Hello lovelies, our guild is currently lv 53, and looking for more fun loving players to raid with, make static parties to farm gears from quests and get into trouble with the netizens of stormreach.

We welcome both experienced and new players alike. We help each other out by answering questions regarding the possible builds of your toon, providing assistance to farm for specific gears, develop dungeon strategies, bugs, exploits etc.

If your new to the game, we will show you the basic ropes to a successful gaming experience. We welcome both team and solo players alike. If your an ambitious player, but lack the experience in determining how you grow fast, we will guide you step by step.

Guild rule no.1- Have fun
Guild rule no.2- Have fun
Guild rule no.3- Have fun
Guild rule no.4- Have an open mind

What are you waiting for!?! Come join us now! (When servers back up, lol)

Do send me a pm if your interested, or simply write down your ign and usual time of play, and we will get to you asap.