cure moderate the divine reactor is able to chain cast spells with each spell providing mana for the next spell in the chain. In addition to the active casting, archon and persistent spells like firewall/blade barrier provide SP with each crit.

    What about meteor storm?
    If you want the FVS mana procs and meteor storm a Sorc 18/FVS 2 build would be your cup of tea. Be prepared to work on the saves lost by not splashing pally.

    Why not arcane primary?
    The fusion reactor is a similar build. Warforged 12 sorc/6 wiz/2 fvs. Fire savant with force offense as a backup.

    Recommended ED twists?
    Sense Weakness, Brace for Impact and Lithe

    Recommended ED twists for raid tank healer?
    Renewal, Rejuvenation Cocoon and Brace for Impact

    Why level ups into con?
    Because I like con based builds! Plus also, the only offensive spell where saves matter is blade barrier which is a minor part of the offense.

  2. #2
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    This seems interesting. And would always provide the nice boost to Spell Penetration when you TR out of it once Turbine nerfs Shiradi and (hopefully) makes endgame DC casting viable again.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForumAccess View Post
    This seems interesting. And would always provide the nice boost to Spell Penetration when you TR out of it once Turbine nerfs Shiradi and (hopefully) makes endgame DC casting viable again.
    they wont nerf shiradia seeing how its intended to be the way it is

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForumAccess View Post
    This seems interesting. And would always provide the nice boost to Spell Penetration when you TR out of it once Turbine nerfs Shiradi and (hopefully) makes endgame DC casting viable again.
    It would be nice if they just made DC casting viable without needing to destroy Shiradi. I enjoy playing this quite a bit.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12201 View Post
    they wont nerf shiradia seeing how its intended to be the way it is
    I dont know who told you that but WAI has never stopped other things being nerfed.

    ie: twf, displacement, vorpal, WoP, poison/disease immunity and the list goes on.

    More on topic, neat build. I thought toughness was being removed as a feat though, has this been changed? I havne't been on lamma so I could definately be wrong here.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowballz View Post
    I thought toughness was being removed as a feat though, has this been changed?
    Toughness is not being removed at all, just the Toughness Enhancements. A few classes and races still have them, but at 5 point increases rather than 10, and fewer max ranks in it. Since the class and race enhancements were typically the reason why people took the feat, it is no longer so much of a 'must have' feat. It still works well in a build such as this, where you have no real use for most of the feats since you are relying on no-save spell DPS. But I imagine that most builds will be dropping the Toughness feat for something more relevant to their specialization.

    Quote Originally Posted by 12201 View Post
    they wont nerf shiradia seeing how its intended to be the way it is
    heh Must be new around here.
    Last edited by ForumAccess; 04-29-2013 at 07:41 PM.

  7. #7
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    The sun literally shines out of this guys behind - love the laser proc.

    These are fun thought exercises, I really hope this isn't the direction of the future though - see who can spam the most Shiradi procs, with everyone solving the same problem in different creative ways ... that are fun to figure out, but not really the kind of thing you want in your immersive play experience.

  8. #8
    Community Member Minrothad's Avatar
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    Has anyone tried this build yet? Could use some feedback.. how are the evo DC's looking?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minrothad View Post
    Has anyone tried this build yet? Could use some feedback.. how are the evo DC's looking?
    DCs are meaningless with this build. Blade Barrier + Shiradi = the best Shiradi AE spell ever.

    This build is basically meant for people to use their LR+20 hearts on their rather pointless Human Evocation FvS builds without having to TR. It works with 7 Sorc too, which allows you to focus on pumping CHA for a better mana pool and you get Wind Dance as well. While you don't have the MM SLA, as a Sorcerer you can chain MM and Scorching Ray without waiting on cooldowns. Mana dumping against a boss isn't as efficient as Shiradi builds with Meteor Swarm since Hellball is on a 6 second cooldown. It's a small downside though.

    EDIT: And I completely disagree with the Twists in the OP. Energy Burst (Electric), Boulder Toss and Endless Faith net you alot more mileage.
    Last edited by Carpone; 09-15-2013 at 12:48 PM.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minrothad View Post
    Has anyone tried this build yet? Could use some feedback.. how are the evo DC's looking?
    I tried a similiar build out, and it no longer works since chain missiles no longer tops out as soon as you get it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    I tried a similiar build out, and it no longer works since chain missiles no longer tops out as soon as you get it.
    This was a test server build from a very very long time ago. It was one of the first (posted) builds exploring the FVS/Shiradi interaction.

    I personally now like the wiz primary, and even posted a build on it. Someone else posted another 16/2/2 build with a different enhancement breakdown, but also a lot more detail explaining things. Here are the two threads for a wiz primary:

    If you prefer Sorc, here is a good thread to start with:

    There is also talk of a 14 sorc/4 fvs/2 monk build, but I haven't seen a single consolidated write up with the details on that.

  12. #12
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    I tried a couple versions of this using morninglord iconic to get myself 14 levels worth of test build.

    First, the sorc version. In this case, cleric 1, fvs 6, sorc 8.

    8 levels of the arcane is so the +3 caster levels and +3 maximum caster levels (really only need 2) allow for 6 missiles instead of 5 per cast. 20% more damage and spell crits? yes please!

    casting magic missile is quick, at level 8 sorc the +3 caster levels and max caster levels from fvs angel of vengence I'm getting 6 missiles per cast, pretty much perminantly at 10 stacks of scourge (+30 force spell power) and almost every time I cast, 10 temp SP. I throw in scorching rays at caster level 11 (+3 caster level from fire savant) so 3 rays, often also procs the SP.

    it takes a few casts to kill stuff... would be worse against fire-immune types, but scorching ray is a wonderful no-save spell.

    Second, the wiz version. cleric 1, fvs 6, wiz 8.

    You would think it would have all the above, but fewer SP and slower casting time, but at the benefit of higher crit % for force spells and the spell like abilities for magic missile and chain missile with maximize, empower, enlarge, etc.

    Unfortunately, the wizard versions of these spells are very unreliable at proccing the angel of vengence specials. Sometimes I get them, sometimes not. Even when I see the critical hits in the damage on my screen, my combat log only lists some of them, and often I don't get credit for the spell criticals.

    Also, it says I'm casting the magic missiles at caster level 11, but I'm only getting 5 missiles despite the 3 points of increased caster level. It works on the sorc version of magic missiles, it does not work on the wizard version or on the archmage evoker spell like ability. The extra boom from the max+emp version is nice.. but the fact that the wizard combo is not working as you would expect it to is a deal breaker.

    TL;DR version:

    This works awesome for sorc, the wizard version looks better on paper but it's buggy.

  13. #13
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    If you're getting 6 missiles due to increased MCL in AoV, that's a bug. You should only be getting 5 maximum. Post a screenshot?

  14. #14
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    Does anyone have a link to a 13 FvS / 7 Sorc build they can share? I think the bladebarriers would be great, but I don't know how to make the MM/SR/CM work properly because you won't have enough Sorc caster levels.

    edit: never mind, I figured it out. I'd still love to see a good 13 FvS / 7 Sorc build!
    Last edited by Hathorian; 11-20-2013 at 03:43 PM.

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